09-30-2022, 02:57 AM
Here is a sub for saving and restoring the Screen State I use for Message Box, Input Box and similar. The idea suggested to me long ago by SMcNeill: https://qb64forum.alephc.xyz/index.php?topic=1511.0
Code: (Select All)
' for saving and restoring screen settings
Sub ScnState (restoreTF As Long) 'Thanks Steve McNeill
Static defaultColor~&, backGroundColor~&
Static font&, dest&, source&, row&, col&, autodisplay&, mb&
If restoreTF Then
_Font font&
Color defaultColor~&, backGroundColor~&
_Dest dest&
_Source source&
Locate row&, col&
If autodisplay& Then _AutoDisplay Else _Display
While _MouseInput: Wend 'clear mouse clicks
mb& = _MouseButton(1)
If mb& Then
While _MouseInput: Wend
mb& = _MouseButton(1)
_Limit 100
Loop Until mb& = 0
End If
font& = _Font: defaultColor~& = _DefaultColor: backGroundColor~& = _BackgroundColor
dest& = _Dest: source& = _Source
row& = CsrLin: col& = Pos(0): autodisplay& = _AutoDisplay
End If
End Sub
b = b + ...