You'd think this would be faster, but NO!!!!!! [Resolved]
Steve is pretty good with graphics, but his text ability is pretty half-ASCII. Big Grin

Hey guys, banter aside, just don't miss the point of why I made this post in the first place, to call attention to a peculiar slow-down event, caused by assigning a variable to SCREEN(). Look at it this way, if assigning a variable to avoid repeated asc() checking should speed things up, assigning a variable to SCREEN() should also speed things up; ah, but it didn't. It markedly slowed the animation down. Steve's other suggestion of creating and assigning a new variable to ASC() is correct, but is imperceptible in regard to speed, the difference in speed change by assigning a variable to SCREEN(), in my routine, again, is markedly noteable.

BTW - The CASE 2 part is simply unfinished. I was in the process of adding another condition when this occurred, that's why it is empty with no EXIT FOR, so ignore it, it's not the problem, anyway.


If it helps, I stripped 70% of the code out to make it easier.

Code example 1 demos the speed as it should be.

Code example 2 demos assigning h to SCREEN(), which slows it down 5x.

To find the code in question, search: Check area through width of ship

Code Example #1
Code: (Select All)
' Note: timer is not adjusted for stroke of midnight event, so don't stay up late playing this.
REM Main
f1 = 22 ' Sets font size to 22 and calculates the max screen height and width for your desktop.
h = (_DESKTOPHEIGHT - 60) \ f1
w = _DESKTOPWIDTH \ (f1 / 1.66)
WIDTH w, h
fontpath$ = ENVIRON$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\lucon.ttf" 'Find Windows Folder Path.
font& = _LOADFONT(fontpath$, f1, "monospace")
_FONT font&
_DELAY .25
_RESIZE ON , _SMOOTH ' Allows resizing. Note: this is for slight adjustments. As of this version there is no compensitory function to change the font size during screen size changes.
TYPE gen_var
    intro AS INTEGER ' Runs a protion of the alien subroutine as part of the intro.
    nol AS INTEGER ' Number of game levels.
    level AS INTEGER ' Current game level.
    level_up AS INTEGER ' Routes code to next game level.
    top AS INTEGER ' Top boundary. (Changeable).
    bottom AS INTEGER ' Bottom boundary. (Changeable).
    left AS INTEGER ' Left boundary. (Changeable).
    right AS INTEGER ' Right boundary. (Changeable).
    kb_access AS INTEGER ' Routes code to either Guardian/Alien or general keyboard routine. -1 Guardian/Alien, 0 keyboard.
    mouse_or_key_move AS INTEGER
    play AS INTEGER
    snd1 AS LONG ' Explosion sound effect.
    snd2 AS LONG ' Explosion sound effect.

DIM SHARED v AS gen_var

TYPE guardian
    num AS INTEGER ' Number of Guardians aka lives.
    diry AS INTEGER ' Guardian row move. +1, 0, -1.
    dirx AS INTEGER ' Guardian column move. +2, 0, -2. Equals vertical pixel movement. 16x8.
    y AS INTEGER ' Guardian coordinates row.
    x AS INTEGER ' Guardian coordinates column.
    thrusters AS INTEGER ' Guardian speed. (User Determined).
    m_max AS INTEGER ' Restricts # of missiles fired in one direction.
    m_status AS INTEGER ' Missile status. -1 when fired, 1 while moving.
    m_fired AS INTEGER ' The number of missile deployed and still active.
    m_n AS INTEGER ' FOR/NEXT counter variable shared by other routines to index through the number of missiles fired in a specific direction.
    m_d AS INTEGER ' Missile direction. (1-8).
    m_y AS INTEGER ' Missile row advancement increment: +1, 0, -1 Note: Missile row and column coordinates are defined in arrays.
    m_x AS INTEGER ' Missile column advancement increment: +2, 0, -2. Equals vertical pixel movement. 16x8.
    m_asc AS INTEGER ' ASCII charater representing a fired missile.
    m_launcher AS STRING
    icon AS STRING ' Gardian comm icon. For this edition, it is the same as the flagship: "*"
    flagship AS STRING ' Guardian ascii character.

DIM SHARED g AS guardian

TYPE alien
    max AS INTEGER ' Maximum # of alien ships on screen.
    count AS INTEGER ' Number of alien ships. (Counter).
    itr AS INTEGER ' Iteration array number to cycle through the active alien ships. (Counter).
    cycle_delay AS SINGLE ' Timer cycle controls how fast alien ships move.
    ship AS STRING ' Alien ship ASCII design.


    GOSUB set_arrays

        CASE 1
            CALL set_up
            CALL comm
            v.level = -1: CALL game_level: v.level_up = 0
        CASE 0
            CALL set_up
            CALL comm
            CALL intro
            v.intro = 0: a.max = 0
            GOSUB set_arrays
            v.level = -1: CALL game_level: v.level_up = 0 ' This variable is canceled here so game will play instead of go another level up.

    g.y = (v.bottom - \ 2 + g.x = (v.right - v.left + 1) \ 2 + v.left ' Set initial column and row for Guardian craft.

    CALL game

    GOSUB zero_variables

ii = 15 ' Default max setting for number of alien ships used here to intially dim arrays.
g.m_max = 8 ' * missiles max per direction.
REDIM SHARED a_y(ii), a_x(ii), a_mask_y(ii), a_mask_x(ii), a_inertia(ii) ' Alien movement.
REDIM SHARED a_ran(ii), a_olda_ran(ii), a_y_loc(ii), a_x_loc(ii) ' Alien motvement.
REDIM SHARED m_n(g.m_max), m_x(g.m_max, 8), m_y(g.m_max, 8) ' Guardian missiles.

' Array descriptions and actions.
' a_y() , a_x() Alien ship postions rows and columns.
' a_mask_y(), a_mask_x() Alien ship last position. Masked on next move.
' a_inertia(ii) Number of moves in one direction selected by random for an alien ship.
' a_ran(ii), a_olda_ran(ii) Determines the direction in which the inertia will travel and the prior direction is kept to disallow the same direction twice.
' a_y_loc(ii), a_x_loc(ii) The row and column cordinates of the aliens ships.
' m_n(g.m_max), m_x(g.m_max, 8), m_y(g.m_max, 8)  Missile number and Missile index 1 to g.m_max for position. 8 is the fixed number of 8 different directions.

' Zero variables.
g.diry = 0: g.dirx = 0: g.m_status = 0: g.m_fired = 0: g.m_d = 0: g.m_y = 0: g.m_x = 0
a.count = 0: a.itr = 0: a.cycle_delay = 0: v.level_up = 0: v.mouse_or_key_move = 0: g.m_launcher = ""


' Error handler.
offscreen: ' Prevents error if blast particles row and column are off-screen. Effect is a partial blast on side of screen.
PRINT "Opps, unexpected error"; ERR

SUB intro
    j = (v.bottom - \ 2 +
    k = (v.right - v.left) \ 2 + v.left
    v.intro = -1: a.max = 10
    FOR i = 1 TO 90
        SOUND 900, .05
        CALL alien_move
        LOCATE j, k: COLOR 15: PRINT g.flagship;: COLOR 7
        _DELAY .07

SUB set_up = 3: v.bottom = _HEIGHT: v.left = 1: v.right = _WIDTH
    g.flagship = CHR$(15)
    a.ship = "-<>-"
    g.num = 3 ' 3 Guardian (lives) to start.
    g.thrusters = 10 ' Shows 1/2 thrust at start up on comm.
    g.icon = g.flagship
    g.m_asc = 250: g.diry = -1: ' Initiate missile ASCII character. g.diry = -1 initiates fire upwards if unmoved.
    IF _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") THEN ' Sound effects provided by TheBOB, Bob Seguin, from The QBasic Forum.
        v.snd1 = _SNDOPEN("Thunder1.ogg", "SYNC")
        v.snd2 = _SNDOPEN("Thunder7.ogg", "SYNC")
    END IF = -1 ' Skip into on replay.
    LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT STRING$(_WIDTH, CHR$(196));
    _KEYCLEAR ' Clear any previous key presses in buffer.

SUB game

SUB comm

SUB Guardian_missiles

SUB missile_check (k)

SUB alien_move
    STATIC z5
    y_restore = CSRLIN: x_restore = POS(0) ' Restore column and row upon exit.
    IF ABS(z5 - TIMER) > a.cycle_delay OR v.intro THEN ' z5 is a time delay for alien space ship maneuvers. It can be altered in the "game" subroutine.
        IF v.intro = 0 THEN hh = INT(RND * a.max) + 1 ELSE hh = 15
        FOR h = 1 TO hh
            a.itr = a.itr + 1: IF a.itr > a.max THEN a.itr = 1 ' Needed to offset the EXIT DO hover event, which on exit does not affect the a.itr variable.
            IF a_ran(a.itr) <> -1 THEN ' This is how a destroyed ship is bypassed. -1 is a destroyed alien ship. Code moves to end of DO:LOOP.
                IF a_inertia(a.itr) = 0 THEN ' Determine how many moves in one direction.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = INT(RND * (v.bottom - / 2) + 1 ' How many moves to go in any one direction.
                    a_ran(a.itr) = INT(RND * 8) + 1 ' Choose 1 of 8 possible directions.

                    IF a_ran(a.itr) = a_olda_ran(a.itr) OR a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0 AND ran = 1 OR a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0 AND ran = 5 THEN
                        EXIT FOR ' Just hover if direction was not changed on existing alien space ship or if a new alien space ship is entering from the sides and up or down was generated.
                    END IF

                    SELECT CASE a_ran(a.itr) ' Get changes in column and row coordinates.
                        CASE 1: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0 '  Up.
                        CASE 2: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '  Up and right.
                        CASE 3: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '   Right.
                        CASE 4: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '   Down and right.
                        CASE 5: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0 '   Down.
                        CASE 6: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 '  Down and left.
                        CASE 7: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 '  Left.
                        CASE 8: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 ' Up and left.
                    END SELECT

                    IF a_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_x(a.itr) = 0 AND a_ran(a.itr) <> -1 THEN ' New alien space ship enters the screen.
                        i = RND * (v.bottom - \ 4
                        a_y(a.itr) = (v.bottom - \ 4 + i +
                        IF a_ran(a.itr) < 5 THEN ' Determine side of entry from initial direction.
                            IF SCREEN(a_y(a.itr), v.left + LEN(a.ship)) = 32 THEN
                                a_x(a.itr) = v.left + 1 ' Enter from the left side and go right.
                                CALL a_erase
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                            IF SCREEN(a_y(a.itr), v.right - LEN(a.ship) + 1) = 32 THEN
                                a_x(a.itr) = v.right - LEN(a.ship) ' Enter from the right side and go left.
                                CALL a_erase
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF
                    a_olda_ran(a.itr) = a_ran(a.itr) ' Remember last direction. Another line uses this to disallow any RND that chooses the same direction twice.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = a_inertia(a.itr) - 1 ' Count down the number of moves in any one direction. When zero, switch direction.
                END IF

                FOR i = 1 TO a.max
                    IF i <> a.itr AND a_y(i) <> 0 THEN
                        IF a_y(a.itr) + a_y_loc(a.itr) = a_y(i) THEN
                            IF a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr) + LEN(a.ship) > a_x(i) AND a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr) < a_x(i) + LEN(a.ship) THEN
                                collide = 1
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF
                IF collide = 1 THEN
                    j = a_y(a.itr): k = a_x(a.itr)
                    a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_inertia(a.itr) = 0
                    collide = 0 ' Collision detection off. Collision was detected and avoided.
                    j = a_y(a.itr) + a_y_loc(a.itr): k = a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr)
                END IF

                IF j <= OR k <= v.left OR k + LEN(a.ship) > v.right THEN ' Alien ship out of range off screen.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = 0 ' These two lines keep the out of range ship(s) reasonably nearby.
                    IF j > - 4 AND k < v.right + 3 AND k > v.left - 4 THEN a_y(a.itr) = j: a_x(a.itr) = k
                    IF a_mask_y(a.itr) <> 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) <> 0 THEN
                        LOCATE a_mask_y(a.itr), a_mask_x(a.itr)
                        PRINT SPACE$(LEN(a.ship)); ' Mask old position here because the show part of the mask and show routine cannot be used when out of range.
                    END IF
                    a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0
                    ' Check for v.bottom collision and reverse course if detected.
                    COLOR a.itr
                    IF j >= v.bottom THEN
                        a_y_loc(a.itr) = -a_y_loc(a.itr): a_x_loc(a.itr) = -a_x_loc(a.itr)
                        a_y(a.itr) = j: a_x(a.itr) = k ' Next move coordinates.
                        ii = 0
                        FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a.ship) - 1 ' Check area through width of ship. Remember all or parts of ship are still present on screen.
                            IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) OR SCREEN(j, k + i) = g.m_asc THEN ' Check for contact (collision) with Guardian or missile.
                                IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
                                    ii = 1 ' Indicates contact with flagship and evokes call abduction routine a few lines down.
                                    EXIT FOR
                                    ii = 2 ' Indicates ship into missile collision.
                                    EXIT FOR
                                END IF
                            END IF
                        IF ii <> 2 THEN
                            '--------------------------------------------Move alien ship-------------------------------------------------
                            IF a_mask_y(a.itr) <> 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) <> 0 THEN LOCATE a_mask_y(a.itr), a_mask_x(a.itr): PRINT SPACE$(LEN(a.ship));
                            LOCATE j, k: PRINT a.ship;
                            a_mask_y(a.itr) = j: a_mask_x(a.itr) = k ' Remember these coordinates to erase alien space ship on next loop.
                        END IF
                        SELECT CASE ii
                            CASE 1
                                CALL guardian_abduction: EXIT FOR ' Exit loop.
                            CASE 2
                                '''BEEP: BEEP: BEEP: DO: _LIMIT 10: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13)
                        END SELECT
                    END IF
                    COLOR 7
                END IF
            END IF ' a_ran(a.itr) > -1 exit point.
            IF a.itr = a.max THEN a.itr = 0: EXIT FOR ' Finished loop. Keep this outside the IF/THEN statement.
        NEXT h
        z5 = TIMER
        LOCATE y_restore, x_restore ' Restore entry column and row positions.
    END IF ' End time event.

SUB explosion

SUB remove_missile

SUB mask_missiles

SUB a_erase
    a_y(a.itr) = 0: a_x(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0: a_inertia(a.itr) = 0: a_ran(a.itr) = 0: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_olda_ran(a.itr) = 0

SUB remove_ship

SUB guardian_abduction

SUB game_level ' Evaluates both alien defeated on a level and Guardian abduction.

SUB mouse (mouse_event1, mouse_event2)

Code Example #2, the slow-down problem.
Code: (Select All)
' Note: timer is not adjusted for stroke of midnight event, so don't stay up late playing this.
REM Main
f1 = 22 ' Sets font size to 22 and calculates the max screen height and width for your desktop.
h = (_DESKTOPHEIGHT - 60) \ f1
w = _DESKTOPWIDTH \ (f1 / 1.66)
WIDTH w, h
fontpath$ = ENVIRON$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\lucon.ttf" 'Find Windows Folder Path.
font& = _LOADFONT(fontpath$, f1, "monospace")
_FONT font&
_DELAY .25
_RESIZE ON , _SMOOTH ' Allows resizing. Note: this is for slight adjustments. As of this version there is no compensitory function to change the font size during screen size changes.
TYPE gen_var
    intro AS INTEGER ' Runs a protion of the alien subroutine as part of the intro.
    nol AS INTEGER ' Number of game levels.
    level AS INTEGER ' Current game level.
    level_up AS INTEGER ' Routes code to next game level.
    top AS INTEGER ' Top boundary. (Changeable).
    bottom AS INTEGER ' Bottom boundary. (Changeable).
    left AS INTEGER ' Left boundary. (Changeable).
    right AS INTEGER ' Right boundary. (Changeable).
    kb_access AS INTEGER ' Routes code to either Guardian/Alien or general keyboard routine. -1 Guardian/Alien, 0 keyboard.
    mouse_or_key_move AS INTEGER
    play AS INTEGER
    snd1 AS LONG ' Explosion sound effect.
    snd2 AS LONG ' Explosion sound effect.

DIM SHARED v AS gen_var

TYPE guardian
    num AS INTEGER ' Number of Guardians aka lives.
    diry AS INTEGER ' Guardian row move. +1, 0, -1.
    dirx AS INTEGER ' Guardian column move. +2, 0, -2. Equals vertical pixel movement. 16x8.
    y AS INTEGER ' Guardian coordinates row.
    x AS INTEGER ' Guardian coordinates column.
    thrusters AS INTEGER ' Guardian speed. (User Determined).
    m_max AS INTEGER ' Restricts # of missiles fired in one direction.
    m_status AS INTEGER ' Missile status. -1 when fired, 1 while moving.
    m_fired AS INTEGER ' The number of missile deployed and still active.
    m_n AS INTEGER ' FOR/NEXT counter variable shared by other routines to index through the number of missiles fired in a specific direction.
    m_d AS INTEGER ' Missile direction. (1-8).
    m_y AS INTEGER ' Missile row advancement increment: +1, 0, -1 Note: Missile row and column coordinates are defined in arrays.
    m_x AS INTEGER ' Missile column advancement increment: +2, 0, -2. Equals vertical pixel movement. 16x8.
    m_asc AS INTEGER ' ASCII charater representing a fired missile.
    m_launcher AS STRING
    icon AS STRING ' Gardian comm icon. For this edition, it is the same as the flagship: "*"
    flagship AS STRING ' Guardian ascii character.

DIM SHARED g AS guardian

TYPE alien
    max AS INTEGER ' Maximum # of alien ships on screen.
    count AS INTEGER ' Number of alien ships. (Counter).
    itr AS INTEGER ' Iteration array number to cycle through the active alien ships. (Counter).
    cycle_delay AS SINGLE ' Timer cycle controls how fast alien ships move.
    ship AS STRING ' Alien ship ASCII design.


    GOSUB set_arrays

        CASE 1
            CALL set_up
            CALL comm
            v.level = -1: CALL game_level: v.level_up = 0
        CASE 0
            CALL set_up
            CALL comm
            CALL intro
            v.intro = 0: a.max = 0
            GOSUB set_arrays
            v.level = -1: CALL game_level: v.level_up = 0 ' This variable is canceled here so game will play instead of go another level up.

    g.y = (v.bottom - \ 2 + g.x = (v.right - v.left + 1) \ 2 + v.left ' Set initial column and row for Guardian craft.

    CALL game

    GOSUB zero_variables

ii = 15 ' Default max setting for number of alien ships used here to intially dim arrays.
g.m_max = 8 ' * missiles max per direction.
REDIM SHARED a_y(ii), a_x(ii), a_mask_y(ii), a_mask_x(ii), a_inertia(ii) ' Alien movement.
REDIM SHARED a_ran(ii), a_olda_ran(ii), a_y_loc(ii), a_x_loc(ii) ' Alien motvement.
REDIM SHARED m_n(g.m_max), m_x(g.m_max, 8), m_y(g.m_max, 8) ' Guardian missiles.

' Array descriptions and actions.
' a_y() , a_x() Alien ship postions rows and columns.
' a_mask_y(), a_mask_x() Alien ship last position. Masked on next move.
' a_inertia(ii) Number of moves in one direction selected by random for an alien ship.
' a_ran(ii), a_olda_ran(ii) Determines the direction in which the inertia will travel and the prior direction is kept to disallow the same direction twice.
' a_y_loc(ii), a_x_loc(ii) The row and column cordinates of the aliens ships.
' m_n(g.m_max), m_x(g.m_max, 8), m_y(g.m_max, 8)  Missile number and Missile index 1 to g.m_max for position. 8 is the fixed number of 8 different directions.

' Zero variables.
g.diry = 0: g.dirx = 0: g.m_status = 0: g.m_fired = 0: g.m_d = 0: g.m_y = 0: g.m_x = 0
a.count = 0: a.itr = 0: a.cycle_delay = 0: v.level_up = 0: v.mouse_or_key_move = 0: g.m_launcher = ""


' Error handler.
offscreen: ' Prevents error if blast particles row and column are off-screen. Effect is a partial blast on side of screen.
PRINT "Opps, unexpected error"; ERR

SUB intro
    j = (v.bottom - \ 2 +
    k = (v.right - v.left) \ 2 + v.left
    v.intro = -1: a.max = 10
    FOR i = 1 TO 90
        SOUND 900, .05
        CALL alien_move
        LOCATE j, k: COLOR 15: PRINT g.flagship;: COLOR 7
        _DELAY .07

SUB set_up = 3: v.bottom = _HEIGHT: v.left = 1: v.right = _WIDTH
    g.flagship = CHR$(15)
    a.ship = "-<>-"
    g.num = 3 ' 3 Guardian (lives) to start.
    g.thrusters = 10 ' Shows 1/2 thrust at start up on comm.
    g.icon = g.flagship
    g.m_asc = 250: g.diry = -1: ' Initiate missile ASCII character. g.diry = -1 initiates fire upwards if unmoved.
    IF _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") AND _FILEEXISTS("Thunder1.ogg") THEN ' Sound effects provided by TheBOB, Bob Seguin, from The QBasic Forum.
        v.snd1 = _SNDOPEN("Thunder1.ogg", "SYNC")
        v.snd2 = _SNDOPEN("Thunder7.ogg", "SYNC")
    END IF = -1 ' Skip into on replay.
    LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT STRING$(_WIDTH, CHR$(196));
    _KEYCLEAR ' Clear any previous key presses in buffer.

SUB game

SUB comm

SUB Guardian_missiles

SUB missile_check (k)

SUB alien_move
    STATIC z5
    y_restore = CSRLIN: x_restore = POS(0) ' Restore column and row upon exit.
    IF ABS(z5 - TIMER) > a.cycle_delay OR v.intro THEN ' z5 is a time delay for alien space ship maneuvers. It can be altered in the "game" subroutine.
        IF v.intro = 0 THEN hh = INT(RND * a.max) + 1 ELSE hh = 15
        FOR h = 1 TO hh
            a.itr = a.itr + 1: IF a.itr > a.max THEN a.itr = 1 ' Needed to offset the EXIT DO hover event, which on exit does not affect the a.itr variable.
            IF a_ran(a.itr) <> -1 THEN ' This is how a destroyed ship is bypassed. -1 is a destroyed alien ship. Code moves to end of DO:LOOP.
                IF a_inertia(a.itr) = 0 THEN ' Determine how many moves in one direction.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = INT(RND * (v.bottom - / 2) + 1 ' How many moves to go in any one direction.
                    a_ran(a.itr) = INT(RND * 8) + 1 ' Choose 1 of 8 possible directions.

                    IF a_ran(a.itr) = a_olda_ran(a.itr) OR a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0 AND ran = 1 OR a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0 AND ran = 5 THEN
                        EXIT FOR ' Just hover if direction was not changed on existing alien space ship or if a new alien space ship is entering from the sides and up or down was generated.
                    END IF

                    SELECT CASE a_ran(a.itr) ' Get changes in column and row coordinates.
                        CASE 1: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0 '  Up.
                        CASE 2: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '  Up and right.
                        CASE 3: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '   Right.
                        CASE 4: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 2 '   Down and right.
                        CASE 5: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0 '   Down.
                        CASE 6: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 '  Down and left.
                        CASE 7: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 '  Left.
                        CASE 8: a_y_loc(a.itr) = -1: a_x_loc(a.itr) = -2 ' Up and left.
                    END SELECT

                    IF a_y(a.itr) = 0 AND a_x(a.itr) = 0 AND a_ran(a.itr) <> -1 THEN ' New alien space ship enters the screen.
                        i = RND * (v.bottom - \ 4
                        a_y(a.itr) = (v.bottom - \ 4 + i +
                        IF a_ran(a.itr) < 5 THEN ' Determine side of entry from initial direction.
                            IF SCREEN(a_y(a.itr), v.left + LEN(a.ship)) = 32 THEN
                                a_x(a.itr) = v.left + 1 ' Enter from the left side and go right.
                                CALL a_erase
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                            IF SCREEN(a_y(a.itr), v.right - LEN(a.ship) + 1) = 32 THEN
                                a_x(a.itr) = v.right - LEN(a.ship) ' Enter from the right side and go left.
                                CALL a_erase
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF
                    a_olda_ran(a.itr) = a_ran(a.itr) ' Remember last direction. Another line uses this to disallow any RND that chooses the same direction twice.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = a_inertia(a.itr) - 1 ' Count down the number of moves in any one direction. When zero, switch direction.
                END IF

                FOR i = 1 TO a.max
                    IF i <> a.itr AND a_y(i) <> 0 THEN
                        IF a_y(a.itr) + a_y_loc(a.itr) = a_y(i) THEN
                            IF a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr) + LEN(a.ship) > a_x(i) AND a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr) < a_x(i) + LEN(a.ship) THEN
                                collide = 1
                                EXIT FOR
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF
                IF collide = 1 THEN
                    j = a_y(a.itr): k = a_x(a.itr)
                    a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_inertia(a.itr) = 0
                    collide = 0 ' Collision detection off. Collision was detected and avoided.
                    j = a_y(a.itr) + a_y_loc(a.itr): k = a_x(a.itr) + a_x_loc(a.itr)
                END IF

                IF j <= OR k <= v.left OR k + LEN(a.ship) > v.right THEN ' Alien ship out of range off screen.
                    a_inertia(a.itr) = 0 ' These two lines keep the out of range ship(s) reasonably nearby.
                    IF j > - 4 AND k < v.right + 3 AND k > v.left - 4 THEN a_y(a.itr) = j: a_x(a.itr) = k
                    IF a_mask_y(a.itr) <> 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) <> 0 THEN
                        LOCATE a_mask_y(a.itr), a_mask_x(a.itr)
                        PRINT SPACE$(LEN(a.ship)); ' Mask old position here because the show part of the mask and show routine cannot be used when out of range.
                    END IF
                    a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0
                    ' Check for v.bottom collision and reverse course if detected.
                    COLOR a.itr
                    IF j >= v.bottom THEN
                        a_y_loc(a.itr) = -a_y_loc(a.itr): a_x_loc(a.itr) = -a_x_loc(a.itr)
                        a_y(a.itr) = j: a_x(a.itr) = k ' Next move coordinates.
                        ii = 0
                        FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a.ship) - 1 ' Check area through width of ship. Remember all or parts of ship are still present on screen.
                            h = SCREEN(j, k + i)
                            IF h = ASC(g.flagship) OR h = g.m_asc THEN ' Check for contact (collision) with Guardian or missile.
                                IF h = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
                                    ii = 1 ' Indicates contact with flagship and evokes call abduction routine a few lines down.
                                    EXIT FOR
                                    ii = 2 ' Indicates ship into missile collision.
                                    EXIT FOR
                                END IF
                            END IF
                        IF ii <> 2 THEN
                            '--------------------------------------------Move alien ship-------------------------------------------------
                            IF a_mask_y(a.itr) <> 0 AND a_mask_x(a.itr) <> 0 THEN LOCATE a_mask_y(a.itr), a_mask_x(a.itr): PRINT SPACE$(LEN(a.ship));
                            LOCATE j, k: PRINT a.ship;
                            a_mask_y(a.itr) = j: a_mask_x(a.itr) = k ' Remember these coordinates to erase alien space ship on next loop.
                        END IF
                        SELECT CASE ii
                            CASE 1
                                CALL guardian_abduction: EXIT FOR ' Exit loop.
                            CASE 2
                                '''BEEP: BEEP: BEEP: DO: _LIMIT 10: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13)
                        END SELECT
                    END IF
                    COLOR 7
                END IF
            END IF ' a_ran(a.itr) > -1 exit point.
            IF a.itr = a.max THEN a.itr = 0: EXIT FOR ' Finished loop. Keep this outside the IF/THEN statement.
        NEXT h
        z5 = TIMER
        LOCATE y_restore, x_restore ' Restore entry column and row positions.
    END IF ' End time event.

SUB explosion

SUB remove_missile

SUB mask_missiles

SUB a_erase
    a_y(a.itr) = 0: a_x(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_y(a.itr) = 0: a_mask_x(a.itr) = 0: a_inertia(a.itr) = 0: a_ran(a.itr) = 0: a_y_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_x_loc(a.itr) = 0: a_olda_ran(a.itr) = 0

SUB remove_ship

SUB guardian_abduction

SUB game_level ' Evaluates both alien defeated on a level and Guardian abduction.

SUB mouse (mouse_event1, mouse_event2)


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RE: You'd think this would be faster, but NO!!!!!! - by Pete - 10-14-2022, 05:55 PM

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