08-16-2023, 08:50 PM
This was ported by me to QB64 from felixp7 port to FB from somewhere else:
@johnno56 you might like this.
My best game least hours and bullets used was 7 hours and 5 bullets left (I used only 1 on the hungry man eating plant.)
@johnno56 you might like this.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
' Lost in the Jungle: a silly little survival game.
' 2023-08-10 Felix PleÅŸoianu <https://felix.plesoianu.ro/>
' Use as you like, and enjoy!
' port to QB64pe b+ 2023-08-14
_Title "Lost in Jungle - port felixp7 port to FB to QB64pe"
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared nl$: nl$ = Chr$(10)
Dim Shared fatigue: fatigue = 0.0
Dim Shared health: health = 5.0
Dim Shared bullets: bullets = 6
Dim Shared skill: skill = 0.15
Dim Shared distance: distance = 50.0
Dim Shared hours: hours = 0
Dim Shared chances(0 To 7)
Print "You survived the plane crash."
Print "With all your gear intact, too:"
Print "Gun, knife, compass, lighter."
Print "But you have no food or water."
Print "And a big bad jungle to cross."
Dim GameMenu$(1 To 3)
GameMenu$(1) = "Play"
GameMenu$(2) = "Help"
GameMenu$(3) = "Quit"
Select Case menu&(GameMenu$())
Case 1: startGame: playGame
Case 2: Print: help: GoTo again
Case 3: Print: Print "See you around!"
End Select
Print: Print "(press any key)"
Sub startGame
fatigue = 0.0
health = 5.0
bullets = 6
skill = 0.15
distance = 45 + Int(Rnd * 11)
hours = 0
Dim i
For i = 0 To 7
chances(i) = 0.0
End Sub
Function tiredness$ (fatigue, health)
Dim energy
energy = health - fatigue
If energy <= 1 Then
tiredness$ = "drained"
ElseIf energy <= 3 Then
tiredness$ = "tired"
tiredness$ = "fresh"
End If
End Function
Function healthLevel$ (health)
If health < 2 Then
healthLevel$ = "bad"
ElseIf health < 4 Then
healthLevel$ = "decent"
healthLevel$ = "good"
End If
End Function
Sub setStatus (status1 As String, status2 As String)
status1 = "In " + healthLevel$(health) + " health; " + tiredness$(fatigue, health) + nl$ + _
" Bullets:" + Str$(bullets) + nl$ + " Time:" + Str$(hours) + " hrs." + nl$
If distance >= 35 Then
status2 = " Can't see the sky for the forest canopy."
ElseIf distance >= 15 Then
status2 = " Shafts of sunlight mark the path ahead."
status2 = " The trees are growing farther apart now."
End If
End Sub
Function menu& (options() As String)
Dim i
For i = LBound(options) To UBound(options)
Print i; ") "; options(i)
Dim result As Long
Input ; result
Loop Until result >= LBound(options) And result <= UBound(options)
menu& = result
End Function
Sub noEncounter
Print " Around you, the jungle looms."
Dim QuietMenu$(1 To 2)
QuietMenu$(1) = "March on"
QuietMenu$(2) = "Get some rest"
Select Case menu&(QuietMenu$())
Case 1: doWalk
Case 2: doRest
End Select
End Sub
Sub doWalk
If fatigue >= health Then
Print "You can't take another step."
Dim walked
walked = health - fatigue
distance = distance - walked
fatigue = fatigue - 1
hours = hours + 1
If walked <= 1 Then
Print "You crawl along tiredly."
ElseIf walked <= 3 Then
Print "You march on, making steady progress."
Print "You advance quickly for now..."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub doRest
hours = hours + 1
If health < 5 Then
health = health + 0.5
If health > 5 Then health = 5
If fatigue >= health Then
fatigue = fatigue - 1
fatigue = fatigue - 0.5
End If
If fatigue < 0 Then fatigue = 0
Print "You rest and heal a little."
If fatigue >= health Then
fatigue = fatigue - 2
fatigue = fatigue - 1
End If
If fatigue < 0 Then fatigue = 0
Print "You get some good rest."
End If
Select Case Rnd
Case Is < 0.15
Print "But while you were sleeping..." ' what is !"But
Case Is < 0.3
Print "But while you were sleeping..." ' what is !"But
End Select
End Sub
Sub findWater
Print "You find a pool of water."
Dim water_menu(1 To 2) As String
water_menu(1) = "Drink some"
water_menu(2) = "Leave it"
Select Case menu&(water_menu())
Case 1: drinkWater
Case 2: noDrinking
End Select
End Sub
Sub drinkWater
fatigue = fatigue - 2
If fatigue < 0 Then fatigue = 0
Print "The water is cool. You feel refreshed."
If Rnd >= skill Then
Print "But drinking from the pool soon makes you ill."
Print "At least you learn the signs better."
health = health - 1
skill = skill + 0.05
End If
End Sub
Sub noDrinking
Print "Better not chance taking a drink at this time."
End Sub
Sub findFruit
Print "You find strange fruit."
Dim fruit_menu(1 To 2) As String
fruit_menu(1) = "Eat some"
fruit_menu(2) = "Leave it"
Select Case menu&(fruit_menu())
Case 1: eatFruit
Case 2: noEating
End Select
End Sub
Sub eatFruit
health = health + 1
If health > 5 Then health = 5
Print "The fruit is tasty. You recover some strength."
If Rnd >= skill Then
Print "But soon after eating it you feel drowsy."
Print "At least you learn the signs better."
fatigue = fatigue + 2
skill = skill + 0.05
End If
End Sub
Sub noEating
Print "Better not chance taking a bite at this time."
End Sub
Sub huntGame
Dim critter(0 To 2) As String
critter(0) = "A small herbivore"
critter(1) = "Some large rodent"
critter(2) = "A flightless bird"
Dim action(0 To 1) As String
action(0) = " hears your steps and bolts."
action(1) = " stumbles out of the bushes."
Dim hunt_menu(1 To 3) As String
hunt_menu(1) = "Shoot it"
hunt_menu(2) = "Run after it"
hunt_menu(3) = "Just move on"
Print critter(Int(Rnd * 3)); action(Int(Rnd * 2))
Select Case menu&(hunt_menu())
Case 1: shootGame
Case 2: chaseGame
Case 3: ignoreGame
End Select
End Sub
Sub shootGame
If bullets < 1 Then
Print "Click! Click! No more bullets..."
Print "The lucky creature soon vanishes."
bullets = bullets - 1
Print "You carefully take aim and... BANG!"
End If
End Sub
Sub chaseGame
If fatigue >= health Then
Print "You're too tired to give chase."
ElseIf Rnd < skill Then
fatigue = fatigue + 1
Print "You hunt it down and catch it."
fatigue = fatigue + 1
skill = skill + 0.05
Print "You chase after it, but it's too fast."
Print "At least you learn new tricks."
End If
End Sub
Sub eatGame
hours = hours + 1
health = health + 2
If health > 5 Then health = 5
Print "Poor critter is tasty roasted on a tiny fire."
Print "You recover much of your strength."
End Sub
Sub ignoreGame
Print "You decide against playing hunter right now."
End Sub
Sub fightMonkeys
Print "Screaming monkeys come out of nowhere to harass you!"
Dim monkey_menu(1 To 3) As String
monkey_menu(1) = "Shoot at them"
monkey_menu(2) = "Look scary"
monkey_menu(3) = "Run away"
Select Case menu&(monkey_menu())
Case 1: shootMonkeys
Case 2: scareMonkeys
Case 3: runAway
End Select
End Sub
Sub shootMonkeys
If bullets < 1 Then
Print "Click! Click! No more bullets..."
bullets = bullets - 1
Print "BANG! Your bullet goes crashing through the foliage."
Print "The monkeys scatter, shrieking even more loudly."
End If
End Sub
Sub scareMonkeys
Print "You shout and wave a branch, trying to look bigger."
If Rnd < skill Then
Print "The monkeys laugh mockingly at you as they scatter."
skill = skill + 0.05
Print "It doesn't seem to be working very well at all."
End If
End Sub
Sub getMauled
health = health - 2
Print "A rain of kicks and bites descends upon you!"
Print "At long last, the monkeys scatter, shrieking."
End Sub
Sub runAway
hours = hours + 1
fatigue = fatigue + 1 ' Should be less bad than what we're risking.
Print "You run away blindly, until your lungs burn."
Print "The chorus of shrieks slowly remains behind."
End Sub
Sub itsVenomous
Dim crawlie(0 To 2) As String
crawlie(0) = "giant centipede"
crawlie(1) = "big hairy spider"
crawlie(2) = "colorful snake"
Print "A "; crawlie(Int(Rnd * 3)); " falls on you from above!"
Dim crawlie_menu(1 To 2) As String
crawlie_menu(1) = "Remove it carefully"
crawlie_menu(2) = "Stand still"
Select Case menu&(crawlie_menu())
Case 1: removeCrawlie
Case 2: waitOutCrawlie
End Select
End Sub
Sub removeCrawlie
If Rnd < skill Then
Print "The crawlie wriggles wetly in your grasp. Yuck!"
skill = skill + 0.05
health = health - 1.5
Print "You carefully try to pick up the crawlie, but... OW!"
Print "It bites! You're poisoned. Burns pretty badly, too."
End If
Print "At least it's gone now. Hopefully."
End Sub
Sub waitOutCrawlie
hours = hours + 1
fatigue = fatigue + 1 ' Should be less bad than what we're risking.
Print "You wait tensely for what seems like hours."
Print "In the end, it's gone, and you're sweating."
End Sub
Sub findRuins
Print "You discover ancient ruins..."
Dim ruins_menu(1 To 3) As String
ruins_menu(1) = "Rest here"
ruins_menu(2) = "Search the place"
ruins_menu(3) = "Just move on"
Select Case menu&(ruins_menu())
Case 1: restAtRuins
Case 2: searchRuins
Case 3: leaveRuins
End Select
End Sub
Sub restAtRuins
fatigue = fatigue - 1
If fatigue < 0 Then fatigue = 0
health = health + 1
If health > 5 Then health = 5
hours = hours + 2
Print "You sleep undisturbed for once, before moving on."
End Sub
Sub searchRuins
hours = hours + 1
Select Case Rnd
Case Is < 0.3
skill = skill + 0.05
Print "You find old inscriptions teaching about the jungle."
Case Is < 0.6
Print "You find gold and diamonds. Not much use right now."
Case Else
Print "You find nothing of interest this time around."
End Select
End Sub
Sub leaveRuins
hours = hours + 1
fatigue = fatigue + 1
distance = distance - 3 ' Not too much, because it's for free.
Print "You march on, emboldened, covering a good distance."
End Sub
Sub reachSwamp
Print "A vast swamp bars your way."
Dim swamp_menu(1 To 2) As String
swamp_menu(1) = "Risk a crossing"
swamp_menu(2) = "Go around it"
Select Case menu&(swamp_menu())
Case 1: crossSwamp
Case 2: avoidSwamp
End Select
End Sub
Sub crossSwamp
If Rnd < skill Then
Print "Somehow you navigate the maze more or less safely."
' Probably too harsh since you get tired either way.
' fatigue++;
health = health - 1
skill = skill + 0.05
Print "Mud pulls at your feet, and you nearly drown once."
Print "Mosquitos besiege you; their bites make you ill."
End If
hours = hours + 1
fatigue = fatigue + 1
distance = distance - 5
Print "It's a scary shortcut to take, but it saves a lot of travel."
End Sub
Sub avoidSwamp
fatigue = fatigue + 1.5 ' Should be bad, but not too bad.
hours = hours + 2
Print "A long, tiresome detour. Safe, but no closer to your goal."
End Sub
Sub triggerPlant
Print "Creeping vines entangle your limbs and drag you down."
Print "Oh no! It's a man-eating mandragore, and it's hungry!"
Dim plant_menu(1 To 3) As String
plant_menu(1) = "Shoot it"
plant_menu(2) = "Wrestle free"
plant_menu(3) = "Cut the vines"
Select Case menu&(plant_menu())
Case 1: shootPlant
Case 2: wrestlePlant
Case 3: cutPlant
End Select
End Sub
Sub shootPlant
If bullets < 1 Then
Print "Click! Click! No more bullets..."
bullets = bullets - 1
Print "BANG! You hit the plant's smelly flower dead center."
Print "It wilts away with a horrible squelching sound."
End If
End Sub
Sub wrestlePlant
Dim energy
energy = (health - fatigue) * 2 / 10
If Rnd < energy Then
Print "You vigorously pull at the vines, breaking a few."
Print "The plant soon decides to wait for easier prey."
Print "You pull tiredly at the vines. It's not enough."
End If
fatigue = fatigue + 1
End Sub
Sub cutPlant
fatigue = fatigue + 1
If Rnd < skill Then
Print "You expertly hack at the vines with your knife."
Print "The plant soon decides to wait for easier prey."
skill = skill + 0.05
Print "You clumsily hack at the vines with your knife."
End If
End Sub
Sub getChewedOn
health = health - 1
Print "The plants chews on you with its toothless maw,";
Print " burning you with digestive juices before you escape."
End Sub
'dim shared encounters(0 to 7) as sub = { _
' @findWater, @findFruit, @huntGame, @fightMonkeys, _
' @itsVenomous, @findRuins, @reachSwamp, @triggerPlant}
Sub pickEncounter
Dim i
For i = 0 To 7
If Rnd < chances(i) Then
chances(i) = chances(i) / 5
Select Case i
Case 0: findWater
Case 1: findFruit
Case 2: huntGame
Case 3: fightMonkeys
Case 4: itsVenomous
Case 5: findRuins
Case 6: reachSwamp
Case 7: triggerPlant
End Select
'return encounters(i)
chances(i) = chances(i) + 0.05
End If
End Sub
Sub playGame
While health > 0 And distance > 0
Dim status1 As String, status2 As String
setStatus status1, status2
Print status1; status2;
If health <= 0 Then
Print "You died in the jungle, after ";
Print hours; " hours of struggle."
Print "No more than "; distance; "km away from safety."
If bullets = 6 Then
Print "Without as much as firing a single bullet."
End If
Print "Oh well, better luck next time."
ElseIf distance <= 0 Then
Print "At last, the trees open up. You see a village. Saved!"
Print "Unless it's a hostile tribe? Just kidding. You win!"
Print "(In "; hours; " hours, with ";
Print bullets; " bullets left.)"
Print "Game ended abnormally."
End If
End Sub
Sub help
Print "The goal is to cross the 50Km or so separating you from safety."
Print "The exact distance varies every time you play."
Print "Advance in the game by marching on whenever you get the chance."
Print "But you have to balance your health and fatigue."
Print "The worse your health, the easier you get tired."
Print "It's not possible to die from exhaustion."
Print "But being tired all the time will hold you up,"
Print "allowing more dangers to catch up with you and sap your health."
Print "Hope this helps. Enjoy!"
End Sub
My best game least hours and bullets used was 7 hours and 5 bullets left (I used only 1 on the hungry man eating plant.)
b = b + ...