shortening my sequencing records without writing each record
This portion could be condensed easily like this:

Code: (Select All)
FOR iter = 1 TO 3
    GOSUB 900
    rec$ = rec$ + "RECORD" + STR$(iter) + " "
    afile$ = "record" + LTRIM$(STR$(iter)) + ".dat"
    ff = FREEFILE
    OPEN afile$ FOR INPUT AS ff
    FOR TTP = 1 TO 8
        FOR X = 1 TO 3
            INPUT #ff, ALINE(X, TTP)
            INPUT #ff, TIME(X, TTP)
        NEXT X
    CLOSE ff
    SELECT CASE iter
        CASE 1
            results = 854736
        CASE 2
            results = 431276
        CASE 3
            results = 746352
    GOTO 360
NEXT ''iter

It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out how to involve the other files used in this project.

Messages In This Thread
RE: shortening my sequencing records without writing each record - by mnrvovrfc - 10-01-2022, 03:00 PM

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