10-15-2022, 09:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2022, 09:47 PM by Kernelpanic.)
I laugh my head off! Uh no, only half dead! - This is how everything works again :
I want to transfer this to the database. The corresponding motorcycle should be displayed for each specific record call.
Code: (Select All)
'Bild in neuem Fenster aufrufen
Dim As Integer SatzNummer
Dim Bild As Long, myFont As Long
Dim Text As String
', Text2 As String
Input "Satznummer: ", SatzNummer
If SatzNummer = 1 Then
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
'Neue Farbe setzen
Color _RGB32(255, 165, 0), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Bild = _LoadImage("..\Bilder\Yamaha-250-1965.jpg")
'Neues Fenster - Bildgroesse fuer mittig
_PutImage (((800 - 689) / 2), 15), Bild
Text = "Die Yamaha als Zweitakter mit 250 ccm - 1965"
'Text2 = " and leaves before she is left."
myFont = _LoadFont("C:\Windows\Fonts\Tahoma.ttf", 25, "")
_Font myFont
'Zeile, Spalte und die Bildhoehe(!) beruecksichtigen
_PrintString (135, 490), Text
'_PrintString (256, 537), Text2
'Farbe und Schrift zuruecksetzen
Color _RGB32(255), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_Font 16
_FreeFont myFont
End If
I want to transfer this to the database. The corresponding motorcycle should be displayed for each specific record call.