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Joined: Jul 2022
Hi all
I am new here and hope I am not posting somewhere not relevant.
I keep coming back to QB64 from programming in other languages because of it simplicity and power. Because of its vast array of keywords and commands I find myself spending more time checking the syntax, by going back and forward in the IDE, and as much as its convenient having the help there in the IDE, I find it helpful having some sort of document (PDF or DOC) with the command, a brief one line description and the basic syntax of the command. I have looked around on Google and searched the forum briefly, but cannot see anything that might be similar.
Does anyone know of anywhere I could get such a thing? I was going to just set one up myself, but seemed a bit overkill if it already exists.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Posts: 241
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Joined: Apr 2022
07-19-2022, 06:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2022, 06:57 AM by RhoSigma.)
(07-19-2022, 06:24 AM)vinceg2022 Wrote: Hi all
I am new here and hope I am not posting somewhere not relevant.
I keep coming back to QB64 from programming in other languages because of it simplicity and power. Because of its vast array of keywords and commands I find myself spending more time checking the syntax, by going back and forward in the IDE, and as much as its convenient having the help there in the IDE, I find it helpful having some sort of document (PDF or DOC) with the command, a brief one line description and the basic syntax of the command. I have looked around on Google and searched the forum briefly, but cannot see anything that might be similar.
Does anyone know of anywhere I could get such a thing? I was going to just set one up myself, but seemed a bit overkill if it already exists.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi vinceg,
Welcome to the forum, our wiki might be helpful:
or the PDF assembled from it, although this is not necessarily the latest version of the wiki:
Posts: 6
Threads: 2
Joined: Jul 2022
07-19-2022, 08:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2022, 08:09 AM by vinceg2022.)
(07-19-2022, 06:51 AM)RhoSigma Wrote: (07-19-2022, 06:24 AM)vinceg2022 Wrote: Hi all
I am new here and hope I am not posting somewhere not relevant.
I keep coming back to QB64 from programming in other languages because of it simplicity and power. Because of its vast array of keywords and commands I find myself spending more time checking the syntax, by going back and forward in the IDE, and as much as its convenient having the help there in the IDE, I find it helpful having some sort of document (PDF or DOC) with the command, a brief one line description and the basic syntax of the command. I have looked around on Google and searched the forum briefly, but cannot see anything that might be similar.
Does anyone know of anywhere I could get such a thing? I was going to just set one up myself, but seemed a bit overkill if it already exists.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi vinceg,
Welcome to the forum, our wiki might be helpful:
or the PDF assembled from it, although this is not necessarily the latest version of the wiki:
Hi RhoSigma
Thanks for the response. The wiki seems to be a duplicate of the help on the QB64 IDE. I know going into either the Wiki or the Help in the IDE and then clicking the command for the syntax isn't a big deal, I just wondered if there was a similar list of commands with a basic example of the syntax alongside the command.
Thanks for the response anyway, much appreciated.
Posts: 241
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Joined: Apr 2022
07-19-2022, 09:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2022, 08:23 PM by RhoSigma.)
(07-19-2022, 08:08 AM)vinceg2022 Wrote: The wiki seems to be a duplicate of the help on the QB64 IDE.
Yes, but the opposite, the IDE actually pulls the text from the wiki and caches it into the internal\help folder, so it's available even if you're not online. This said, another valuable info for you is that you can force the IDE to update its internal help cache by using the "Update current page" or "Update all pages" commands from the "Help" menu.
As for your question for a simple syntax reference it should be sufficient to watch the IDE status area while typing your commands. It will give short messages, if something unexpected is typed and also complete sysntax specs for commands.
Posts: 456
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Joined: Apr 2022
Some good advice for you there, Vinceg, but I suspect that you, like me, would like the list "on hand" while writing, to find useful alternatives to the commands we already know and use. Maybe this will become available soon from our very helpful crew?
Posts: 1,507
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Joined: Apr 2022
A quick QB64 program to grab a brief command list and minor description from the web:
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1024, 720, 32)
wiki$ = "" 'wiki page to download
outFile$ = "Keywords.txt" 'the name of the file on our disk where we save to.
text$ = Download$(wiki$) 'This downloads the wiki page we want from the web.
Open outFile$ For Output As #1
p = InStr(p + 1, text$, "<li>") 'find a keyword in the listing
If p = 0 Then Exit Do 'we're finished when we don't find any more keywords
t = InStr(p, text$, "title") 'find the name of the wiki page for the keyword
tEnd = InStr(t, text$, ">") 'find the end point of the wiki page name
nEnd = InStr(tEnd, text$, "</a>") 'the end of the name of the keyword
keywordName$ = Mid$(text$, tEnd + 1, nEnd - tEnd - 1)
If Left$(keywordName$, 3) = "_gl" Then Exit Do 'Quit parsing at the gl keywords as nobody really uses them.
descriptionStart = InStr(nEnd + 5, text$, ">")
descriptionEnd = InStr(descriptionStart, text$, "</li>")
description$ = Mid$(text$, descriptionStart + 1, descriptionEnd - descriptionStart - 1)
Print #1, keywordName$; " -- "; description$
Print keywordName$; " -- "; description$ 'echo output to screen
Function Download$ (toSite$)
CRLF$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
If Left$(UCase$(toSite$), 5) = "HTTPS" Then Exit Function 'can't open HTTPS pages like this
webpage$ = toSite$
If Left$(LCase$(webpage$), 7) = "http://" Then webpage$ = Mid$(webpage$, 8) 'trim http://
p = InStr(webpage$, "/")
If p = 0 Then Exit Function
baseURL$ = Left$(webpage$, p - 1)
path$ = Mid$(webpage$, p)
OpenHandle = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:80:" + baseURL$)
'base is everything before the first /, path is everything else.
'for example:, our base is
' and the path would be /qb64wiki/index.php=Main_Page
Request$ = "GET " + path$ + " HTTP/1.1" + CRLF$ + "Host:" + baseURL$ + CRLF$ + CRLF$
Put #OpenHandle, , Request$
Get #OpenHandle, , t$
tempDownload$ = tempDownload$ + t$
_Limit 20
Loop Until InStr(t$, "</html>")
Close OpenHandle
Download$ = tempDownload$
End Function
Run this and it generates a file called "Keywords.txt" on your drive which looks like the following:
Quote:_ACCEPTFILEDROP -- turns a program window into a valid drop destination for dragging files from Windows Explorer.</span>
_ACOS -- arccosine function returns the angle in radians based on an input <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/COS" title="COS">COSine</a> value range from -1 to 1.</span>
_ACOSH -- Returns the nonnegative arc hyperbolic cosine of x, expressed in radians.</span>
_ALLOWFULLSCREEN -- allows setting the behavior of the ALT+ENTER combo.</span>
_ALPHA -- returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a screen page or image.</span>
_ALPHA32 -- returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a 32 bit screen page or image.</span>
_ARCCOT -- is the inverse function of the cotangent.</span>
_ARCCSC -- is the inverse function of the cosecant.</span>
_ARCSEC -- is the inverse function of the secant.</span>
_ASIN -- Returns the principal value of the arc sine of x, expressed in radians.</span>
_ASINH -- Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of x, expressed in radians.</span>
_ASSERT -- Performs debug tests.</span>
$ASSERTS -- enables debug tests with the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASSERT" title="ASSERT">_ASSERT</a> macro.</span>
_ATAN2 -- Returns the principal value of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ATN" title="ATN">arc tangent</a> of y/x, expressed in radians.</span>
_ATANH -- Returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of x, expressed in radians.</span>
_AUTODISPLAY -- enables the automatic display of the screen image changes previously disabled by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DISPLAY" title="DISPLAY">_DISPLAY</a>.</span>
_AUTODISPLAY (function) -- returns the current display mode as true (-1) if automatic or false (0) if per request using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DISPLAY" title="DISPLAY">_DISPLAY</a>.</span>
_AXIS -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> value between -1 and 1 indicating the maximum distance from the device axis center, 0.</span>
_BACKGROUNDCOLOR -- returns the current <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen page</a> background color.</span>
_BIT -- can return only signed values of 0 (bit off) and -1 (bit on). Unsigned 0 or 1.</span>
_BIN$ -- returns the binary (base 2) <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> representation of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> part of any value.</span>
_BLEND -- statement turns on 32 bit alpha blending for the current image or screen mode and is default.</span>
_BLEND (function) -- returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DONTBLEND" title="DONTBLEND">_DONTBLEND</a> statement.</span>
_BLINK -- statement turns blinking colors on/off in SCREEN 0</span>
_BLINK (function) -- returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BLINK" title="BLINK">_BLINK</a> statement.</span>
_BLUE -- function returns the palette or the blue component intensity of a 32-bit image color.</span>
_BLUE32 -- returns the blue component intensity of a 32-bit color value.</span>
_BUTTON -- returns -1 when a controller device button is pressed and 0 when button is released.</span>
_BUTTONCHANGE -- returns -1 when a device button has been pressed and 1 when released. Zero indicates no change.</span>
_BYTE -- can hold signed values from -128 to 127 (one byte or _BIT * 8). Unsigned from 0 to 255.</span>
_CAPSLOCK (function) -- returns -1 when Caps Lock is on</span>
_CAPSLOCK -- sets Caps Lock key state</span>
$CHECKING -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">turns event and error checking OFF or ON.</span>
_CEIL -- Rounds x upward, returning the smallest integral value that is not less than x.</span>
_CINP -- Returns a key code from $CONSOLE input</span>
_CLEARCOLOR (function) -- returns the current transparent color of an image.</span>
_CLEARCOLOR -- sets a specific color index of an image to be transparent</span>
_CLIP -- PUT</a> graphics option) <span style="color:#888888;">allows placement of an image partially off of the screen.</span>
_CLIPBOARD$ -- returns the operating system's clipboard contents as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
_CLIPBOARD$ (statement) -- sets and overwrites the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value in the operating system's clipboard.</span>
_CLIPBOARDIMAGE (function) -- pastes an image from the clipboard into a new QB64 image in memory.</span>
_CLIPBOARDIMAGE -- (statement) copies a valid QB64 image to the clipboard.</span>
$COLOR -- includes named color constants in a program.</span>
_COMMANDCOUNT -- returns the number of arguments passed to the compiled program from the command line.</span>
_CONNECTED -- returns the status of a TCP/IP connection handle.</span>
_CONNECTIONADDRESS$ -- returns a connected user's STRING IP address value using the handle.</span>
$CONSOLE -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">creates a console window that can be used throughout a program.</span>
_CONSOLE -- used to turn a console window OFF or ON or to designate <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DEST" title="DEST">_DEST</a> _CONSOLE for output.</span>
_CONSOLEINPUT -- fetches input data from a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$CONSOLE" title="$CONSOLE">$CONSOLE</a> window to be read later (both mouse and keyboard)</span>
_CONSOLETITLE -- creates the title of the console window using a literal or variable <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
_CONTINUE -- skips the remaining lines in a control block (DO/LOOP, FOR/NEXT or WHILE/WEND)</span>
_CONTROLCHR -- <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OFF" title="OFF">OFF</a> allows the control characters to be used as text characters. <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON" title="ON">ON</a> (default) can use them as commands.</span>
_CONTROLCHR (function) -- returns the current state of _CONTROLCHR as 1 when OFF and 0 when ON.</span>
_COPYIMAGE -- copies an image handle value to a new designated handle.</span>
_COPYPALETTE -- copies the color palette intensities from one 4 or 8 BPP image to another image.</span>
_COT -- the mathematical function cotangent defined by 1/TAN.</span>
_COTH -- Returns the hyperbolic cotangent.</span>
_COSH -- Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x radians.</span>
_CSC -- the mathematical function cosecant defined by 1/SIN.</span>
_CSCH -- Returns the hyperbolic cosecant.</span>
_CV -- converts any <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MK$" title="MK$">_MK$</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value to the designated numerical type value.</span>
_CWD$ -- returns the current working directory as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value.</span>
_D2G -- converts degrees to gradient angle values.</span>
_D2R -- converts degrees to radian angle values.</span>
$DEBUG -- enables debugging features, allowing you to step through your code line by line.</span>
DECLARE LIBRARY (QB64 statement block) -- declares a C++, SDL or Operating System <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a> to be used.</span>
DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY (QB64 statement) -- declares DYNAMIC, CUSTOMTYPE or STATIC library (DLL) <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a>.</span>
_DEFAULTCOLOR -- returns the current default text color for an image handle or page.</span>
_DEFINE -- defines a range of variable names according to their first character as a data type.</span>
_DEFLATE$ -- compresses a string</span>
_DELAY -- suspends program execution for a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> number of seconds.</span>
_DEPTHBUFFER -- enables, disables, locks or clears depth buffering.</span>
_DESKTOPHEIGHT -- returns the height of the desktop (not program window).</span>
_DESKTOPWIDTH -- returns the width of the desktop (not program window).</span>
_DEST -- sets the current write image or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> page destination for prints or graphics.</span>
_DEST (function) -- returns the current destination screen page or image handle value.</span>
_DEVICE$ -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> expression listing a designated numbered input device name and types of input.</span>
_DEVICEINPUT -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DEVICES" title="DEVICES">_DEVICES</a> number of an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/AXIS" title="AXIS">_AXIS</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BUTTON" title="BUTTON">_BUTTON</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WHEEL" title="WHEEL">_WHEEL</a> event.</span>
_DEVICES -- returns the number of input devices found on a computer system including the keyboard and mouse.</span>
_DIR$ -- returns common paths in Windows only, like My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, Desktop.</span>
_DIREXISTS -- returns -1 if the Directory folder name <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> parameter exists. Zero if it does not.</span>
_DISPLAY -- turns off the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/AUTODISPLAY" title="AUTODISPLAY">automatic display</a> while only displaying the screen changes when called.</span>
_DISPLAY (function) -- returns the handle of the current image that is displayed on the screen.</span>
_DISPLAYORDER -- designates the order to render software, hardware and custom-opengl-code.</span>
_DONTBLEND -- statement turns off default <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BLEND" title="BLEND">_BLEND</a> 32 bit <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ALPHA" title="ALPHA">alpha</a> blending for the current image or screen.</span>
_DONTWAIT -- SHELL</a> action) <span style="color:#888888;">specifies that the program should not wait until the shelled command/program is finished.</span>
_DROPPEDFILE -- returns the list of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ACCEPTFILEDROP" title="ACCEPTFILEDROP">_ACCEPTFILEDROP</a> is enabled.</span>
_ECHO -- used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.</span>
$ELSE -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used in conjunction with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$IF" title="$IF">$IF</a> for the precompiler.</span>
$ELSEIF -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used in conjunction with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$IF" title="$IF">$IF</a> for the precompiler.</span>
$END IF -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used in conjunction with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$IF" title="$IF">$IF</a> for the precompiler.</span>
_ENVIRONCOUNT -- returns the number of key/value pairs currently exist in the environment table.</span>
$ERROR -- metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used to trigger compiler errors from within the precompiling pass.</span>
_ERRORLINE -- returns the source code line number that caused the most recent runtime error.</span>
_ERRORMESSAGE$ -- returns a human-readable message describing the most recent runtime error.</span>
$EXEICON -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used with a .ICO icon file name to embed the image into the QB64 executable.</span>
_EXIT (function) -- prevents a user exit and indicates if a user has clicked the close X window button or CTRL + BREAK.</span>
_FILEEXISTS -- returns -1 if the file name <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> parameter exists. Zero if it does not.</span>
_FINISHDROP -- resets <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/TOTALDROPPEDFILES" title="TOTALDROPPEDFILES">_TOTALDROPPEDFILES</a> and clears the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DROPPEDFILE" title="DROPPEDFILE">_DROPPEDFILE</a> list of items (files/folders).</span>
_FLOAT -- offers the maximum floating-point decimal precision available using QB64.</span>
_FONT -- sets the current font handle to be used by PRINT or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINTSTRING" title="PRINTSTRING">_PRINTSTRING</a>.</span>
_FONT (function) -- creates a new font handle from a designated image handle.</span>
_FONTHEIGHT -- returns the current text or font height.</span>
_FONTWIDTH -- returns the current text or font width.</span>
_FREEFONT -- releases the current font handle from memory.</span>
_FREEIMAGE -- releases a designated image handle from memory.</span>
_FREETIMER -- returns an unused timer number value to use with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON_TIMER(n)" title="ON TIMER(n)">ON TIMER(n)</a>.</span>
_FULLSCREEN -- sets the program window to full screen or OFF. Alt + Enter does it manually.</span>
_FULLSCREEN (function) -- returns the fullscreen mode in use by the program.</span>
_G2D -- converts gradient to degree angle values.</span>
_G2R -- converts gradient to radian angle values.</span>
_GLRENDER -- sets whether context is displayed, on top of or behind the software rendering.</span>
_GREEN -- function returns the palette or the green component intensity of a 32-bit image color.</span>
_GREEN32 -- returns the green component intensity of a 32-bit color value.</span>
_HEIGHT -- returns the height of a designated image handle.</span>
_HIDE -- SHELL</a> action) <span style="color:#888888;"> hides the command line display during a shell.</span>
_HYPOT -- Returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are x and y.</span>
$IF -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used to set an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/IF" title="IF">IF</a> condition for the precompiler.</span>
_ICON -- designates a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LOADIMAGE" title="LOADIMAGE">_LOADIMAGE</a> image file handle to be used as the program's icon or loads the embedded icon (see <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$EXEICON" title="$EXEICON">$EXEICON</a>).</span>
_INCLERRORFILE$ -- returns the name of the original source code $INCLUDE module that caused the most recent error.</span>
_INCLERRORLINE -- returns the line number in an included file that caused the most recent error.</span>
_INFLATE$ -- decompresses a string</span>
_INSTRREV -- allows searching for a substring inside another string, but unlike <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INSTR" title="INSTR">INSTR</a> it returns the last occurrence instead of the first one.</span>
_INTEGER64 -- can hold whole numerical values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.</span>
_KEYCLEAR -- clears the keyboard buffers for INKEY$, _KEYHIT, and INP.</span>
_KEYHIT -- returns <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> one and two byte, SDL Virtual Key and <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Unicode" title="Unicode">Unicode</a> keyboard key press codes.</span>
_KEYDOWN -- returns whether CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, combinations and other keys are pressed.</span>
$LET -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used to set a variable for the precompiler.</span>
_LASTAXIS -- returns the number of axis available on a specified number device listed by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DEVICE$" title="DEVICE$">_DEVICE$</a>.</span>
_LASTBUTTON -- returns the number of buttons available on a specified number device listed by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DEVICE$" title="DEVICE$">DEVICE$</a>.</span>
_LASTWHEEL -- returns the number of scroll wheels available on a specified number device listed by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DEVICE$" title="DEVICE$">_DEVICE$</a>.</span>
_LIMIT -- sets the loops per second rate to slow down loops and limit CPU usage.</span>
_LOADFONT -- designates a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FONT" title="FONT">font</a> TTF file to load and returns a handle value.</span>
_LOADIMAGE -- designates an image file to load and returns a handle value.</span>
_MAPTRIANGLE -- maps a triangular image source area to put on a destination area.</span>
_MAPUNICODE -- maps a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Unicode" title="Unicode">Unicode</a> value to an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code number.</span>
_MAPUNICODE (function) -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Unicode" title="Unicode">Unicode</a> (UTF32) code point value of a mapped <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> character code.</span>
_MEM (function) -- returns <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> block referring to the largest continuous memory region beginning at a designated variable's offset.</span>
_MEM -- contains read only dot elements for the OFFSET, SIZE, TYPE and ELEMENTSIZE of a block of memory.</span>
_MEMCOPY -- copies a value from a designated OFFSET and SIZE <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/TO" title="TO">TO</a> a block of memory at a designated OFFSET.</span>
_MEMELEMENT -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> block referring to a variable's memory (but not past it).</span>
_MEMEXISTS -- verifies that a memory block exists for a memory variable name or returns zero.</span>
_MEMFILL -- fills a designated memory block OFFSET with a certain SIZE and TYPE of value.</span>
_MEMFREE -- frees a designated memory block in a program. Only free memory blocks once.</span>
_MEMGET -- reads a value from a designated memory block at a designated OFFSET</span>
_MEMGET (function) -- returns a value from a designated memory block and OFFSET using a designated variable <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/TYPE" title="TYPE">TYPE</a>.</span>
_MEMIMAGE -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> block referring to a designated image handle's memory</span>
_MEMNEW -- allocates new memory with a designated SIZE and returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> block referring to it.</span>
_MEMPUT -- places a designated value into a designated memory block OFFSET</span>
_MEMSOUND -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> block referring to a designated sound handle's memory</span>
_MIDDLE -- centers the program window on the desktop in any screen resolution.</span>
_MK$ -- converts a numerical value to a designated <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value.</span>
_MOUSEBUTTON -- returns the status of a designated mouse button.</span>
_MOUSEHIDE -- hides the mouse pointer from view</span>
_MOUSEINPUT -- returns a value if the mouse status has changed since the last read.</span>
_MOUSEMOVE -- moves the mouse pointer to a designated position on the program <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
_MOUSEMOVEMENTX -- returns the relative horizontal position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.</span>
_MOUSEMOVEMENTY -- returns the relative vertical position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.</span>
_MOUSESHOW -- displays the mouse cursor after it has been hidden or can change the cursor shape.</span>
_MOUSEWHEEL -- returns the number of mouse scroll wheel "clicks" since last read.</span>
_MOUSEX -- returns the current horizontal position of the mouse cursor.</span>
_MOUSEY -- returns the current vertical position of the mouse cursor.</span>
_NEWIMAGE -- creates a designated size program <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> or page image and returns a handle value.</span>
$NOPREFIX -- allows QB64-specific keywords to be used without the underscore prefix.</span>
_NUMLOCK (function) -- returns -1 when Num Lock is on</span>
_NUMLOCK -- sets Num Lock key state</span>
_OFFSET (function) -- returns the memory offset of a variable when used with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DECLARE_LIBRARY" title="DECLARE LIBRARY">DECLARE LIBRARY</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">_MEM</a> only.</span>
_OFFSET -- can be used store the value of an offset in memory when using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DECLARE_LIBRARY" title="DECLARE LIBRARY">DECLARE LIBRARY</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MEM" title="MEM">MEM</a> only.</span>
_OPENCLIENT -- connects to a Host on the Internet as a Client and returns the Client status handle.</span>
_OPENCONNECTION -- open's a connection from a client that the host has detected and returns a status handle.</span>
_OPENHOST -- opens a Host and returns a Host status handle.</span>
OPTION _EXPLICIT -- instructs the compiler to require variable declaration with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DIM" title="DIM">DIM</a> or an equivalent statement.</span>
OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY -- instructs the compiler to require array declaration with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DIM" title="DIM">DIM</a> or an equivalent statement.</span>
_OS$ -- returns the QB64 compiler version in which the program was compiled as [WINDOWS], [LINUX] or [MACOSX] and [32BIT] or [64BIT].</span>
_PALETTECOLOR -- sets the color value of a palette entry of an image using 256 colors or less palette modes.</span>
_PALETTECOLOR (function) -- return the 32 bit attribute color setting of an image or screen page handle's palette.</span>
_PI -- returns the value of <b>π</b> or parameter multiples for angle or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/CIRCLE" title="CIRCLE">circle</a> calculations.</span>
_PIXELSIZE -- returns the pixel palette mode of a designated image handle.</span>
_PRESERVE -- REDIM</a> action) <span style="color:#888888;">preserves the data presently in an array when <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/REDIM" title="REDIM">REDIM</a> is used.</span>
_PRINTIMAGE -- sends an image to the printer that is stretched to the current printer paper size.</span>
_PRINTMODE -- sets the text or _FONT printing mode on a background when using PRINT or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINTSTRING" title="PRINTSTRING">_PRINTSTRING</a>.</span>
_PRINTMODE (function) -- returns the present <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINTMODE" title="PRINTMODE">_PRINTMODE</a> value number.</span>
_PRINTSTRING -- locates and prints a text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> using graphic coordinates.</span>
_PRINTWIDTH -- returns the pixel width of a text string to be printed using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINTSTRING" title="PRINTSTRING">_PRINTSTRING</a>.</span>
_PUTIMAGE -- maps a rectangular image source area to an image destination area.</span>
_R2D -- converts radians to degree angle values.</span>
_R2G -- converts radians to gradient angle values.</span>
_RED -- function returns the palette or the red component intensity of a 32-bit image color.</span>
_RED32 -- returns the red component intensity of a 32-bit color value.</span>
_READBIT -- returns the state of the specified bit of an integer variable.</span>
_RESETBIT -- is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 0.</span>
$RESIZE -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used with ON allows a user to resize the program window where OFF does not.</span>
_RESIZE -- sets resizing of the window ON or OFF and sets the method as _STRETCH or _SMOOTH.</span>
_RESIZE (function) -- returns -1 when a program user wants to resize the program screen.</span>
_RESIZEHEIGHT -- returns the requested new user screen height when <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$RESIZE" title="$RESIZE">$RESIZE</a>:ON allows it.</span>
_RESIZEWIDTH -- returns the requested new user screen width when <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$RESIZE" title="$RESIZE">$RESIZE</a>:ON allows it.</span>
_RGB -- returns the closest palette index OR the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens.</span>
_RGB32 -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only</span>
_RGBA -- returns the closest palette index OR the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens with the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ALPHA" title="ALPHA">ALPHA</a></span>
_RGBA32 -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only with the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ALPHA" title="ALPHA">ALPHA</a></span>
_ROUND -- rounds to the closest <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER64" title="INTEGER64">_INTEGER64</a> numerical value.</span>
_SEC -- the mathematical function secant defined by 1/COS.</span>
_SECH -- Returns the hyperbolic secant.</span>
_SCREENCLICK -- simulates clicking on a point on the desktop screen with the left mouse button.</span>
_SCREENEXISTS -- returns a -1 value once a screen has been created.</span>
$SCREENHIDE -- hides the program window from view.</span>
_SCREENHIDE -- hides the program window from view.</span>
_SCREENICON (function) -- returns -1 or 0 to indicate if the window has been minimized to an icon on the taskbar.</span>
_SCREENICON -- minimizes the program window to an icon on the taskbar.</span>
_SCREENIMAGE -- creates an image of the current desktop and returns an image handle.</span>
_SCREENMOVE -- positions program window on the desktop using designated coordinates or the _MIDDLE option.</span>
_SCREENPRINT -- simulates typing text into a Windows program using the keyboard.</span>
$SCREENSHOW -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">displays the program window after it was hidden.</span>
_SCREENSHOW -- displays the program window after it has been hidden by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREENHIDE" title="SCREENHIDE">_SCREENHIDE</a>.</span>
_SCREENX -- returns the program window's upper left corner horizontal position on the desktop.</span>
_SCREENY -- returns the program window's upper left corner vertical position on the desktop.</span>
_SCROLLLOCK (function) -- returns -1 when Scroll Lock is on</span>
_SCROLLLOCK -- sets Scroll Lock key state</span>
_SETALPHA -- sets the alpha channel transparency level of some or all of the pixels of an image.</span>
_SETBIT -- is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 1.</span>
_SHELLHIDE -- returns the code sent by a program exit using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/END" title="END">END</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SYSTEM" title="SYSTEM">SYSTEM</a> followed by an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> value.</span>
_SHL -- used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the left</span>
_SHR -- used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the right.</span>
_SINH -- Returns the hyperbolic sine of x radians.</span>
_SNDBAL -- attempts to set the balance or 3D position of a sound file.</span>
_SNDCLOSE -- frees and unloads an open sound using the sound handle created by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDOPEN" title="SNDOPEN">_SNDOPEN</a>.</span>
_SNDCOPY -- copies a sound handle value to a new designated handle.</span>
_SNDGETPOS -- returns the current playing position in seconds from a sound file.</span>
_SNDLEN -- returns the length of a sound in seconds from a sound file.</span>
_SNDLIMIT -- stops playing a sound after it has been playing for a set number of seconds.</span>
_SNDLOOP -- plays a sound repeatedly until <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDSTOP" title="SNDSTOP">_SNDSTOP</a> is used.</span>
_SNDOPEN -- loads a sound file and returns a sound handle.</span>
_SNDOPENRAW -- opens a new channel to shove <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDRAW" title="SNDRAW">_SNDRAW</a> content into without mixing.</span>
_SNDPAUSE -- stops playing a sound file until resumed.</span>
_SNDPAUSED -- returns the current pause status of a sound file handle.</span>
_SNDPLAY -- plays a sound file handle that was created by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDOPEN" title="SNDOPEN">_SNDOPEN</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDCOPY" title="SNDCOPY">_SNDCOPY</a>.</span>
_SNDPLAYCOPY -- copies a sound handle, plays it and automatically closes the copy when done.</span>
_SNDPLAYFILE -- directly plays a designated sound file.</span>
_SNDPLAYING -- returns the current playing status of a sound handle.</span>
_SNDRATE -- returns the sound card sample rate to set <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDRAW" title="SNDRAW">_SNDRAW</a> durations.</span>
_SNDRAW -- creates mono or stereo sounds from calculated wave frequency values.</span>
_SNDRAWDONE -- pads a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDRAW" title="SNDRAW">_SNDRAW</a> stream so the final (partially filled) buffer section is played.</span>
_SNDRAWLEN -- returns a value until the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SNDRAW" title="SNDRAW">_SNDRAW</a> buffer is empty.</span>
_SNDSETPOS -- sets the playing position of a sound handle.</span>
_SNDSTOP -- stops playing a sound handle.</span>
_SNDVOL -- sets the volume of a sound file handle.</span>
_SOURCE -- sets the source image handle.</span>
_SOURCE (function) -- returns the present source image handle value.</span>
_STARTDIR$ -- returns the user's program calling path as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
_STRCMP -- compares the relationship between two strings.</span>
_STRICMP -- compares the relationship between two strings, without regard for case-sensitivity.</span>
_TANH -- Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x radians.</span>
_TITLE -- sets the program title <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> value.</span>
_TITLE$ -- gets the program title <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> value.</span>
_TOGGLEBIT -- is used to toggle the specified bit of an integer variable from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.</span>
_TOTALDROPPEDFILES -- returns the number of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ACCEPTFILEDROP" title="ACCEPTFILEDROP">_ACCEPTFILEDROP</a> is enabled.</span>
_TRIM$ -- shorthand to <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LTRIM$" title="LTRIM$">LTRIM$</a>(<a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/RTRIM$" title="RTRIM$">RTRIM$</a>("text"))</span>
_UNSIGNED -- expands the positive range of numerical <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER64" title="INTEGER64">_INTEGER64</a> values returned.</span>
$VERSIONINFO -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">adds metadata to Windows only binaries for identification purposes across the OS.</span>
$VIRTUALKEYBOARD -- Metacommand</a>) (<span style="color:red;">deprecated</span>) <span style="color:#888888;">turns the virtual keyboard ON or OFF for use in touch-enabled devices.</span>
_WHEEL -- returns -1 when a control device wheel is scrolled up and 1 when scrolled down. Zero indicates no activity.</span>
_WIDTH (function) -- returns the width of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> or image handle.</span>
_WINDOWHANDLE -- returns the window handle assigned to the current program by the OS. Windows-only.</span>
_WINDOWHASFOCUS -- returns true (-1) if the current program's window has focus. Windows-only.</span>
ABS -- converts any negative numerical value to a positive value.</span>
ABSOLUTE -- is used to access computer interrupt registers.</span>
ACCESS -- sets the read and write access of a file when opened.</span>
ALIAS -- DECLARE LIBRARY</a> statement) <span style="color:#888888;">denotes the actual name of an imported <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> procedure.</span>
AND -- is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.</span>
AND (boolean) -- conditonal operator is used to include another evaluation in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/IF...THEN" title="IF...THEN">IF...THEN</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Boolean" title="Boolean">Boolean</a> statement.</span>
APPEND -- creates a new file or allows an existing file to have data added using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WRITE_(file_statement)" title="WRITE (file statement)">WRITE</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINT_(file_statement)" title="PRINT (file statement)">PRINT</a></span>
AS -- is used to denote a variable type or file number.</span>
ASC -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code number of a text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> character.</span>
ASC (statement) -- sets the code value of an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> text character at a designated <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> position.</span>
ATN -- or arctangent returns the angle in radians of a numerical <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/TAN" title="TAN">tangent</a> value.</span>
BEEP -- creates an error sound of a fixed duration.</span>
BINARY -- creates or opens an existing file for <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/GET" title="GET">read</a> and <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PUT" title="PUT">write</a> byte-wise access.</span>
BLOAD -- transfers the contents of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BINARY" title="BINARY">BINARY</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BSAVE" title="BSAVE">BSAVE</a> file to a specific <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Arrays" title="Arrays">array</a>.</span>
BSAVE -- transfers the contents of an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Arrays" title="Arrays">array</a> to a specified size <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/BINARY" title="BINARY">BINARY</a> file.</span>
BYVAL -- assigns a numerical variable value by its value, not the name.</span>
CALL -- optional statement that sends the program to a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> procedure. Requires parameters be enclosed in brackets(parenthesis).</span>
CALL ABSOLUTE -- is used to access computer interrupt registers.</span>
CASE -- SELECT CASE</a> condition) <span style="color:#888888;">designates specific conditions in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SELECT_CASE" title="SELECT CASE">SELECT CASE</a> statement block.</span>
CASE ELSE -- SELECT CASE</a> condition) <span style="color:#888888;">designates an alternative condition to be evaluated in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SELECT_CASE" title="SELECT CASE">SELECT CASE</a> statement block.</span>
CASE IS -- SELECT CASE</a> condition) <span style="color:#888888;">designates specific conditions in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SELECT_CASE" title="SELECT CASE">SELECT CASE</a> statement block.</span>
CDBL -- returns the closest <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> value of a number.</span>
CHAIN -- sends a program to another specified program module or compiled program.</span>
CHDIR -- changes the current program path for file access.</span>
CHR$ -- returns a text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> character by the specified <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code number.</span>
CINT -- returns the closest <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> value of a numerical value.</span>
CIRCLE -- creates a circle, ellipse or arc at a designated graphical coordinate position.</span>
CLEAR -- sets all variable and array values to zero number values or empty <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRINGs</a>.</span>
CLNG -- returns the closest <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> value of a numerical value.</span>
CLOSE -- closes specific file number(s) or all files when a number is not specified.</span>
CLS -- clears a program <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/VIEW" title="VIEW">VIEW</a> port or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WINDOW" title="WINDOW">WINDOW</a>.</span>
COLOR -- sets the current text foreground and/or background color to be used.</span>
COMMAND$ -- returns the command line arguments passed when a program is run.</span>
COMMON -- sets a variable name as shared by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/CHAIN" title="CHAIN">CHAINed</a> program modules.</span>
CONST -- sets a variable name and its value as a constant value to be used by all procedures.</span>
COS -- returns the cosine of a radian angle value.</span>
CSNG -- returns the closest <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> value of a numerical value.</span>
CSRLIN -- returns the present <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINT" title="PRINT">PRINT</a> cursor text row <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> coordinate position.</span>
CVD -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> numerical value of an 8 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKD$" title="MKD$">MKD$</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
CVDMBF -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> numerical value of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKDMBF$" title="MKDMBF$">Microsoft Binary Format</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
CVI -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> numerical value of a 2 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKI$" title="MKI$">MKI$</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
CVL -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> numerical value of a 4 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKL$" title="MKL$">MKL$</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
CVS -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> numerical value of a 4 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKS$" title="MKS$">MKS$</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
CVSMBF -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> numerical value of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/MKSMBF$" title="MKSMBF$">Microsoft Binary Format</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
DATA -- creates a line of fixed program information separated by commas.</span>
DATE$ -- returns the present Operating System date <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> formatted as mm-dd-yyyy.</span>
DECLARE LIBRARY (QB64 statement block) -- declares a C++, SDL or Operating System <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a> to be used.</span>
DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY (QB64 statement) -- declares DYNAMIC, CUSTOMTYPE or STATIC library(DLL) <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a>.</span>
DEF SEG -- defines a segment in memory to be accessed by a memory procedure.</span>
DEFDBL -- defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> type numerical values.</span>
DEFINT -- defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> type numerical values.</span>
DEFLNG -- defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> type numerical values.</span>
DEFSNG -- defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> type numerical values.</span>
DEFSTR -- defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> type values.</span>
DIM -- defines a variable as a specified type and can size a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STATIC" title="STATIC">STATIC</a> array.</span>
DO...LOOP -- sets a recursive procedure loop that can be ignored or exited using conditional arguments.</span>
DOUBLE -- 8 byte value limited to values up to 15 decimal places.</span>
DRAW -- uses a special <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> format that draws graphical lines in specific directions.</span>
$DYNAMIC -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as changeable in size using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/REDIM" title="REDIM">REDIM</a>.</span>
ELSE -- IF...THEN</a> statement) <span style="color:#888888;">is used to direct program flow when no other condition is evaluated as true.</span>
ELSEIF -- IF...THEN</a> statement) <span style="color:#888888;">is used with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/THEN" title="THEN">THEN</a> to set alternate conditional evaluations.</span>
END -- sets the end of a program, sub-procedure, statement block, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DECLARE_LIBRARY" title="DECLARE LIBRARY">DECLARE LIBRARY</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/TYPE" title="TYPE">TYPE</a> definition.</span>
END IF -- <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/END" title="END">ENDs</a> an IF...THEN conditional block statement using more than one line of code.</span>
ENVIRON -- temporarily sets an environmental key/pair value.</span>
ENVIRON$ -- returns a specified string setting or numerical position as an environmental <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value.</span>
EOF -- returns -1 when a file <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INPUT_(file_statement)" title="INPUT (file statement)">INPUT</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/GET" title="GET">GET</a> has reached the end of a file.</span>
EQV -- is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.</span>
ERASE -- clears the values from <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$STATIC" title="$STATIC">$STATIC</a> arrays and completely removes <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$DYNAMIC" title="$DYNAMIC">$DYNAMIC</a> arrays.</span>
ERDEV -- returns an error code from the last device to create an error.</span>
ERDEV$ -- returns the 8 character name of the last device to declare an error as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a>.</span>
ERL -- returns the closest line number before an error occurred if line numbers are used.</span>
ERR -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ERROR_Codes" title="ERROR Codes">ERROR code</a> when a program error occurs.</span>
ERROR -- sets a specific <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ERROR_Codes" title="ERROR Codes">ERROR code</a> to be simulated.</span>
EXIT -- immediately exits a program <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FOR...NEXT" title="FOR...NEXT">FOR...NEXT</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DO...LOOP" title="DO...LOOP">DO...LOOP</a>, <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a> procedure.</span>
EXP -- returns the value of e to the exponential power specified.</span>
FIELD -- defines the variable sizes to be written or read from a file.</span>
FILEATTR -- returns the current file access mode.</span>
FILES -- returns a list of files in the current directory path to the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
FIX -- returns the rounded <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> value of a numerical value.</span>
FOR...NEXT -- creates a recursive loop procedure that loop a specified number of times.</span>
FOR (file statement) -- used in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">OPEN</a> file or device statement to indicate the access mode.</span>
FRE -- returns the number of bytes of Memory available to running programs.</span>
FREE (QB64 TIMER statement) -- frees a numbered TIMER event in QB64.</span>
FREEFILE -- returns a file number that is currently not in use by the Operating System.</span>
FUNCTION -- sub-procedure that can calculate and return one value to a program in its name.</span>
GET -- reads a file sequencially or at a specific position and returns the value as the variable type used.</span>
GET (QB64 TCP/IP statement) -- reads a connection port to return a value.</span>
GET (graphics statement) -- maps an area the current <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen's</a> video information and places it in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Arrays" title="Arrays">array</a>.</span>
GOSUB -- sends the program to a designated line label procedure in the main program.</span>
GOTO -- sends the program to a designated line number or line label in a procedure.</span>
HEX$ -- returns the hexadecimal (base 16) <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> representation of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> part of any value.</span>
IF...THEN -- a conditional block statement used control program flow.</span>
IMP -- is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.</span>
$INCLUDE -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">designates a text code library file to include with the program.</span>
INKEY$ -- ASCII</a> <span style="color:#888888;">returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> value entry from the keyboard.</span>
INP -- returns a numerical value from a specified port register address. See <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Keyboard_scancodes" title="Keyboard scancodes">Keyboard scancodes</a></span>
INPUT -- a user input that returns a value to one or more specified variable(s).</span>
INPUT (file mode) -- <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">OPEN</a> statement that only allows an existing file to be read using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INPUT_(file_statement)" title="INPUT (file statement)">INPUT (file statement)</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INPUT$" title="INPUT$">INPUT$</a>.</span>
INPUT (file statement) -- reads a file sequentially using the variable types designated.</span>
INPUT$ -- returns a designated number of <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> bytes from the keyboard entry or a file number.</span>
INSTR -- returns the position in a text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> where a character sequence match starts.</span>
INT -- rounds a numerical value to an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> value by removing the decimal point fraction.</span>
INTEGER -- 2 byte whole values from -32768 to 32767.</span>
INTERRUPT -- is used to access computer interrupt registers.</span>
INTERRUPTX -- is used to access computer interrupt registers.</span>
<li><a href="/qb64wiki/index.php?title=IOCTL$&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="IOCTL$ (page does not exist)">IOCTL$</a> (function)
IOCTL$ -- </ul>
<p style="text-align: center">(<a href="#toc">Return to Table of Contents</a>)</p>
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<div id="K">K</div>
<ul><li><a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/KEY_n" title="KEY n">KEY n</a> (statement) <span style="color:#888888;">used with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON_KEY(n)" title="ON KEY(n)">ON KEY(n)</a> events to assign a "softkey" string to a key or create a user defined key.</span>
KEY n -- used with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON_KEY(n)" title="ON KEY(n)">ON KEY(n)</a> events to assign a "softkey" string to a key or create a user defined key.</span>
KEY(n) -- used with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON_KEY(n)" title="ON KEY(n)">ON KEY(n)</a> events to assign, enable, disable or suspend event trapping.</span>
KEY LIST -- lists the 12 Function key soft key string assignments going down left side of screen.</span>
KILL -- deletes the specified file without a warning. Remove empty folders with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/RMDIR" title="RMDIR">RMDIR</a>.</span>
LBOUND -- returns the lower boundary of the specified array.</span>
LCASE$ -- returns the lower case value of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
LEFT$ -- returns the specified number of text characters from the left end of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
LEN -- returns the length or number of characters in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value in bytes.</span>
LET -- assigns a variable a literal value. Not required.</span>
LINE -- creates a graphic line or box on the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
LINE INPUT -- user input can be any text character including commas and quotes as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value only.</span>
LINE INPUT (file statement) -- returns an entire text file line and returns it as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> value.</span>
LIST -- displays the current <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON_KEY(n)" title="ON KEY(n)">ON KEY(n)</a> function key (F1 to F10) "soft key" settings.</span>
LOC -- returns the present file byte position or number of bytes in the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN_COM" title="OPEN COM">OPEN COM</a> buffer.</span>
LOCATE -- sets the text cursor's row and column position for a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINT" title="PRINT">PRINT</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INPUT" title="INPUT">INPUT</a> statement.</span>
LOCK -- restricts access to portions or all of a file by other programs or processes.</span>
LOF -- returns the size of an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">OPEN</a> file in bytes.</span>
LOG -- returns the natural logarithm of a specified numerical value</span>
LONG -- 4 byte whole values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.</span>
LOOP -- bottom end of a recursive DO loop.</span>
LPOS -- returns the printer head position.</span>
LPRINT -- sends <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> data to the default LPT or USB printer.</span>
LPRINT USING -- sends template formatted text to the default LPT or USB printer.</span>
LSET -- left justifies the text in a string so that there are no leading spaces.</span>
LTRIM$ -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> value with no leading spaces.</span>
MID$ -- returns a designated portion of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
MID$ (statement) -- redefines existing characters in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
MKD$ -- returns an 8 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> representation of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> numerical value.</span>
MKDIR -- creates a new folder in the current or designated program path.</span>
MKDMBF$ -- returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> representation of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> numerical value.</span>
MKI$ -- returns a 2 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> representation of an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a>.</span>
MKL$ -- returns a 4 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> representation of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/LONG" title="LONG">LONG</a> numerical value.</span>
MKS$ -- returns a 4 byte <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> representation of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> numerical value.</span>
MKSMBF$ -- returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> representation of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DOUBLE" title="DOUBLE">DOUBLE</a> numerical value.</span>
MOD -- performs integer remainder division on a numerical value.</span>
NAME -- names an existing file name <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/AS" title="AS">AS</a> a new file name.</span>
NEXT -- bottom end of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FOR...NEXT" title="FOR...NEXT">FOR...NEXT</a> counter loop to returns to the start or a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/RESUME" title="RESUME">RESUME NEXT</a> error.</span>
NOT -- inverts the value of a logic operation or returns True when a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Boolean" title="Boolean">boolean</a> evaluation is False.</span>
OCT$ -- returns the octal (base 8) <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> representation of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> part of any value.</span>
OFF -- turns off all <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON" title="ON">ON</a> event checking.</span>
ON COM(n) -- sets up a COM port event procedure call.</span>
ON ERROR -- sets up and activates an error event checking procedure call. Use to avoid program errors.</span>
ON KEY(n) -- sets up a keyboard key entry event procedure.</span>
ON PEN -- sets up a pen event procedure call.</span>
ON PLAY(n) -- sets up a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PLAY" title="PLAY">PLAY</a> event procedure call.</span>
ON STRIG(n) -- sets up a joystick button event procedure call.</span>
ON TIMER(n) -- sets up a timed event procedure call.</span>
ON UEVENT -- <span style="color:#888888;">Not implemented in QB64.</span></b>
ON...GOSUB -- sets up a numerical event procedure call.</span>
ON...GOTO -- sets up a numerical event procedure call.</span>
OPEN -- opens a file name for an access mode with a specific file number.</span>
OPEN COM -- opens a serial communication port for access at a certain speed and mode.</span>
OPTION BASE -- can set the lower boundary of all arrays to 1.</span>
OR -- is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.</span>
OR (boolean) -- conditonal operator is used to include an alternative evaluation in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/IF...THEN" title="IF...THEN">IF...THEN</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Boolean" title="Boolean">Boolean</a> statement.</span>
OUT -- writes numerical data to a specified register port.</span>
OUTPUT -- creates a new file or clears all data from an existing file to acess the file sequencially.</span>
PAINT -- fills an enclosed area of a graphics <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a> with a color until it encounters a specific colored border.</span>
PALETTE -- sets the Red, Green and Blue color attribute intensities using a RGB multiplier calculation.</span>
PALETTE USING -- sets the color intensity settings using a designated <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Arrays" title="Arrays">array</a>.</span>
PCOPY -- swaps two designated memory page images when page swapping is enabled in the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> statement.</span>
PEEK -- returns a numerical value from a specified segment address in memory.</span>
PEN -- returns requested information about the lightpen device used.</span>
PEN (statement) -- enables/disables or suspends event trapping of a lightpen device.</span>
PLAY(n) -- returns the number of notes currently in the background music queue.</span>
PLAY -- uses a special <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> format that can produce musical tones and effects.</span>
PMAP -- returns the physical or WINDOW view graphic coordinates.</span>
POINT -- returns the color attribute number or 32 bit <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/RGB32" title="RGB32">_RGB32</a> value.</span>
POKE -- writes a numerical value to a specified segment address in memory.</span>
POS -- returns the current text column position of the text cursor.</span>
PRESET -- sets a pixel coordinate to the background color unless one is specified.</span>
PRINT -- prints text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">strings</a> or numerical values to the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
PRINT (file statement) -- prints text <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">strings</a> or numerical values to a file.</span>
PRINT USING -- prints a template formatted <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> to the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
PRINT USING (file statement) -- prints a template formatted <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> to a file.</span>
PSET -- sets a pixel coordinate to the current color unless a color is designated.</span>
PUT -- writes data sequencially or to a designated position using a variable value.</span>
PUT (QB64 TCP/IP statement) -- sends raw data to a user's connection handle.</span>
PUT (graphics statement) -- places pixel data stored in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/INTEGER" title="INTEGER">INTEGER</a> array to a specified area of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
RANDOM -- creates a file or opens an existing file to <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/GET" title="GET">read</a> and <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PUT" title="PUT">write</a> records of a set byte size.</span>
RANDOMIZE -- sets the random seed value for a specific sequence of random <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/RND" title="RND">RND</a> values.</span>
RANDOMIZE USING (QB64 statement) -- restarts the designated seed value's random sequence of values from the beginning.</span>
READ -- reads values from a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DATA" title="DATA">DATA</a> field. <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ACCESS" title="ACCESS">ACCESS</a> READ is used with the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">OPEN</a> statement.</span>
REDIM -- creates a new <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/$DYNAMIC" title="$DYNAMIC">dynamic</a> array or resizes one without losing data when <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/PRESERVE" title="PRESERVE">_PRESERVE</a> is used.</span>
REM -- or an apostrophe tells the program to ignore statements following it on the same line.</span>
RESET -- closes all files and writes the directory information to a diskette before it is removed from a disk drive.</span>
RESTORE -- resets the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DATA" title="DATA">DATA</a> pointer to the start of a designated field of data.</span>
RESUME -- an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ERROR_Codes" title="ERROR Codes">error</a> handling procedure exit that can send the program to a line number or the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/NEXT" title="NEXT">NEXT</a> code line.</span>
RETURN -- returns the program to the code immediately following a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/GOSUB" title="GOSUB">GOSUB</a> call.</span>
RIGHT$ -- returns a specific number of text characters from the right end of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
RMDIR -- removes an empty folder from the current path or the one designated.</span>
RND -- returns a random number value from 0 to .9999999.</span>
RSET -- right justifies a string value so that any end spaces are moved to the beginning.</span>
RTRIM$ -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> with all spaces removed from the right end.</span>
RUN -- clears and restarts the program currently in memory or executes another specified program.</span>
SADD -- returns the address of a STRING variable as an offset from the current data segment.</span>
SCREEN (function) -- can return the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> character code or color of the text at a text designated coordinate.</span>
SCREEN -- sets the display mode and size of the program window.</span>
SEEK -- returns the present byte position in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">opened</a> file.</span>
SEEK (statement) -- moves to a specified position in an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/OPEN" title="OPEN">opened</a> file.</span>
SELECT CASE -- a program flow block that can handle numerous conditional evaluations.</span>
SETMEM -- sets the memory to use.</span>
SGN -- returns -1 for negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive numerical values.</span>
SHARED -- designates that a variable can be used by other procedures or the main procedure when in a sub-procedure.</span>
SHELL -- sends <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> commands to the command line. SHELL calls will not affect the current path.</span>
SHELL (QB64 function) -- executes an external command or calls another program. Returns codes sent by <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/END" title="END">END</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SYSTEM" title="SYSTEM">SYSTEM</a>.</span>
<li><a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SIN" title="SIN">SIN</a> (function) <span style="color:#888888;">returns the sine of a radian angle.</span>
SIN -- returns the sine of a radian angle.</span>
SINGLE -- 4 byte floating decimal point values up to 7 decimal places.</span>
SLEEP -- pauses the program for a designated number of seconds or until a key is pressed.</span>
SOUND -- creates a sound of a specified frequency and duration.</span>
SPACE$ -- returns a designated number of spaces to a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
SPC -- moves the text cursor a number of spaces on the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a>.</span>
SQR -- returns the square root of a non-negative number.</span>
STATIC -- creates a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SUB" title="SUB">SUB</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FUNCTION" title="FUNCTION">FUNCTION</a> variable that retains its value.</span>
$STATIC -- Metacommand</a>) <span style="color:#888888;">used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as unchangeable in size using <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DIM" title="DIM">DIM</a>.</span>
STEP -- move relatively from one graphic position or change the counting increment in a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/FOR...NEXT" title="FOR...NEXT">FOR...NEXT</a> loop.</span>
STICK -- returns the present joystick position.</span>
STOP -- stops a program when troubleshooting or stops an <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ON" title="ON">ON</a> event.</span>
STR$ -- returns a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> value of a number with a leading space when it is positive.</span>
STRIG -- returns the joystick button press values when read.</span>
STRIG(n) --
<li><a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> ($ variable type) <span style="color:#888888;">one byte text variable with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code values from 0 to 255.</span>
STRING -- one byte text variable with <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code values from 0 to 255.</span>
STRING$ -- returns a designated number of string characters.</span>
SUB -- sub-procedure that can calculate and return multiple parameter values.</span>
SWAP -- swaps two <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> or numerical values.</span>
SYSTEM -- ends a program immediately.</span>
TAB -- moves a designated number of columns on the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a>.</span>
TAN -- returns the ratio of <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SIN" title="SIN">SINe</a> to <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/COS" title="COS">COSine</a> or tangent value of an angle measured in radians.</span>
THEN -- IF...THEN</a> keyword) <span style="color:#888888;">must be used in a one line <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/IF...THEN" title="IF...THEN">IF...THEN</a> program flow statement.</span>
TIME$ -- returns the present time setting of the Operating System as a format hh:mm s <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
TIMER -- returns the number of seconds since midnight as a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SINGLE" title="SINGLE">SINGLE</a> value.</span>
TIMER (statement) -- events based on the designated time interval and timer number.</span>
TO -- indicates a range of numerical values or an assignment of one value to another.</span>
TYPE -- defines a variable type or file record that can include any <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a> or numerical types.</span>
UBOUND -- returns the upper-most index number of a designated <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Arrays" title="Arrays">array</a>.</span>
UCASE$ -- returns an uppercase representation of a specified <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">STRING</a>.</span>
UEVENT -- <span style="color:#888888;">Not implemented in QB64.</span></b>
UNLOCK -- unlocks a designated file or portions of it.</span>
UNTIL -- evaluates a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DO...LOOP" title="DO...LOOP">DO...LOOP</a> condition until it is True.</span>
VAL -- returns the numerical value of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/STRING" title="STRING">string</a> number.</span>
VARPTR -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Segment" title="Segment">segment</a> pointer address in memory.</span>
VARPTR$ -- returns the string value of a numerical value in memory.</span>
VARSEG -- returns the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/Segment" title="Segment">segment</a> address of a value in memory.</span>
VIEW -- sets up a graphic view port area of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a>.</span>
VIEW PRINT -- sets up a text viewport area of the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a>.</span>
WAIT -- waits until a vertical retrace is started or a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">screen</a> draw ends.</span>
WEND -- the bottom end of a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WHILE...WEND" title="WHILE...WEND">WHILE...WEND</a> loop.</span>
WHILE -- evaluates a <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/DO...LOOP" title="DO...LOOP">DO...LOOP</a> or <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WHILE...WEND" title="WHILE...WEND">WHILE...WEND</a> condition until it is False.</span>
WHILE...WEND -- sets a recursive procedure loop that can only be exited using the <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/WHILE" class="mw-redirect" title="WHILE">WHILE</a> conditional argument.</span>
WIDTH -- sets the text column and row sizes in several <a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/SCREEN" title="SCREEN">SCREEN</a> modes.</span>
WINDOW -- maps a window size different from the program's window size.</span>
WRITE -- prints variable values to the screen with commas separating each value.</span>
WRITE (file statement) -- writes data to a file with each variable value separated by commas.</span>
XOR -- is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.</span>
SUB _GL -- </ul>
<p><br />
<hr />
<div id="glA">_glA</div>
<ul><li><a href="/qb64wiki/index.php/GlAccum" title="GlAccum">_glAccum</a> (statement) <span style="color:#888888;">operates on the accumulation buffer</span>
It should probably be parsed a little better and cleaned up more, but it gives a quick working list of keywords and a minimal description of what they do for us, for quick reference.
Posts: 1,507
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Joined: Apr 2022
Looks like all one would need to do to "prettify" that list is to strip out everything between the brackets <>.
Posts: 99
Threads: 3
Joined: Apr 2022
Here's a quickly-and-dirtily cleaned up version of that command list, lightly formatted for a monospace font.
I cleaned up a couple glitches that jumped out at me, though there's still much room for improvement. It could be quite usable.
(I set out to modify Steve's program, to remove those stray HTML tags, but after spending too much time last night debugging my programmatic additions, I chucked that idea and used a regular expression search and replace in Notepad++.)
Code: (Select All) _ACCEPTFILEDROP turns a program window into a valid drop destination for dragging files from Windows Explorer.
_ACOS arccosine function returns the angle in radians based on an input COSine value range from -1 to 1.
_ACOSH Returns the nonnegative arc hyperbolic cosine of x, expressed in radians.
_ALLOWFULLSCREEN allows setting the behavior of the ALT+ENTER combo.
_ALPHA returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a screen page or image.
_ALPHA32 returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a 32 bit screen page or image.
_ARCCOT is the inverse function of the cotangent.
_ARCCSC is the inverse function of the cosecant.
_ARCSEC is the inverse function of the secant.
_ASIN Returns the principal value of the arc sine of x, expressed in radians.
_ASINH Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of x, expressed in radians.
_ASSERT Performs debug tests.
$ASSERTS enables debug tests with the _ASSERT macro.
_ATAN2 Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians.
_ATANH Returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of x, expressed in radians.
_AUTODISPLAY enables the automatic display of the screen image changes previously disabled by _DISPLAY.
_AUTODISPLAY (function) returns the current display mode as true (-1) if automatic or false (0) if per request using _DISPLAY.
_AXIS returns a SINGLE value between -1 and 1 indicating the maximum distance from the device axis center, 0.
_BACKGROUNDCOLOR returns the current screen page background color.
_BIT can return only signed values of 0 (bit off) and -1 (bit on). Unsigned 0 or 1.
_BIN$ returns the binary (base 2) STRING representation of the INTEGER part of any value.
_BLEND statement turns on 32 bit alpha blending for the current image or screen mode and is default.
_BLEND (function) returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by _DONTBLEND statement.
_BLINK statement turns blinking colors on/off in SCREEN 0
_BLINK (function) returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by _BLINK statement.
_BLUE function returns the palette or the blue component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
_BLUE32 returns the blue component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
_BUTTON returns -1 when a controller device button is pressed and 0 when button is released.
_BUTTONCHANGE returns -1 when a device button has been pressed and 1 when released. Zero indicates no change.
_BYTE can hold signed values from -128 to 127 (one byte or _BIT * 8). Unsigned from 0 to 255.
_CAPSLOCK (function) returns -1 when Caps Lock is on
_CAPSLOCK sets Caps Lock key state
$CHECKING (Metacommand) turns event and error checking OFF or ON.
_CEIL Rounds x upward, returning the smallest integral value that is not less than x.
_CINP Returns a key code from $CONSOLE input
_CLEARCOLOR (function) returns the current transparent color of an image.
_CLEARCOLOR sets a specific color index of an image to be transparent
_CLIP PUT graphics option) allows placement of an image partially off of the screen.
_CLIPBOARD$ returns the operating system's clipboard contents as a STRING.
_CLIPBOARD$ (statement) sets and overwrites the STRING value in the operating system's clipboard.
_CLIPBOARDIMAGE (function) pastes an image from the clipboard into a new QB64 image in memory.
_CLIPBOARDIMAGE (statement) copies a valid QB64 image to the clipboard.
$COLOR includes named color constants in a program.
_COMMANDCOUNT returns the number of arguments passed to the compiled program from the command line.
_CONNECTED returns the status of a TCP/IP connection handle.
_CONNECTIONADDRESS$ returns a connected user's STRING IP address value using the handle.
$CONSOLE (Metacommand) creates a console window that can be used throughout a program.
_CONSOLE used to turn a console window OFF or ON or to designate _DEST _CONSOLE for output.
_CONSOLEINPUT fetches input data from a $CONSOLE window to be read later (both mouse and keyboard)
_CONSOLETITLE creates the title of the console window using a literal or variable string.
_CONTINUE skips the remaining lines in a control block (DO/LOOP, FOR/NEXT or WHILE/WEND)
_CONTROLCHR OFF allows the control characters to be used as text characters. ON (default) can use them as commands.
_CONTROLCHR (function) returns the current state of _CONTROLCHR as 1 when OFF and 0 when ON.
_COPYIMAGE copies an image handle value to a new designated handle.
_COPYPALETTE copies the color palette intensities from one 4 or 8 BPP image to another image.
_COT the mathematical function cotangent defined by 1/TAN.
_COTH Returns the hyperbolic cotangent.
_COSH Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x radians.
_CSC the mathematical function cosecant defined by 1/SIN.
_CSCH Returns the hyperbolic cosecant.
_CV converts any _MK$ STRING value to the designated numerical type value.
_CWD$ returns the current working directory as a STRING value.
_D2G converts degrees to gradient angle values.
_D2R converts degrees to radian angle values.
$DEBUG enables debugging features, allowing you to step through your code line by line.
DECLARE LIBRARY (QB64 statement block) declares a C++, SDL or Operating System SUB or FUNCTION to be used.
_DEFAULTCOLOR returns the current default text color for an image handle or page.
_DEFINE defines a range of variable names according to their first character as a data type.
_DEFLATE$ compresses a string
_DELAY suspends program execution for a SINGLE number of seconds.
_DEPTHBUFFER enables, disables, locks or clears depth buffering.
_DESKTOPHEIGHT returns the height of the desktop (not program window).
_DESKTOPWIDTH returns the width of the desktop (not program window).
_DEST sets the current write image or SCREEN page destination for prints or graphics.
_DEST (function) returns the current destination screen page or image handle value.
_DEVICE$ returns a STRING expression listing a designated numbered input device name and types of input.
_DEVICEINPUT returns the _DEVICES number of an _AXIS, _BUTTON or _WHEEL event.
_DEVICES returns the number of input devices found on a computer system including the keyboard and mouse.
_DIR$ returns common paths in Windows only, like My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, Desktop.
_DIREXISTS returns -1 if the Directory folder name string parameter exists. Zero if it does not.
_DISPLAY turns off the automatic display while only displaying the screen changes when called.
_DISPLAY (function) returns the handle of the current image that is displayed on the screen.
_DISPLAYORDER designates the order to render software, hardware and custom-opengl-code.
_DONTBLEND statement turns off default _BLEND 32 bit alpha blending for the current image or screen.
_DONTWAIT SHELL action) specifies that the program should not wait until the shelled command/program is finished.
_DROPPEDFILE returns the list of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after _ACCEPTFILEDROP is enabled.
_ECHO used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
$ELSE (Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
$ELSEIF (Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
$END IF (Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
_ENVIRONCOUNT returns the number of key/value pairs currently exist in the environment table.
$ERROR metacommand) used to trigger compiler errors from within the precompiling pass.
_ERRORLINE returns the source code line number that caused the most recent runtime error.
_ERRORMESSAGE$ returns a human-readable message describing the most recent runtime error.
$EXEICON (Metacommand) used with a .ICO icon file name to embed the image into the QB64 executable.
_EXIT (function) prevents a user exit and indicates if a user has clicked the close X window button or CTRL + BREAK.
_FILEEXISTS returns -1 if the file name string parameter exists. Zero if it does not.
_FINISHDROP resets _TOTALDROPPEDFILES and clears the _DROPPEDFILE list of items (files/folders).
_FLOAT offers the maximum floating-point decimal precision available using QB64.
_FONT sets the current font handle to be used by PRINT or _PRINTSTRING.
_FONT (function) creates a new font handle from a designated image handle.
_FONTHEIGHT returns the current text or font height.
_FONTWIDTH returns the current text or font width.
_FREEFONT releases the current font handle from memory.
_FREEIMAGE releases a designated image handle from memory.
_FREETIMER returns an unused timer number value to use with ON TIMER(n).
_FULLSCREEN sets the program window to full screen or OFF. Alt + Enter does it manually.
_FULLSCREEN (function) returns the fullscreen mode in use by the program.
_G2D converts gradient to degree angle values.
_G2R converts gradient to radian angle values.
_GLRENDER sets whether context is displayed, on top of or behind the software rendering.
_GREEN function returns the palette or the green component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
_GREEN32 returns the green component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
_HEIGHT returns the height of a designated image handle.
_HIDE SHELL action) hides the command line display during a shell.
_HYPOT Returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are x and y.
$IF (Metacommand) used to set an IF condition for the precompiler.
_ICON designates a _LOADIMAGE image file handle to be used as the program's icon or loads the embedded icon (see $EXEICON).
_INCLERRORFILE$ returns the name of the original source code $INCLUDE module that caused the most recent error.
_INCLERRORLINE returns the line number in an included file that caused the most recent error.
_INFLATE$ decompresses a string
_INSTRREV allows searching for a substring inside another string, but unlike INSTR it returns the last occurrence instead of the first one.
_INTEGER64 can hold whole numerical values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
_KEYCLEAR clears the keyboard buffers for INKEY$, _KEYHIT, and INP.
_KEYHIT returns ASCII one and two byte, SDL Virtual Key and Unicode keyboard key press codes.
_KEYDOWN returns whether CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, combinations and other keys are pressed.
$LET (Metacommand) used to set a variable for the precompiler.
_LASTAXIS returns the number of axis available on a specified number device listed by _DEVICE$.
_LASTBUTTON returns the number of buttons available on a specified number device listed by DEVICE$.
_LASTWHEEL returns the number of scroll wheels available on a specified number device listed by _DEVICE$.
_LIMIT sets the loops per second rate to slow down loops and limit CPU usage.
_LOADFONT designates a font TTF file to load and returns a handle value.
_LOADIMAGE designates an image file to load and returns a handle value.
_MAPTRIANGLE maps a triangular image source area to put on a destination area.
_MAPUNICODE maps a Unicode value to an ASCII code number.
_MAPUNICODE (function) returns the Unicode (UTF32) code point value of a mapped ASCII character code.
_MEM (function) returns _MEM block referring to the largest continuous memory region beginning at a designated variable's offset.
_MEM contains read only dot elements for the OFFSET, SIZE, TYPE and ELEMENTSIZE of a block of memory.
_MEMCOPY copies a value from a designated OFFSET and SIZE TO a block of memory at a designated OFFSET.
_MEMELEMENT returns a _MEM block referring to a variable's memory (but not past it).
_MEMEXISTS verifies that a memory block exists for a memory variable name or returns zero.
_MEMFILL fills a designated memory block OFFSET with a certain SIZE and TYPE of value.
_MEMFREE frees a designated memory block in a program. Only free memory blocks once.
_MEMGET reads a value from a designated memory block at a designated OFFSET
_MEMGET (function) returns a value from a designated memory block and OFFSET using a designated variable TYPE.
_MEMIMAGE returns a _MEM block referring to a designated image handle's memory
_MEMNEW allocates new memory with a designated SIZE and returns a _MEM block referring to it.
_MEMPUT places a designated value into a designated memory block OFFSET
_MEMSOUND returns a _MEM block referring to a designated sound handle's memory
_MIDDLE centers the program window on the desktop in any screen resolution.
_MK$ converts a numerical value to a designated ASCII STRING value.
_MOUSEBUTTON returns the status of a designated mouse button.
_MOUSEHIDE hides the mouse pointer from view
_MOUSEINPUT returns a value if the mouse status has changed since the last read.
_MOUSEMOVE moves the mouse pointer to a designated position on the program SCREEN.
_MOUSEMOVEMENTX returns the relative horizontal position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.
_MOUSEMOVEMENTY returns the relative vertical position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.
_MOUSESHOW displays the mouse cursor after it has been hidden or can change the cursor shape.
_MOUSEWHEEL returns the number of mouse scroll wheel
_MOUSEX returns the current horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
_MOUSEY returns the current vertical position of the mouse cursor.
_NEWIMAGE creates a designated size program SCREEN or page image and returns a handle value.
$NOPREFIX allows QB64-specific keywords to be used without the underscore prefix.
_NUMLOCK (function) returns -1 when Num Lock is on
_NUMLOCK sets Num Lock key state
_OFFSET (function) returns the memory offset of a variable when used with DECLARE LIBRARY or _MEM only.
_OFFSET can be used store the value of an offset in memory when using DECLARE LIBRARY or MEM only.
_OPENCLIENT connects to a Host on the Internet as a Client and returns the Client status handle.
_OPENCONNECTION open's a connection from a client that the host has detected and returns a status handle.
_OPENHOST opens a Host and returns a Host status handle.
OPTION _EXPLICIT instructs the compiler to require variable declaration with DIM or an equivalent statement.
OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY instructs the compiler to require array declaration with DIM or an equivalent statement.
_OS$ returns the QB64 compiler version in which the program was compiled as [WINDOWS], [LINUX] or [MACOSX] and [32BIT] or [64BIT].
_PALETTECOLOR sets the color value of a palette entry of an image using 256 colors or less palette modes.
_PALETTECOLOR (function) return the 32 bit attribute color setting of an image or screen page handle's palette.
_PI returns the value of π or parameter multiples for angle or circle calculations.
_PIXELSIZE returns the pixel palette mode of a designated image handle.
_PRESERVE REDIM action) preserves the data presently in an array when REDIM is used.
_PRINTIMAGE sends an image to the printer that is stretched to the current printer paper size.
_PRINTMODE sets the text or _FONT printing mode on a background when using PRINT or _PRINTSTRING.
_PRINTMODE (function) returns the present _PRINTMODE value number.
_PRINTSTRING locates and prints a text string using graphic coordinates.
_PRINTWIDTH returns the pixel width of a text string to be printed using _PRINTSTRING.
_PUTIMAGE maps a rectangular image source area to an image destination area.
_R2D converts radians to degree angle values.
_R2G converts radians to gradient angle values.
_RED function returns the palette or the red component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
_RED32 returns the red component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
_READBIT returns the state of the specified bit of an integer variable.
_RESETBIT is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 0.
$RESIZE (Metacommand) used with ON allows a user to resize the program window where OFF does not.
_RESIZE sets resizing of the window ON or OFF and sets the method as _STRETCH or _SMOOTH.
_RESIZE (function) returns -1 when a program user wants to resize the program screen.
_RESIZEHEIGHT returns the requested new user screen height when $RESIZE:ON allows it.
_RESIZEWIDTH returns the requested new user screen width when $RESIZE:ON allows it.
_RGB returns the closest palette index OR the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens.
_RGB32 returns the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only
_RGBA returns the closest palette index OR the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens with the ALPHA
_RGBA32 returns the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only with the ALPHA
_ROUND rounds to the closest INTEGER, LONG or _INTEGER64 numerical value.
_SEC the mathematical function secant defined by 1/COS.
_SECH Returns the hyperbolic secant.
_SCREENCLICK simulates clicking on a point on the desktop screen with the left mouse button.
_SCREENEXISTS returns a -1 value once a screen has been created.
$SCREENHIDE hides the program window from view.
_SCREENHIDE hides the program window from view.
_SCREENICON (function) returns -1 or 0 to indicate if the window has been minimized to an icon on the taskbar.
_SCREENICON minimizes the program window to an icon on the taskbar.
_SCREENIMAGE creates an image of the current desktop and returns an image handle.
_SCREENMOVE positions program window on the desktop using designated coordinates or the _MIDDLE option.
_SCREENPRINT simulates typing text into a Windows program using the keyboard.
$SCREENSHOW (Metacommand) displays the program window after it was hidden.
_SCREENSHOW displays the program window after it has been hidden by _SCREENHIDE.
_SCREENX returns the program window's upper left corner horizontal position on the desktop.
_SCREENY returns the program window's upper left corner vertical position on the desktop.
_SCROLLLOCK (function) returns -1 when Scroll Lock is on
_SCROLLLOCK sets Scroll Lock key state
_SETALPHA sets the alpha channel transparency level of some or all of the pixels of an image.
_SETBIT is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 1.
_SHELLHIDE returns the code sent by a program exit using END or SYSTEM followed by an INTEGER value.
_SHL used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the left
_SHR used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the right.
_SINH Returns the hyperbolic sine of x radians.
_SNDBAL attempts to set the balance or 3D position of a sound file.
_SNDCLOSE frees and unloads an open sound using the sound handle created by _SNDOPEN.
_SNDCOPY copies a sound handle value to a new designated handle.
_SNDGETPOS returns the current playing position in seconds from a sound file.
_SNDLEN returns the length of a sound in seconds from a sound file.
_SNDLIMIT stops playing a sound after it has been playing for a set number of seconds.
_SNDLOOP plays a sound repeatedly until _SNDSTOP is used.
_SNDOPEN loads a sound file and returns a sound handle.
_SNDOPENRAW opens a new channel to shove _SNDRAW content into without mixing.
_SNDPAUSE stops playing a sound file until resumed.
_SNDPAUSED returns the current pause status of a sound file handle.
_SNDPLAY plays a sound file handle that was created by _SNDOPEN or _SNDCOPY.
_SNDPLAYCOPY copies a sound handle, plays it and automatically closes the copy when done.
_SNDPLAYFILE directly plays a designated sound file.
_SNDPLAYING returns the current playing status of a sound handle.
_SNDRATE returns the sound card sample rate to set _SNDRAW durations.
_SNDRAW creates mono or stereo sounds from calculated wave frequency values.
_SNDRAWDONE pads a _SNDRAW stream so the final (partially filled) buffer section is played.
_SNDRAWLEN returns a value until the _SNDRAW buffer is empty.
_SNDSETPOS sets the playing position of a sound handle.
_SNDSTOP stops playing a sound handle.
_SNDVOL sets the volume of a sound file handle.
_SOURCE sets the source image handle.
_SOURCE (function) returns the present source image handle value.
_STARTDIR$ returns the user's program calling path as a STRING.
_STRCMP compares the relationship between two strings.
_STRICMP compares the relationship between two strings, without regard for case-sensitivity.
_TANH Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x radians.
_TITLE sets the program title string value.
_TITLE$ gets the program title string value.
_TOGGLEBIT is used to toggle the specified bit of an integer variable from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
_TOTALDROPPEDFILES returns the number of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after _ACCEPTFILEDROP is enabled.
_TRIM$ shorthand to LTRIM$(RTRIM$(
_UNSIGNED expands the positive range of numerical INTEGER, LONG or _INTEGER64 values returned.
$VERSIONINFO (Metacommand) adds metadata to Windows only binaries for identification purposes across the OS.
$VIRTUALKEYBOARD (Metacommand) (deprecated) turns the virtual keyboard ON or OFF for use in touch-enabled devices.
_WHEEL returns -1 when a control device wheel is scrolled up and 1 when scrolled down. Zero indicates no activity.
_WIDTH (function) returns the width of a SCREEN or image handle.
_WINDOWHANDLE returns the window handle assigned to the current program by the OS. Windows-only.
_WINDOWHASFOCUS returns true (-1) if the current program's window has focus. Windows-only.
ABS converts any negative numerical value to a positive value.
ABSOLUTE is used to access computer interrupt registers.
ACCESS sets the read and write access of a file when opened.
ALIAS DECLARE LIBRARY statement) denotes the actual name of an imported FUNCTION or SUB procedure.
AND is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
AND (boolean) conditonal operator is used to include another evaluation in an IF...THEN or Boolean statement.
APPEND creates a new file or allows an existing file to have data added using WRITE or PRINT
AS is used to denote a variable type or file number.
ASC returns the ASCII code number of a text string character.
ASC (statement) sets the code value of an ASCII text character at a designated string position.
ATN or arctangent returns the angle in radians of a numerical tangent value.
BEEP creates an error sound of a fixed duration.
BINARY creates or opens an existing file for read and write byte-wise access.
BLOAD transfers the contents of a BINARY BSAVE file to a specific array.
BSAVE transfers the contents of an array to a specified size BINARY file.
BYVAL assigns a numerical variable value by its value, not the name.
CALL optional statement that sends the program to a SUB procedure. Requires parameters be enclosed in brackets(parenthesis).
CALL ABSOLUTE is used to access computer interrupt registers.
CASE SELECT CASE condition) designates specific conditions in a SELECT CASE statement block.
CASE ELSE SELECT CASE condition) designates an alternative condition to be evaluated in a SELECT CASE statement block.
CASE IS SELECT CASE condition) designates specific conditions in a SELECT CASE statement block.
CDBL returns the closest DOUBLE value of a number.
CHAIN sends a program to another specified program module or compiled program.
CHDIR changes the current program path for file access.
CHR$ returns a text string character by the specified ASCII code number.
CINT returns the closest INTEGER value of a numerical value.
CIRCLE creates a circle, ellipse or arc at a designated graphical coordinate position.
CLEAR sets all variable and array values to zero number values or empty STRINGs.
CLNG returns the closest LONG value of a numerical value.
CLOSE closes specific file number(s) or all files when a number is not specified.
CLS clears a program screen, VIEW port or WINDOW.
COLOR sets the current text foreground and/or background color to be used.
COMMAND$ returns the command line arguments passed when a program is run.
COMMON sets a variable name as shared by CHAINed program modules.
CONST sets a variable name and its value as a constant value to be used by all procedures.
COS returns the cosine of a radian angle value.
CSNG returns the closest SINGLE value of a numerical value.
CSRLIN returns the present PRINT cursor text row SCREEN coordinate position.
CVD returns the DOUBLE numerical value of an 8 byte MKD$ string.
CVDMBF returns the DOUBLE numerical value of a Microsoft Binary Format string.
CVI returns the INTEGER numerical value of a 2 byte MKI$ string.
CVL returns the LONG numerical value of a 4 byte MKL$ string.
CVS returns the SINGLE numerical value of a 4 byte MKS$ string.
CVSMBF returns the SINGLE numerical value of a Microsoft Binary Format string.
DATA creates a line of fixed program information separated by commas.
DATE$ returns the present Operating System date string formatted as mm-dd-yyyy.
DECLARE LIBRARY (QB64 statement block) declares a C++, SDL or Operating System SUB or FUNCTION to be used.
DEF SEG defines a segment in memory to be accessed by a memory procedure.
DEFDBL defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as DOUBLE type numerical values.
DEFINT defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as INTEGER type numerical values.
DEFLNG defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as LONG type numerical values.
DEFSNG defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as SINGLE type numerical values.
DEFSTR defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as STRING type values.
DIM defines a variable as a specified type and can size a STATIC array.
DO...LOOP sets a recursive procedure loop that can be ignored or exited using conditional arguments.
DOUBLE 8 byte value limited to values up to 15 decimal places.
DRAW uses a special string format that draws graphical lines in specific directions.
$DYNAMIC (Metacommand) used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as changeable in size using REDIM.
ELSE IF...THEN statement) is used to direct program flow when no other condition is evaluated as true.
ELSEIF IF...THEN statement) is used with THEN to set alternate conditional evaluations.
END sets the end of a program, sub-procedure, statement block, DECLARE LIBRARY or TYPE definition.
END IF ENDs an IF...THEN conditional block statement using more than one line of code.
ENVIRON temporarily sets an environmental key/pair value.
ENVIRON$ returns a specified string setting or numerical position as an environmental STRING value.
EOF returns -1 when a file INPUT or GET has reached the end of a file.
EQV is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
ERASE clears the values from $STATIC arrays and completely removes $DYNAMIC arrays.
ERDEV returns an error code from the last device to create an error.
ERDEV$ returns the 8 character name of the last device to declare an error as a string.
ERL returns the closest line number before an error occurred if line numbers are used.
ERR returns the ERROR code when a program error occurs.
ERROR sets a specific ERROR code to be simulated.
EXIT immediately exits a program FOR...NEXT, DO...LOOP, SUB or FUNCTION procedure.
EXP returns the value of e to the exponential power specified.
FIELD defines the variable sizes to be written or read from a file.
FILEATTR returns the current file access mode.
FILES returns a list of files in the current directory path to the SCREEN.
FIX returns the rounded INTEGER value of a numerical value.
FOR...NEXT creates a recursive loop procedure that loop a specified number of times.
FOR (file statement) used in an OPEN file or device statement to indicate the access mode.
FRE returns the number of bytes of Memory available to running programs.
FREE (QB64 TIMER statement) frees a numbered TIMER event in QB64.
FREEFILE returns a file number that is currently not in use by the Operating System.
FUNCTION sub-procedure that can calculate and return one value to a program in its name.
GET reads a file sequencially or at a specific position and returns the value as the variable type used.
GET (QB64 TCP/IP statement) reads a connection port to return a value.
GET (graphics statement) maps an area the current screen's video information and places it in an INTEGER array.
GOSUB sends the program to a designated line label procedure in the main program.
GOTO sends the program to a designated line number or line label in a procedure.
HEX$ returns the hexadecimal (base 16) STRING representation of the INTEGER part of any value.
IF...THEN a conditional block statement used control program flow.
IMP is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
$INCLUDE (Metacommand) designates a text code library file to include with the program.
INKEY$ ASCII returns a string value entry from the keyboard.
INP returns a numerical value from a specified port register address. See Keyboard scancodes
INPUT a user input that returns a value to one or more specified variable(s).
INPUT (file mode) OPEN statement that only allows an existing file to be read using INPUT (file statement) or INPUT$.
INPUT (file statement) reads a file sequentially using the variable types designated.
INPUT$ returns a designated number of string bytes from the keyboard entry or a file number.
INSTR returns the position in a text string where a character sequence match starts.
INT rounds a numerical value to an INTEGER value by removing the decimal point fraction.
INTEGER 2 byte whole values from -32768 to 32767.
INTERRUPT is used to access computer interrupt registers.
INTERRUPTX is used to access computer interrupt registers.
IOCTL$ (function)
KEY n used with ON KEY(n) events to assign a 'softkey' string to a key or create a user defined key.
KEY(n) used with ON KEY(n) events to assign, enable, disable or suspend event trapping.
KEY LIST lists the 12 Function key soft key string assignments going down left side of screen.
KILL deletes the specified file without a warning. Remove empty folders with RMDIR.
LBOUND returns the lower boundary of the specified array.
LCASE$ returns the lower case value of a STRING.
LEFT$ returns the specified number of text characters from the left end of a STRING.
LEN returns the length or number of characters in a STRING value in bytes.
LET assigns a variable a literal value. Not required.
LINE creates a graphic line or box on the SCREEN.
LINE INPUT user input can be any text character including commas and quotes as a STRING value only.
LINE INPUT (file statement) returns an entire text file line and returns it as a STRING value.
LIST displays the current ON KEY(n) function key (F1 to F10)
LOC returns the present file byte position or number of bytes in the OPEN COM buffer.
LOCATE sets the text cursor's row and column position for a PRINT or INPUT statement.
LOCK restricts access to portions or all of a file by other programs or processes.
LOF returns the size of an OPEN file in bytes.
LOG returns the natural logarithm of a specified numerical value
LONG 4 byte whole values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
LOOP bottom end of a recursive DO loop.
LPOS returns the printer head position.
LPRINT sends STRING data to the default LPT or USB printer.
LPRINT USING sends template formatted text to the default LPT or USB printer.
LSET left justifies the text in a string so that there are no leading spaces.
LTRIM$ returns a string value with no leading spaces.
MID$ returns a designated portion of a STRING.
MID$ (statement) redefines existing characters in a STRING.
MKD$ returns an 8 byte ASCII string representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
MKDIR creates a new folder in the current or designated program path.
MKDMBF$ returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format STRING representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
MKI$ returns a 2 byte ASCII string representation of an INTEGER.
MKL$ returns a 4 byte ASCII string representation of a LONG numerical value.
MKS$ returns a 4 byte ASCII string representation of a SINGLE numerical value.
MKSMBF$ returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format STRING representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
MOD performs integer remainder division on a numerical value.
NAME names an existing file name AS a new file name.
NEXT bottom end of a FOR...NEXT counter loop to returns to the start or a RESUME NEXT error.
NOT inverts the value of a logic operation or returns True when a boolean evaluation is False.
OCT$ returns the octal (base 8) STRING representation of the INTEGER part of any value.
OFF turns off all ON event checking.
ON COM(n) sets up a COM port event procedure call.
ON ERROR sets up and activates an error event checking procedure call. Use to avoid program errors.
ON KEY(n) sets up a keyboard key entry event procedure.
ON PEN sets up a pen event procedure call.
ON PLAY(n) sets up a PLAY event procedure call.
ON STRIG(n) sets up a joystick button event procedure call.
ON TIMER(n) sets up a timed event procedure call.
ON UEVENT Not implemented in QB64.
ON...GOSUB sets up a numerical event procedure call.
ON...GOTO sets up a numerical event procedure call.
OPEN opens a file name for an access mode with a specific file number.
OPEN COM opens a serial communication port for access at a certain speed and mode.
OPTION BASE can set the lower boundary of all arrays to 1.
OR is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
OR (boolean) conditonal operator is used to include an alternative evaluation in an IF...THEN or Boolean statement.
OUT writes numerical data to a specified register port.
OUTPUT creates a new file or clears all data from an existing file to acess the file sequencially.
PAINT fills an enclosed area of a graphics screen with a color until it encounters a specific colored border.
PALETTE sets the Red, Green and Blue color attribute intensities using a RGB multiplier calculation.
PALETTE USING sets the color intensity settings using a designated array.
PCOPY swaps two designated memory page images when page swapping is enabled in the SCREEN statement.
PEEK returns a numerical value from a specified segment address in memory.
PEN returns requested information about the lightpen device used.
PEN (statement) enables/disables or suspends event trapping of a lightpen device.
PLAY(n) returns the number of notes currently in the background music queue.
PLAY uses a special string format that can produce musical tones and effects.
PMAP returns the physical or WINDOW view graphic coordinates.
POINT returns the color attribute number or 32 bit _RGB32 value.
POKE writes a numerical value to a specified segment address in memory.
POS returns the current text column position of the text cursor.
PRESET sets a pixel coordinate to the background color unless one is specified.
PRINT prints text strings or numerical values to the SCREEN.
PRINT (file statement) prints text strings or numerical values to a file.
PRINT USING prints a template formatted string to the SCREEN.
PRINT USING (file statement) prints a template formatted string to a file.
PSET sets a pixel coordinate to the current color unless a color is designated.
PUT writes data sequencially or to a designated position using a variable value.
PUT (QB64 TCP/IP statement) sends raw data to a user's connection handle.
PUT (graphics statement) places pixel data stored in an INTEGER array to a specified area of the SCREEN.
RANDOM creates a file or opens an existing file to read and write records of a set byte size.
RANDOMIZE sets the random seed value for a specific sequence of random RND values.
RANDOMIZE USING (QB64 statement) restarts the designated seed value's random sequence of values from the beginning.
READ reads values from a DATA field. ACCESS READ is used with the OPEN statement.
REDIM creates a new dynamic array or resizes one without losing data when _PRESERVE is used.
REM or an apostrophe tells the program to ignore statements following it on the same line.
RESET closes all files and writes the directory information to a diskette before it is removed from a disk drive.
RESTORE resets the DATA pointer to the start of a designated field of data.
RESUME an error handling procedure exit that can send the program to a line number or the NEXT code line.
RETURN returns the program to the code immediately following a GOSUB call.
RIGHT$ returns a specific number of text characters from the right end of a STRING.
RMDIR removes an empty folder from the current path or the one designated.
RND returns a random number value from 0 to .9999999.
RSET right justifies a string value so that any end spaces are moved to the beginning.
RTRIM$ returns a string with all spaces removed from the right end.
RUN clears and restarts the program currently in memory or executes another specified program.
SADD returns the address of a STRING variable as an offset from the current data segment.
SCREEN (function) can return the ASCII character code or color of the text at a text designated coordinate.
SCREEN sets the display mode and size of the program window.
SEEK returns the present byte position in an opened file.
SEEK (statement) moves to a specified position in an opened file.
SELECT CASE a program flow block that can handle numerous conditional evaluations.
SETMEM sets the memory to use.
SGN returns -1 for negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive numerical values.
SHARED designates that a variable can be used by other procedures or the main procedure when in a sub-procedure.
SHELL sends STRING commands to the command line. SHELL calls will not affect the current path.
SHELL (QB64 function) executes an external command or calls another program. Returns codes sent by END or SYSTEM.
SIN (function) returns the sine of a radian angle.
SIN returns the sine of a radian angle.
SINGLE 4 byte floating decimal point values up to 7 decimal places.
SLEEP pauses the program for a designated number of seconds or until a key is pressed.
SOUND creates a sound of a specified frequency and duration.
SPACE$ returns a designated number of spaces to a STRING.
SPC moves the text cursor a number of spaces on the SCREEN.
SQR returns the square root of a non-negative number.
STATIC creates a SUB or FUNCTION variable that retains its value.
$STATIC (Metacommand) used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as unchangeable in size using DIM.
STEP move relatively from one graphic position or change the counting increment in a FOR...NEXT loop.
STICK returns the present joystick position.
STOP stops a program when troubleshooting or stops an ON event.
STR$ returns a string value of a number with a leading space when it is positive.
STRIG returns the joystick button press values when read.
STRIG(n) returns button press True or False status of game port (&H201) or USB joystick control device(s).
STRING ($ variable type) one byte text variable with ASCII code values from 0 to 255.
STRING one byte text variable with ASCII code values from 0 to 255.
STRING$ returns a designated number of string characters.
SUB sub-procedure that can calculate and return multiple parameter values.
SWAP swaps two string or numerical values.
SYSTEM ends a program immediately.
TAB moves a designated number of columns on the screen.
TAN returns the ratio of SINe to COSine or tangent value of an angle measured in radians.
THEN IF...THEN keyword) must be used in a one line IF...THEN program flow statement.
TIME$ returns the present time setting of the Operating System as a format hh:mm:ss STRING.
TIMER returns the number of seconds since midnight as a SINGLE value.
TIMER (statement) events based on the designated time interval and timer number.
TO indicates a range of numerical values or an assignment of one value to another.
TYPE defines a variable type or file record that can include any STRING or numerical types.
UBOUND returns the upper-most index number of a designated array.
UCASE$ returns an uppercase representation of a specified STRING.
UEVENT Not implemented in QB64.
UNLOCK unlocks a designated file or portions of it.
UNTIL evaluates a DO...LOOP condition until it is True.
VAL returns the numerical value of a string number.
VARPTR returns the segment pointer address in memory.
VARPTR$ returns the string value of a numerical value in memory.
VARSEG returns the segment address of a value in memory.
VIEW sets up a graphic view port area of the screen.
VIEW PRINT sets up a text viewport area of the screen.
WAIT waits until a vertical retrace is started or a screen draw ends.
WEND the bottom end of a WHILE...WEND loop.
WHILE evaluates a DO...LOOP or WHILE...WEND condition until it is False.
WHILE...WEND sets a recursive procedure loop that can only be exited using the WHILE conditional argument.
WIDTH sets the text column and row sizes in several SCREEN modes.
WINDOW maps a window size different from the program's window size.
WRITE prints variable values to the screen with commas separating each value.
WRITE (file statement) writes data to a file with each variable value separated by commas.
XOR is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
_glAccum (statement) operates on the accumulation buffer
Posts: 241
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Joined: Apr 2022
07-21-2022, 05:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2022, 09:05 PM by RhoSigma.)
I still don't see the point of complain here?
As of his first post he ask for:
(07-19-2022, 06:24 AM)vinceg2022 Wrote: .... a brief one line description and the basic syntax of the command. ....
Now here it is:
![[Image: idehelp.png]](
See the red framed things: - a basic reference in the staus area
- a one line desciption in the help area
- a full syntax in the help area
All you need to do is type the command, and if the status area isn't sufficient, press F1 to see the help, press ESC to close the help.
What easier or more convenient could be any additional document?
Even Steves list is available in the IDE help menu > Keyword Index
Posts: 99
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Joined: Apr 2022
07-21-2022, 07:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-21-2022, 07:13 PM by JRace.)
I see a variety of references as supporting different workflows; we all do things in different ways. For example, I've got a couple of QB64 projects on the burner ATM, and a lot of the time when inspiration hits I'll open the appropriate file(s) in Notepad++, since I frequently have it open anyway and I'm not planning on immediately compiling. (Even though I DO have NPP set up to compile QB64, I usually compile from the QB64 IDE, since its immediate feedback is QUITE useful.)
MS's HTML Help Builder chokes on the Wiki (getting THAT to work is on my list of rainy weekend projects), and I'm not a big fan of using PDFs for reference, so a text version is a potentially useful idea. Having a list of keywords in a convenient format can be a time saver, especially when one is exploring areas of QB64 that one has never been to before and may be unsure of the appropriate command to type into the QB64 help system.
(The original intent of my last post was to add tag stripping to Steve's program and post the results, to create another QB64 programming example, but pragmatism won out in the end and the cleaned-up word list was all I ended up with.)