I've seen this before, probably from B+, but I wanted to see if I could do it from a fresh start. After a few attempts I figured it out! I used radians on the circle and also saved the points in memory so I could then go to a DO/LOOP to use them how I wish. After many triangles it starts over again with a random color again.
Code: (Select All)
'Circular Pattern Using Triangles by SierraKen
'October 11, 2022
'Thanks to B+ and others for the inspiration to make my own.
Dim x(1000), y(1000)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_Title "Circular Pattern Using Triangles by SierraKen - Esc to quit"
For t = 0 To 1000 Step 1 / 3
x(t) = (Sin(t) * 180) + 400
y(t) = (Cos(t) * 180) + 300
Circle (x(t), y(t)), 2, _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
Next t
Randomize Timer
c1 = (Rnd * 155) + 100: c2 = (Rnd * 155) + 100: c3 = (Rnd * 155) + 100
_Limit 20
'This uses radians in the circle. I used a radian chart online to get each formula with _PI
Line (x(7 * (_Pi / 6) + a), y(7 * (_Pi / 6) + a))-(x(11 * (_Pi / 6) + a), y((11 * _Pi / 6) + a)), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
Line (x(11 * (_Pi / 6) + a), y(11 * (_Pi / 6) + a))-(x((_Pi / 2) + a), y((_Pi / 2) + a)), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
Line (x((_Pi / 2) + a), y((_Pi / 2) + a))-(x(7 * (_Pi / 6) + a), y(7 * (_Pi / 6) + a)), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
a = a + 1 / 3
If a > 300 Then
a = 0
For tt = 0 To 2000 Step 1 / 3
xx = (Sin(tt) * 180) + 400
yy = (Cos(tt) * 180) + 300
Circle (xx, yy), 2, _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
Next tt
c1 = (Rnd * 155) + 100: c2 = (Rnd * 155) + 100: c3 = (Rnd * 155) + 100
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)