(09-30-2022, 08:08 PM)Pete Wrote: Okay, so for something like 8 root of 1025 = 1.0020307827 let's try... 10 * 10 * 10 * 1.025You sure have funny way of saying X to the power of Y!
8 root 10 = 1.2311444133 root of 10 = 1.0210121257 root 10 = 1.0020816051 root 1.025 = 1.0020307827
(09-30-2022, 09:06 PM)Pete Wrote: Well to continue this, I have to put together some sort of an algorithm that limits roots to 10 and factors out ever root above 10 to a number of given iterations.
Here's another approach, the cornerstone being what we rejected earlier ie natural logs and e^x:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Print power##(8, 1 / 1025)
Function power## (x As _Float, exponent As _Float)
Dim step1 As _Float
step1 = exponent * nLn##(x)
power## = eToTheX##(step1)
End Function
Function nLn## (x As _Float)
Dim As _Float term, xbase, coef, sum, newsum
Dim As Long k, count, kPower
sum = 0
term = (x - 1) / (x + 1)
k = 0
xbase = 1
sum = newsum
coef = 2 / (2 * k + 1) ' 2
kPower = 2 * k + 1 ' 1
While count < kPower
xbase = xbase * term
count = count + 1
newsum = sum + coef * xbase
k = k + 1
Loop Until sum = newsum
nLn## = sum
End Function
Function eToTheX## (x As _Float)
Dim As _Float sum
Dim As Long n, i
sum = 1: n = 50
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
sum = 1 + x * sum / i
eToTheX## = sum
End Function
b = b + ...