09-29-2022, 09:00 PM
Mighty mighty, Pete! But I can't see through it. How is the root value created? See the screenshot. One can't find out the exponent without it.
It's not a mistake, because otherwise one wouldn't get to the exponent. Then what is it?
It's not a mistake, because otherwise one wouldn't get to the exponent. Then what is it?
Code: (Select All)
'Kubikwurzel berechnen - 23. Sept. 2022
Dim As Double n, nDummy, x, rootx, potenz
Input "Wurzelexponent: ", n
Input "Radikand : ", x
rootx = x ^ (1 / n)
Print Using "Kubikwurzel: ###.##########"; rootx
potenz = (rootx ^ n)
Print Using "Und zurueck: ########.###"; potenz
'Exponent ermitteln nach Pete
'nDummy = rootx ^ x
nDummy = 1.06675811 ^ x
Print Using "Exponent anzeigen: ###.##########"; nDummy