Very Simple GUI
It's a shame because the design looks good. The work wasn't in vain, especially with such tasks you learn something new.

It's always better to realize that things can't go on like this at the moment than to get stuck into something. Even big companies have to recognize that: Apple and its Rhapsody

You are in noble society!  Big Grin
Finally an Update worth the wait I hope. Text Boxes completely reworked and can do text of any length!
Also new: a choice of using default colors (just enter 0, 0 for BOTH FC and BC in NewControl call) or enter a 3 digit number from 0 to 999 for C3 conversion to RBG32 number, a choice of 1000 colors. Now you enter the font you want to use in the OpenWindow call right after including the vs GUI.BI file eg,
Code: (Select All)
'   Set Globals from BI
Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 700: GuiTitle$ = "GUI Makeover #2 Get Filename" ' <<<<<  Window size shared throughout program
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$, "Arial.ttf" ' need to do this before drawing anything from NewControls

Here is the new GUI Controls Editor that use to be called the Forms Designer:

Here is a makeover of Kens Arillery b+ mod, my new screen only has a height of 700 so things had to be moved and resized for bigger Fonts. Good thing I have my new Controls editor!

Here is the 3 Digit Color picker with 3 different fonts, default controls colors and bigger buttons:

Oh and here is the 2nd Makeover of Get Filename, the only place I didn't use default colors were for Current Folder and for Pathed File Selected (used Green for those labels):
It's running the 3 Digit Color picker. exe file in a Shell.

So here is the zip with 3 fonts I played with, vs GUI .BI and .BM, 3 Makeover GUI's the main Controls Editor and vs GUI manual/log.
(vs short for Very Simple and it still is.)

PS that file listing in the last screen shot is the zip file's contents without the .exe's.

Attached Files
.zip   GUI Update (Size: 797.67 KB / Downloads: 59)
b = b + ...
Really like the look of this! Seems to pretty easy to use and quite customisable - I will have to write a program using this lib soon!

Good job!

— Joe
Thanks jj, I do have a couple tiny updates planned:
1. easy PgUp PgDn buttons work in a Text Box allowing you to "page" through a super long string of text.
2. already made LstHighliteItem$(cntrlHandle) function that will give programmer a quick update of the highlighted item in the list box requested. I've changed Get Filename using it and eliminated the need to label and name the selected file. That will be like the 3rd update of that handy app, ha! BTW I am still wondering if right clicking the Dirs or Folders list for changing directory is good enough or installing a ChDir button to make it obvious. In current update, I just have label under Folders List Box that says right click to CD.

Then a little pause while I put together an Edit Box which is a Text Box and List Box combined, probably going to need scrollbars or word wrap or both?
b = b + ...
I think I lost ARB's tictactoe program with vs, I'm not sure but i thought it was posted here.  If anyone has it, mind reposting it or PM me with his contact info please
(04-25-2023, 03:10 AM)vince Wrote: I think I lost ARB's tictactoe program with vs, I'm not sure but i thought it was posted here.  If anyone has it, mind reposting it or PM me with his contact info please

"with vs"?
b = b + ...
When I posted this

ARB posted reply after reply of screen shots of his TTT but refused to post source.
I told him to take it to Discussion thread and kicked him out of GUI.

If you want source code for unbeatable AI for TTT in vs GUI it's there in link, but it's not ARB's.
b = b + ...
nice, i just looked at that.  I dont remember if it was TTT or C4 or some kind of lottery solver but I do remember he did post code at one point and it was very verbose. if anyone knows let me know
You could try Walter's old Forum.
b = b + ...

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