using the clipboard for communicatign between programs
It looks like you're trying to make an open host connection. Can I help?

Well, Halloween is coming, so forgive me for channeling Clippy. On second though, douse me with Holly water, and call the fire dept.

Anyway, compile both programs. Call the first one whatever you want, but name the second one Pete2.bas. Save and compile it as Pete2.exe before running the first (host) app, which SHELLs to Pete2.exe.

Host - This is where you will make input choices.
Code: (Select All)
WIDTH 60, 25
    DO UNTIL x
        x = _OPENCLIENT("TCP/IP:1234:localhost")
        IF x = 0 THEN
            x = _OPENHOST("TCP/IP:1234")
            a$ = "Opening as host."
            a$ = "Opening as client." ' Should not go here for this demo.
        END IF
        PRINT a$

    IF initiate = 0 THEN
        SHELL _HIDE "start pete2.exe" ' Open the client window.
        initiate = -1
    END IF

    ' Send data
    IF z = 0 THEN
            z = _OPENCONNECTION(x)
        LOOP UNTIL z
        PRINT "Connection established."
    END IF

    LOCATE 3, 1
    INPUT "Input a number for letter of the alphabet 1, 2, or 3: "; choice

    PUT #z, , choice

        GET #z, , a
    LOOP UNTIL a = -1
    PUT #z, , a

Now the client window where your choices will be displayed...
Code: (Select All)
WIDTH 50, 25
x = _OPENCLIENT("TCP/IP:1234:localhost")
PRINT "Opened as client.": PRINT
DO UNTIL x = 0 ' Prevents running if this app is opened without using host.
        _LIMIT 30
        GET #x, , receive
    LOOP UNTIL receive > 0

    PRINT "You chose the letter: ";

    SELECT CASE receive
        CASE 1
            PRINT "A"
        CASE 2
            PRINT "B"
        CASE 3
            PRINT "C"
        CASE ELSE
            PRINT "Wrong input!"

    task_complete = -1
    PUT #x, , task_complete


Messages In This Thread
RE: using the clipboard for communicatign between programs - by Pete - 10-24-2022, 04:25 AM

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