More jaggies, like the Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer 2, without extended BASIC!
"printat" is used like this. Convert from old BASIC:
Note the subprogram doesn't accept a second parameter value lower than 128 and higher than 255. Also there were only 512 character positions in the Coco text screenie.
Within the code above I provide a visual approximation of the cells turned on (for green only) or off (always black). Any "CHR$()" value divisible by 16 was all black, it sucked. :/
To get a color other than green, just add a multiple of 16 up to and including 112.
0 = green
16 = yellow
32 = blue
48 = red
64 = white (it was called buff)
80 = cyan
96 = magenta
112 = orange
With "cocosetdim" the user could set the pixel width and height of the 2x2 graphics cells. Either cannot be higher than 16.
Three guesses what "cocosetdimauto" does.
One limitation is that, as it is written, this must use VGA 16-color graphics mode rather than 32-bit color. It isn't too hard to translate to "_RGB()". The hardest is color attribute #8, orange, which is "_RGB(255, 128, 0)".
Code: (Select All)
''by mnrvovrfc 2022-nov-01
option _explicit
dim shared as integer mnrvovrfc_coco_pw, mnrvovrfc_coco_ph
dim as integer z, u
randomize timer
screen _newimage(640, 480, 12)
for z = 0 to 511
printat z, 137 + 3 * (z > 255) + int(rnd * 8) * 16
_delay 3000
for z = 0 to 511
read u
printat z, u
sub cocosetdim (pw as integer, ph as integer)
if pw < 1 or pw > 16 then exit sub
if ph < 1 or ph > 16 then exit sub
mnrvovrfc_coco_pw = pw
mnrvovrfc_coco_ph = ph
end sub
sub cocosetdimauto ()
dim as integer scrnw, scrnh
mnrvovrfc_coco_pw = _width / 64
mnrvovrfc_coco_ph = _height / 32
end sub
sub printat (cp as integer, ch as integer)
if cp < 0 or cp > 511 then exit sub
if ch < 128 or ch > 255 then exit sub
dim as integer co, cx, cy, xx, yy, scrnw, scrnh, i
scrnw = _width
scrnh = _height
cx = (cp mod 32) * mnrvovrfc_coco_pw * 2
cy = (cp \ 32) * mnrvovrfc_coco_ph * 2
select case ch
case is < 144
co = 2
case is < 160
co = 14
case is < 176
co = 1
case is < 192
co = 4
case is < 208
co = 7
case is < 224
co = 3
case is < 240
co = 5
case else
co = 12
end select
if cx + mnrvovrfc_coco_pw < scrnw or cy + mnrvovrfc_coco_ph < scrnh then
xx = cx
yy = cy
for i = 0 to 3
if i = 2 then
xx = cx
yy = yy + mnrvovrfc_coco_ph
end if
if ch and (2 ^ i) then
line(xx, yy)-step(mnrvovrfc_coco_pw, mnrvovrfc_coco_ph), co, bf
end if
xx = xx + mnrvovrfc_coco_pw
end if
end sub
'This is only for green-on-black. Add multiple of 16 up to 112 to start at 240 for orange.
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DATA 143,143,250,255,255,128,128,197,128,128,128,178,179,177,128,128,128
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DATA 128,128
"printat" is used like this. Convert from old BASIC:
Code: (Select All)
PRINT @255, CHR$(240)
Code: (Select All)
printat 255, 240
Note the subprogram doesn't accept a second parameter value lower than 128 and higher than 255. Also there were only 512 character positions in the Coco text screenie.
Within the code above I provide a visual approximation of the cells turned on (for green only) or off (always black). Any "CHR$()" value divisible by 16 was all black, it sucked. :/
To get a color other than green, just add a multiple of 16 up to and including 112.
0 = green
16 = yellow
32 = blue
48 = red
64 = white (it was called buff)
80 = cyan
96 = magenta
112 = orange
With "cocosetdim" the user could set the pixel width and height of the 2x2 graphics cells. Either cannot be higher than 16.
Three guesses what "cocosetdimauto" does.
One limitation is that, as it is written, this must use VGA 16-color graphics mode rather than 32-bit color. It isn't too hard to translate to "_RGB()". The hardest is color attribute #8, orange, which is "_RGB(255, 128, 0)".