10-26-2022, 12:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2022, 03:53 PM by mnrvovrfc.
Edit Reason: Provided a better program
WARNING: a better program is provided in a later post in this topic.
Quick and dirty on Linux, tested on Manjaro MATE.
Sadly, it doesn't report accurately which is "MONOSPACE". Either it says all of them or none of them. The commented line with "_printwidth()" should have substituted for "_fontwidth()", otherwise the latter requires "MONOSPACE" parameter passed to "_loadfont()".
This only checks "TTF" directory because it has more fonts than any other place within "/usr/share/fonts".
Code: (Select All)
dim as long ff, i, l, x, y, siz
dim as _byte goon
redim sf$(1 to 100)
chr255$ = chr$(255)
afile$ = "/tmp/fontlist.txt"
adir$ = "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
zomd$ = "ls -1 " + adir$ + " > " + afile$
shell zomd$
adir$ = adir$ + "/"
l = 0
ff = freefile
open afile$ for input as ff
do until eof(ff)
line input #ff, a$
a$ = adir$ + a$
if _fileexists(a$) then
l = l + 1
sf$(l) = a$
print a$; " NOT FOUND! Something is wrong."
end if
if l >= 100 then exit do
close ff
screen _newimage(800, 600, 32)
_TITLE "Check font..."
redim _preserve sf$(1 to l)
for i = 1 to l
for siz = 8 to 72 step 4
if _keydown(27) then exit do
m$ = "M"
han = _loadfont(sf$(i), siz)
if han > 0 then
ON ERROR GOTO ancienterrmusic
if _fontwidth(han) = 0 then m$ = ""
'if _printwidth("W") <> _printwidth("l") then m$ = ""
goon = 1
_font han
if goon = 0 then _continue
x = int(rnd * 700 + 1)
y = int(rnd * 500 + 1)
a$ = chr$(int(rnd * 95 + 33))
_printstring(x, y), a$
_font 14
_freefont han
entr$ = entr$ + sf$(i) + str$(siz) + m$ + chr255$
end if
loop while 0
if _keydown(27) then system
for i = 1 to len(entr$)
a$ = mid$(entr$, i, 1)
if a$ = chr255$ then print else print a$;
goon = 0
resume next
Quick and dirty on Linux, tested on Manjaro MATE.
Sadly, it doesn't report accurately which is "MONOSPACE". Either it says all of them or none of them. The commented line with "_printwidth()" should have substituted for "_fontwidth()", otherwise the latter requires "MONOSPACE" parameter passed to "_loadfont()".
This only checks "TTF" directory because it has more fonts than any other place within "/usr/share/fonts".