06-20-2023, 02:21 PM
Use the Console for multi-prompt inputs.
The routine is shown here with a simple example.
The routine is shown here with a simple example.
Code: (Select All)
'Console multi_input
'an example program for a routine to use the console window for multi-line input prompts
_Console Off 'turn off the console for now
_Delay 0.1
Print "Press any key when ready."
Dim p$(5), aa$(5)
'setup the input prompts
p$(1) = "First Name : "
p$(2) = "Middle : "
p$(3) = "Last Name : "
p$(4) = "Street : "
p$(5) = "City/Town : "
multi_input "Multi_Input Sample", p$(), aa$()
Print aa$(3); ", "; aa$(1); " "; aa$(2)
Print aa$(4); ", "; aa$(5)
Sub multi_input (cptitle$, prompt$(), ia$())
'cptitle$ is the console prompt title
'prompt$() array of prompts
'ia$() array of input data
ind& = _Dest 'get the screen
_Console On 'turn the console back on
If cptitle$ = "" Then _ConsoleTitle "Prompt" Else _ConsoleTitle cptitle$ 'set the console title
_ScreenHide 'hide the mainscreen
_Dest _Console
Cls 'clear the console
mi = UBound(prompt$) 'check how many entries are being asked for
For n = 1 To mi 'print the prompts
Print prompt$(n)
Next n
Locate 1, 1 'reset cursor to top left corner
For n = 1 To mi 'reprint prompts and get the input
Print prompt$(n);
Input ia$(n)
Next n
_Dest ind&
_Console Off
End Sub