Yeah maybe I can add mouse interaction. I thought having the smaller eyes over the bigger ones on screen doesn't look natural, so I threw in a bubble sort to keep the bigger size eyes over the smaller ones. Not sure which looks better, but here's that one.
Code: (Select All)
'Eyes drift around space, looking in direction they go.
'Shows how to create images off screen and use _PUTIMAGE.
'Demo also shows how to move images in interesting ways.
'Coded by Dav, NOV/2022
'V2 - Added bubble sort to keep smaller eyes in background.
'=== First, create 4 eye images to use....
'=== Create image of eyes looking left
eyeleft& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeleft& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255 'left eye
ball 30, 50, 20, 0, 0, 32 'left pupil
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255 'right eye
ball 130, 50, 20, 0, 0, 32 'right pupil
'=== Create image of eyes looking right
eyeright& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeright& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 70, 50, 20, 0, 0, 32
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 170, 50, 20, 0, 0, 32
'=== Create an image of eyes looking up
eyeup& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeup& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 50, 30, 20, 0, 0, 32
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 150, 30, 20, 0, 0, 32
'=== Create an image of eyes looking down
eyedown& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyedown& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 50, 70, 20, 0, 0, 32
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 150, 70, 20, 0, 0, 32
'=== Now we point to main screen
_DEST 0 'set destination to draw to main screen
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) 'main screen size
RANDOMIZE TIMER 'do this so the RND call is different everytime
Eyes = 100 'the number of eyes on screen
EyeSizeMax = 225 'largest size eyes can be
DIM EyeX(Eyes), EyeY(Eyes) 'x/y position of the eye
DIM EyeSize(Eyes) ' size of eye
DIM EyeGrowth(Eyes) 'eye growing or shrinking on screen
DIM EyeDrift(Eyes) 'direction eye drifts across screen
DIM EyeDriftSpeed(Eyes) 'speed for the drift
'generate eye values
FOR d = 1 TO Eyes
EyeX(d) = RND * _WIDTH 'make random x position
EyeY(d) = RND * _HEIGHT 'make random y position
EyeSize(d) = (RND * EyeSizeMax) 'random eye size, up to EyeSizeMax
EyeGrowth(d) = INT(RND * 2) 'make way eye size is changing, 0=shrinking, 1=growing
EyeDrift(d) = INT(RND * 4) 'make random direction a eye can drift (4 different ways)
EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2 'speed eyes will be drifting
'Bubble sort through eyesize, putting smallest size first so..
'..they will be _PUTIMAGE'd first, putting them in the background.
FOR b = 1 TO Eyes
FOR b2 = 1 TO Eyes
IF EyeSize(b2) > EyeSize(b) THEN
SWAP EyeX(b), EyeX(b2)
SWAP EyeY(b), EyeY(b2)
SWAP EyeSize(b), EyeSize(b2)
SWAP EyeGrowth(b), EyeGrowth(b2)
SWAP EyeDrift(b), EyeDrift(b2)
SWAP EyeDriftSpeed(b), EyeDriftSpeed(b2)
CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 32) 'clear screen to dark blue
'step through each eye
FOR d = 1 TO Eyes
'if eye is shrinking, subtract eyesize, else add to it
IF EyeGrowth(d) = 0 THEN
EyeSize(d) = EyeSize(d) - 1
EyeSize(d) = EyeSize(d) + 1
'if eyesize reaches max size, switch growth to 0 start shrinking instead
IF EyeSize(d) >= EyeSizeMax THEN EyeGrowth(d) = 0
'if if reaches smallest eyesize, switch growth to 1 to start growing now
IF EyeSize(d) <= 20 THEN EyeGrowth(d) = 1
'drift eye in 1 of 4 directions we generated, and do +x,-x,+y,-y to it.
IF EyeDrift(d) = 0 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) + EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift right
IF EyeDrift(d) = 1 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) - EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift left
IF EyeDrift(d) = 2 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) + EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift down
IF EyeDrift(d) = 3 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) - EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift up
'this creates the shakiness. randomly adjust x/y positions by +/-2 each step
IF INT(RND * 2) = 0 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) + 2 ELSE EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) - 2
IF INT(RND * 2) = 0 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) + 2 ELSE EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) - 2
'below handles if eye goes off screen, let it dissapear completely
IF EyeX(d) > _WIDTH + EyeSize(d) THEN EyeX(d) = -EyeSize(d)
IF EyeX(d) < -EyeSize(d) THEN EyeX(d) = _WIDTH + EyeSize(d)
IF EyeY(d) > _HEIGHT + EyeSize(d) THEN EyeY(d) = -EyeSize(d)
IF EyeY(d) < -EyeSize(d) THEN EyeY(d) = _HEIGHT + EyeSize(d)
'drift eye in 1 of 4 directions we generated, and +x,-x,+y,-y to it.
IF EyeDrift(d) = 0 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeright& 'drift right
IF EyeDrift(d) = 1 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeleft& 'drift left
IF EyeDrift(d) = 2 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyedown& 'drift down
IF EyeDrift(d) = 3 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeup& 'drift up
'get new random direction change
CASE 1: EyeDrift(d) = 0: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
CASE 2: EyeDrift(d) = 1: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
CASE 3: EyeDrift(d) = 2: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
CASE 4: EyeDrift(d) = 3: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
SUB ball (x, y, size, r&, g&, b&)
'small sub that draws a filled ball with given color.
FOR s = 1 TO size STEP .4
CIRCLE (x, y), s, _RGB(r&, g&, b&)
r& = r& - 1: g& = g& - 1: b& = b& - 1