Write a function that does word-wrap, set a limit of number of characters, use CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) as the soft breaker, and use that as return value to the "message". This is something that could affect the "_MESSAGEBOX" also. What I used to prefer instead of "_MESSAGEBOX" was a contribution from somebody in the Purebasic forums writing such a dialog from scratch, but using the text-entry "gadget" with scrollbars to place the "message". The advantage of it was being able to select all of it quickly and copy it to the clipboard. The problem was, when the user didn't like all the text selected...
EDIT: This is what I did in Purebasic. Should work in v6 and on Linux as well.
This one allows the user to use "|" pipe symbol to indicate the soft-returns. I did this years ago so I'm not sure how to put a pipe as part of the message...
EDIT: This is what I did in Purebasic. Should work in v6 and on Linux as well.
Code: (Select All)
Procedure MessageWindow(Titel.s, Text.s)
xwidth = 320
xheight = 160
ewindow = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, xwidth, xheight, Titel, #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
If ewindow
pip = 0
pip = FindString(Text, "|", pip + 1)
If pip
If Mid(Text, pip + 1, 1) = "0"
ch = Val(Mid(Text, pip + 2, 3))
If ch = 124: ch = 1: EndIf
If ch
Text = Left(Text, pip - 1) + Chr(ch) + Mid(Text, pip + 5)
Until pip = 0
Text = ReplaceString(Text, "|", Chr(13) + Chr(10))
Text = ReplaceString(Text, #SOH$, "|")
ewindowcontent = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 0, 0, xwidth, xheight - 32, Text, #PB_String_ReadOnly | #ES_MULTILINE | #PB_String_BorderLess | #WS_VSCROLL | #WS_HSCROLL)
okbut = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, xwidth / 2 - 60, xheight - 28, 120, 28, "OK")
ev = WaitWindowEvent()
If (ev = #PB_Event_Gadget) And (EventGadget() = okbut)
Until ev = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
This one allows the user to use "|" pipe symbol to indicate the soft-returns. I did this years ago so I'm not sure how to put a pipe as part of the message...