07-08-2022, 04:46 PM
I want to replace text strings of a binary file (a P2000T .CAS file). Unfortunately, QB64 adds a line feed character. When I use "PRINT" it adds a CHR$(13) or CHR$(10), when I use "WRITE" it put a double quote at the beginning of the file. How can I prevent this?
Code: (Select All)
oldstring$ = "beatles"
newstring$ = "stones"
filename$ = "original.BIN"
oldlength% = Len(oldstring$)
newlength% = Len(newstring$)
f1% = FreeFile
f2% = f1% + 1
Open filename$ For Binary As f1% 'Bron
Open "replace.tmp" For Output As f2% 'Temp
While Not EOF(f1%)
Line Input #f1%, line$
lineptr% = 1
foundptr% = InStr(lineptr%, line$, oldstring$)
If foundptr% > 0 Then
line$ = Left$(line$, foundptr% - 1) + newstring$ + Mid$(line$, foundptr% + oldlength%)
'Vervang oude door nieuwe string
lineptr% = foundptr% + newlength%
If lineptr% > Len(line$) Then Exit Do
Else Exit Do ' Oude string niet gevonden, door naar volgende regel
End If
Print #f2%, line$ ' Regel toevoegen
Close f1%: Close f2%
Kill filename$ ' Wis bronbestand
Name "replace.tmp" As filename$ ' Temp wordt nu bron