07-04-2022, 01:58 PM
Ovals, well... lazy ovals.
Code: (Select All)
'this could be better... probably have rotozoom built in too
Screen _NewImage(800, 500, 32)
k& = _RGB32(200, 100, 50)
lazyoval 200, 200, 50, 30, k&
For h = 1 To 60
_Limit 60
lazyoval 100, 100, h, 60, k&
Circle (100, 100), 60, _RGB32(250, 250, 250)
Next h
For h = 60 To 1 Step -1
_Limit 30
lazyoval 100, 100, 60, h, k&
Circle (100, 100), 60, _RGB32(250, 250, 250)
Next h
For h = 1 To 60
_Limit 60
lazyoval 100, 100, h, 60, k&
Next h
For h = 60 To 1 Step -1
_Limit 30
lazyoval 100, 100, 60, h, k&
Next h
lazyoval 100, 100, 24, 80, k&
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (70, 92), "Lazyoval"
'the actual routine
Sub lazyoval (xx, yy, hh, ww, K As _Unsigned Long)
'create a lazyoval by changing the ratio of a circle with the putimage command
rr = hh
If ww > rr Then rr = ww
oo& = _NewImage(rr * 2 + 2, rr * 2 + 2, 32)
_Dest oo&
cx = rr
cy = cx
Circle (cx, cy), rr, K
Paint (cx, cy), K, K
x1 = xx - ww: x2 = xx + ww
y1 = yy - hh: y2 = yy + hh
_Dest 0
_PutImage (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), oo&, 0, (0, 0)-(rr * 2, rr * 2)
_FreeImage oo& 'don't delete this
End Sub