Here is graphics Sliding Block, you pick the tile number 3x3 to 9x9 then use mouse to click block to move into space:
3x3 start:
3x3 Solved:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "GUI repeating Sliding Blocks Game "
Randomize Timer
' get from user the desired board size = s
Locate CsrLin, 3: Input "(0 quits) Enter your number of blocks per side 3 - 9 you want > ", s
If s = 0 Then End
Loop Until s > 2 And s < 10
' screen setup: based on the square blocks q pixels a sides
q = 540 / s 'square size, shoot for 540 x 540 pixel board display
Screen _NewImage(q * s + 1, q * s + 1, 32): _ScreenMove 360, 60
Dim board(s, s)
'initialize board = solution
For r = 1 To s
For c = 1 To s
board(c, r) = c + (r - 1) * s
board(s, s) = 0: c0 = s: r0 = s
'scramble board for puzzle
For i = 0 To s ^ 5 ' mix blocks
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1: If c0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1
Case 2: If c0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1
Case 3: If r0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1
Case 4: If r0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1
End Select
t = Timer: update = -1: mc = 0 'OK user here you go!
If update Then 'display status and determine if solved
solved = -1: update = 0
For r = 1 To s
For c = 1 To s
If board(c, r) Then
If board(c, r) <> (r - 1) * s + c Then solved = 0
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Line ((c - 1) * q + 1, (r - 1) * q + 2)-(c * q - 2, r * q - 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 255), BF
_PrintString ((c - 1) * q + .4 * q, (r - 1) * q + .4 * q), Right$(" " + Str$(board(c, r)), 2)
If board(s, s) <> 0 Then solved = 0
Color _RGB32(0, 0, 0), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Line ((c - 1) * q, (r - 1) * q)-(c * q, r * q), , BF
End If
If solved Then 'flash the Solved Report until user closes window else report status
flash$ = "Solved!" + Str$(mc) + " Moves in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs."
For i = 1 To 20: _Title flash$: _Delay .2: _Title " ": _Delay .2: Next
Cls: Color _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
_PrintString (190, 260), "Another Round? y for yes"
k$ = "": _Display
k$ = InKey$
Loop Until Len(k$)
If k$ = "y" Then Cls: GoTo restart Else End
_Title Str$(mc) + " Moves in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs." + Str$(test)
End If
End If
'get next mouse click, check if on block next to empty space make move or beep
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If mb And solved = 0 Then 'get last place mouse button was down
mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
While mb 'left button down, wait for mouse button release
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
'convert mouse position to board array (x, y) are we near empty space?
bx = Int(mx / q) + 1: by = Int(my / q) + 1: update = -1
If bx = c0 + 1 And by = r0 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 - 1 And by = r0 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 + 1 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 - 1 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
End If
End If
_Limit 500
3x3 start:
3x3 Solved:
b = b + ...