11-04-2022, 09:43 AM
(11-03-2022, 10:28 PM)johnno56 Wrote: Forgive me if I sound confused, chances are I am, but, what parentheses? I initially cut and pasted the listing from this site into the IDE then F5. The last time I ran it, using 3.4.0, I actually saved the game first as, 'pool.bas' then F5. I do not recall adding parentheses to any filename...
when you copy and paste a code in the editor, it is automatically renamed to :
for example Untitled(10), try to compile and you will get almost the same error message as you posted here :
g++ -no-pie -w -std=gnu++11 -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE internal/c/qbx2.cpp -c -o internal/c/qbx2.o
objcopy -Ibinary -Oelf64-x86-64 -Bi386:x86-64 internal/temp2/data.bin internal/temp2/data.o
g++ -no-pie -w -std=gnu++11 -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -I./internal/c/libqb/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE ./internal/c/libqb_make_00000000000000.o ./internal/c/qbx2.o ./internal/temp2/data.o -o "untitled" ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/buffer.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/filepath.o ./internal/c/libqb/src/threading-posix.o ./internal/c/parts/core/src.a -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lrt
objcopy --only-keep-debug "untitled" "./internal/temp2/untitled.sym"
objcopy --strip-unneeded "untitled"