(08-27-2023, 01:42 AM)SMcNeill Wrote: I remember _PUTIMAGE from writing. In English class, we wrote essays and my teachers always told me they needed to include Who, What, When, Where, and How. _PUTIMAGE is very similar: Where, what, Which, How.
_PURIMAGE to Where on the screen, from What source screen, to Which destination screen, and How much are we copying?
(08-26-2023, 11:59 PM)grymmjack Wrote: thanks @bplus I will try to use the full argument list.
is very flexible but horribly painful sometimes to remember which how what.
When I started thinking about it like this...:
...I started remembering how to use and form it much better and faster. The 1st and 3rd parameters relate to the same image and the 2nd and 4th parameters also relate to the same image.
In my opinion it's the most powerful and versatile graphics command QB64 has. A huge improvement over GET and PUT from the QuickBASIC days.
This also makes sense. Thanks @TerryRitchie.
What the heck does
do in
? Does this let us use like snap to grid or something?
(08-26-2023, 11:59 PM)grymmjack Wrote: thanks @bplus I will try to use the full argument list.
is very flexible but horribly painful sometimes to remember which how what.
When I started thinking about it like this...:
...I started remembering how to use and form it much better and faster. The 1st and 3rd parameters relate to the same image and the 2nd and 4th parameters also relate to the same image.
In my opinion it's the most powerful and versatile graphics command QB64 has. A huge improvement over GET and PUT from the QuickBASIC days.
This also makes sense. Thanks @TerryRitchie.
What the heck does
do in
? Does this let us use like snap to grid or something?
STEP is basically from the last point, just like with LINE.
LINE (100, 100) - STEP(300, 100), Red, BF
The above draws a box starting at 100, 100 and draws it 300 pixels wide and 100 pixels high. It's the equivalent of: LINE (100, 100) - (400, 200), Red, BF
Reason for usage??
Drawing set graphics at various points. LINE (x, y) - STEP (300, 100), Red, BF
_PUTIMAGE works on that same style Widht/Height concept with STEP.
' Free the font glyph images from memory
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
Sub F0NT.free (f() As F0NT)
Dim As Integer i, lb, ub
lb% = LBound(f): ub% = UBound(f)
For i% = lb% To ub%
_FreeImage f(i%).img&
Next i%
End Sub
' Make a glyph from glyph data and store it in F0NT
' @param STRING c$ glyph character identifier
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @param STRING ARRAY glyph_data$()
' @param LONG kolor& to make glyphs
Sub F0NT.make_glyph (c$, f As F0NT, glyph_data$, kolor&)
Dim As Integer y, x, p, dbg
Dim s As String
Dim old_dest As Long
' dbg% = -1
f.char$ = c$
If dbg% Then Print c$
f.img& = _NewImage(COLS, ROWS, BPP)
old_dest& = _Dest: _Dest f.img&
_ClearColor _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &H00)
For y% = 0 To ROWS
For x% = 0 To COLS
p% = (y% * COLS) + x% + 1
s$ = Mid$(glyph_data$, p%, 1)
If dbg% Then
_Dest old_dest&: Print s$;: _Dest f.img&
End If
If s$ <> "." Then
Call PSet((x%, y%), kolor&)
End If
Next x%
If dbg% Then
_Dest old_dest&: Print: _Dest f.img&
End If
Next y%
If dbg% Then Sleep
_Dest old_dest&
End Sub
' Get a glyph image from a F0NT by character identifier
' @param STRING c$ character identifier of glyph to get
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @return LONG image handle for glyph image of F0NT
Function F0NT.get_glyph& (c$, f() As F0NT)
Dim As Integer i, lb, ub
lb% = LBound(f): ub% = UBound(f)
For i% = lb% To ub%
If f(i%).char$ = c$ Then
F0NT.get_glyph& = f(i%).img&
Exit Function
End If
Next i%
End Function
' Print something using a F0NT
' @param STRING s$ what to print
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @param INTEGER x% position
' @param INTEGER y% position
' @param INTEGER scale% size multiplier
' @param INTEGER kerning% scaling space between characters
' @param INTEGER spacing% spaces between characters
Sub F0NT.print (s$, f() As F0NT, x%, y%, scale%, spacing%)
Dim As Integer i, l, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, orig_x
Dim c As String
Dim g As Long
l% = Len(s$)
PSet (x%, y%)
For i% = 1 To l%
c$ = Mid$(s$, i%, 1)
'g& =
'_Source g&
dx1% = x% + (i% - 1) * (COLS + spacing%) * scale%
dy1% = y%
'dx2% = (COLS * scale%) + dx1%
'dy2% = (ROWS * scale%) + dy1%
_PutImage (dx1%, dy1%)-Step(COLS * scale% - 1, ROWS * scale% - 1), F0NT.get_glyph(c$, f())
Next i%
End Sub
' Free the font glyph images from memory
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
Sub F0NT.free (f() As F0NT)
Dim As Integer i, lb, ub
lb% = LBound(f): ub% = UBound(f)
For i% = lb% To ub%
_FreeImage f(i%).img&
Next i%
End Sub
' Make a glyph from glyph data and store it in F0NT
' @param STRING c$ glyph character identifier
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @param STRING ARRAY glyph_data$()
' @param LONG kolor& to make glyphs
Sub F0NT.make_glyph (c$, f As F0NT, glyph_data$, kolor&)
Dim As Integer y, x, p, dbg
Dim s As String
Dim old_dest As Long
' dbg% = -1
f.char$ = c$
If dbg% Then Print c$
f.img& = _NewImage(COLS, ROWS, BPP)
old_dest& = _Dest: _Dest f.img&
_ClearColor _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &H00)
For y% = 0 To ROWS
For x% = 0 To COLS
p% = (y% * COLS) + x% + 1
s$ = Mid$(glyph_data$, p%, 1)
If dbg% Then
_Dest old_dest&: Print s$;: _Dest f.img&
End If
If s$ <> "." Then
Call PSet((x%, y%), kolor&)
End If
Next x%
If dbg% Then
_Dest old_dest&: Print: _Dest f.img&
End If
Next y%
If dbg% Then Sleep
_Dest old_dest&
End Sub
' Get a glyph image from a F0NT by character identifier
' @param STRING c$ character identifier of glyph to get
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @return LONG image handle for glyph image of F0NT
Function F0NT.get_glyph& (c$, f() As F0NT)
Dim As Integer i, lb, ub
lb% = LBound(f): ub% = UBound(f)
For i% = lb% To ub%
If f(i%).char$ = c$ Then
F0NT.get_glyph& = f(i%).img&
Exit Function
End If
Next i%
End Function
' Print something using a F0NT
' @param STRING s$ what to print
' @param F0NT ARRAY f()
' @param INTEGER x% position
' @param INTEGER y% position
' @param INTEGER scale% size multiplier
' @param INTEGER kerning% scaling space between characters
' @param INTEGER spacing% spaces between characters
Sub F0NT.print (s$, f() As F0NT, x%, y%, scale%, spacing%)
Dim As Integer i, l, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, orig_x
Dim c As String
Dim g As Long
l% = Len(s$)
' PSet (x%, y%)
For i% = 1 To l%
c$ = Mid$(s$, i%, 1)
'g& =
'_Source g&
dx1% = x% + (i% - 1) * (COLS + spacing%) * scale%
dy1% = y%
'dx2% = (COLS * scale%) + dx1%
'dy2% = (ROWS * scale%) + dy1%
_PutImage (dx1%, dy1%)-Step(COLS * scale% - 1, ROWS * scale% - 1), F0NT.get_glyph(c$, f())
Next i%
End Sub
(08-27-2023, 02:14 AM)bplus Wrote: I redid the print of font without kerning just spacing like extra pixel positions in letter block, much more manageable:
Code: (Select All)
@bplus Thanks! I will study this and compare it to the fixed version I landed on. Appreciate your help!
(08-27-2023, 02:51 AM)bplus Wrote: Tweaked testing demo to show spacing 0 to 4 for Scale 1 plus commented out an unnecessary pset in Font print routine:
(08-27-2023, 02:51 AM)bplus Wrote: Tweaked testing demo to show spacing 0 to 4 for Scale 1 plus commented out an unnecessary pset in Font print routine:
(08-27-2023, 02:14 AM)bplus Wrote: I redid the print of font without kerning just spacing like extra pixel positions in letter block, much more manageable:
Code: (Select All)
@bplus Thanks! I will study this and compare it to the fixed version I landed on. Appreciate your help!