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  Image falls to pieces, revealing another one.
Posted by: Dav - 05-17-2022, 12:21 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (3)

I've been trying to come up with some interesting transitions for an image slideshow (family album thing).  I have the regular fades and slides and swaps worked out, trying to get something fancier.  Here's something I thought of using rotozoom - break image up to pieces and drop them off the screen, revealing the other one. 

It's a mess.  Seems to work but thought I'd share it now to get some feedback/help with making it better.  Perhaps there's a better way to do this?   (There's 2 rotozoom subs in the code to compare them)

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
'Coded by Dav, MAY/2022


'=== make 1st image to use (background one)
image1& = _NEWIMAGE(1000, 650, 32)
_DEST image1&
    LINE (0, y)-(_WIDTH, y), _RGB(RND * 255, RND * 255, RND * 255), B

'=== make 2nd image to use (will fall to pieces)
image2& = _NEWIMAGE(1000, 650, 32)
_DEST image2&
    LINE (0, y)-(_WIDTH, y), _RGB(0, 0, RND * 196), B

row = 15: col = 10 '15x10 grid of pieces
xsize = _WIDTH / row: ysize = _HEIGHT / col
DIM SHARED piece&(row * col), piecex(row * col), piecey(row * col)
DIM dropspeed(row * col), rotatespeed(row * col)
DIM xwobble(row * col), xwobblespeed(row * col)


bc = 1
FOR c = 1 TO col
    FOR r = 1 TO row

        'int x/y values for each piece
        x1 = (r * xsize) - xsize: x2 = x1 + xsize
        y1 = (c * ysize) - ysize: y2 = y1 + ysize
        piecex(bc) = x1: piecey(bc) = y1

        'make pieces images from image2& screen
        piece&(bc) = _NEWIMAGE(ABS(x2 - x1) + 1, ABS(y2 - y1) + 1, 32)
        _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), image2&, piece&(bc), (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)

        'int random values for each piece
        dropspeed(bc) = RND * 2 + 1
        rotatespeed(bc) = RND * 2 + 1

        xwobble(bc) = INT(RND * 3) + 1 'x move piece (1=none,2=left,3=right)
        xwobblespeed(bc) = INT(RND * 2) + .5 'how fast to wobble it

        bc = bc + 1


'make main screen
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1000, 650, 32)

'=== show 1st image on screen that will fall to pieces
FOR t = 1 TO row * col
    RotoZoom piecex(t) + (xsize / 2), piecey(t) + (ysize / 2), piece&(t), 1, 0

PRINT "Press enter to break up screen and reveal image behind...";



drop = 0: wob = 0


    _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), image1& 'background image

    'show 1st image breaking up
    FOR t = 1 TO row * col
        tx = piecex(t): tx2 = piecex(t) + xsize
        ty = piecey(t): ty2 = piecey(t) + ysize
        SELECT CASE xwobble(t)
            CASE 1
                'RotoZoom piecex(t) + (xsize / 2), piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
                RotoZoom3 piecex(t) + (xsize / 2), piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
            CASE 2
                'RotoZoom piecex(t) + (xsize / 2) - wob, piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
                RotoZoom3 piecex(t) + (xsize / 2) - wob, piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
                wob = wob - xwobblespeed(t)
            CASE 3
                'RotoZoom piecex(t) + (xsize / 2) + wob, piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
                RotoZoom3 piecex(t) + (xsize / 2) + wob, piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (drop * dropspeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, 1, (ang * rotatespeed(t))
                wob = wob + xwobblespeed(t)
        END SELECT

        drop = drop + .1: ang = ang + .1

        _LIMIT 3500


    'see if all pieces off screen
    done = 1
    FOR d = 1 TO row * col
        IF piecey(d) + drop < _HEIGHT THEN done = 0
    IF done = 1 THEN EXIT DO


'release pieces from memory
FOR p = 1 TO row * col
    _FREEIMAGE piece&(p)

GOTO main

    DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE
    W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
    px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2: px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2
    px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2: px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2
    sinr! = SIN(-Rotation / 57.2957795131): cosr! = COS(-Rotation / 57.2957795131)
    FOR i& = 0 TO 3
        x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) * Scale + X: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) * Scale + Y
        px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))

SUB RotoZoom3 (X AS LONG, Y AS LONG, Image AS LONG, xScale AS SINGLE, yScale AS SINGLE, radianRotation AS SINGLE)
    ' This assumes you have set your drawing location with _DEST or default to screen.
    ' X, Y - is where you want to put the middle of the image
    ' Image - is the handle assigned with _LOADIMAGE
    ' xScale, yScale - are shrinkage < 1 or magnification > 1 on the given axis, 1 just uses image size.
    ' These are multipliers so .5 will create image .5 size on given axis and 2 for twice image size.
    ' radianRotation is the Angle in Radian units to rotate the image
    ' note: Radian units for rotation because it matches angle units of other Basic Trig functions
    '       and saves a little time converting from degree.
    '       Use the _D2R() function if you prefer to work in degree units for angles.

    DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE ' simple arrays for x, y to hold the 4 corners of image
    DIM W&, H&, sinr!, cosr!, i&, x2&, y2& '   variables for image manipulation
    W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
    px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2 'left top corner
    px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2 ' left bottom corner
    px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2 '  right bottom
    px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2 ' right top
    sinr! = SIN(-radianRotation): cosr! = COS(-radianRotation) ' rotation helpers
    FOR i& = 0 TO 3 ' calc new point locations with rotation and zoom
        x2& = xScale * (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + X: y2& = yScale * (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + Y
        px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))

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  Unhandled Error Bug Fixed
Posted by: TarotRedhand - 05-17-2022, 11:22 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Bug Report.

At the top of my code I have the '$DYNAMIC switch.
I have a sub that takes an array as a parameter.
In that sub I REDIM that array.
The code compiles fine.
When run the compiled code I receive an Unhandled Error message for a Duplicate Definition on the line where I REDIM the array. It asks if I want to continue Yes/No. This shouldn't happen. It is a bug with the current version of QB64. It didn't happen in QB4.5.


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  INI Editor/Manager
Posted by: Atomic Kev - 05-16-2022, 06:40 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (5)

Code to modify and create INI files with qb64.
AddINI "FileName","Section","Key","Data" This adds, modifies or creates data in either a new ini file or edits an existsing one
DelINI "FileName","Section","Key" This deletes a specific key in an ini file
DelSec "FileName","Section" This Removes an entire section from an ini file
x$ = ReadINI ("FileName","Section","Key") This returns a string from an ini file entry

Code: (Select All)
Type Sections
    lineNum As Integer
    section As String
End Type

Sub LoadINIFile (FileName As String, iniData() As String, iniSections() As Sections)
    ReDim As String iniData(0)
    ReDim As Sections iniSections(0)
    If _FileExists(FileName) Then
        file = FreeFile
        Open FileName For Binary As #file
        If LOF(file) = 0 Then Exit Sub
            Line Input #file, iniData(UBound(iniData))
            If InStr(iniData(UBound(iniData)), "[") > 0 Then
                iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = iniData(UBound(iniData))
                iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
                ReDim _Preserve As Sections iniSections(UBound(iniSections) + 1)
            End If
            ReDim _Preserve iniData(UBound(iniData) + 1)
            x = x + 1
        Loop Until EOF(file)
    End If
    iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = "End of File"
    iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
End Sub

Sub CheckSection (sec() As Sections, check As String, out1 As Single, out2 As Single, Ret As String)
    For i = 0 To UBound(sec)
        If LCase$(sec(i).section) = "[" + LCase$(check) + "]" Then
            out1 = sec(i).lineNum + 1
            out2 = sec(i + 1).lineNum - 1
            Print out1, out2
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Ret = "New Section"
End Sub

Function ReadINI$ (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
    Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
    Dim As Single start, finish
    LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
    If Section <> "" Then
        CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
        For i = start To finish
            If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
                ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
            End If
            If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
                ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
            End If
            i = i + 1
        Loop Until ini(i) = ""
    End If
End Function

Sub DelINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
    Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
    Dim As Single start, finish
    LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
    If Section <> "" Then
        CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
        For i = start To finish
            If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
                ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
                For a = 0 To (i - 1)
                    temp(a) = ini(a)
                For a = i To UBound(temp)
                    temp(a) = ini(a + 1)

            End If
            If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
                ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
                For a = 0 To i - 1
                    temp(a) = ini(a)
                For a = x To UBound(ini)
                    temp(x) = ini(x + 1)
            End If
            i = i + 1
        Loop Until ini(i) = ""
    End If
        If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
    Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
    f = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Output As #f
    For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
        Print #f, temp(i)
End Sub

Sub DelSec (FileName As String, Section As String)
    Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
    Dim As Single start, finish
    LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
    CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
    Print start, finish
    ReDim Temp(UBound(ini)) As String
    For i = 0 To start
        Temp(i) = ini(i)

    For i = finish To UBound(ini)
        Temp(i - finish) = ini(i)
        If Temp(UBound(Temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve Temp(UBound(Temp) - 1)
    Loop Until Temp(UBound(Temp)) <> ""
    f = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Output As #f
    For i = 0 To UBound(Temp)
        Print #f, Temp(i)
End Sub

Sub AddINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String, INIData As String)
    Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
    Dim As Single start, finish
    LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
    CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
    ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 1) As String
    If ret$ = "New Section" Then
        ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 3)
        temp(0) = "[" + Section + "]"
        temp(1) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
        temp(2) = ""
        For i = 3 To UBound(ini)
            temp(i) = ini(i - 3)

        If Section <> "" Then
            For i = 0 To start
                'Print ini(start): Sleep
                temp(i) = ini(i)
            temp(start) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
            For i = start + 1 To UBound(ini)
                temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
            temp(0) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
            For i = 1 To UBound(ini)
                temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
        End If

    End If
        If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
    Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
    f = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Output As #f
    For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
        Print #f, temp(i)
        'Print temp(i): _Delay 1

End Sub

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  DrumMachine v1 - Drum pattern maker using real drum sounds
Posted by: Dav - 05-16-2022, 04:04 PM - Forum: Dav - Replies (14)

DrumMachine v1 is a beat maker prototype for designing drum patterns using real drum samples.  With it you can program beats (limited to 2 bars of 4/4 now).  It uses 16 real drum sounds to make realistic sounding patterns.  The drum patterns can be saved and loaded (it's a file named DRUMMACHINE.SAV).  This version has limited capabilities and was made to see if QB64 can handle many sounds this way, and it looks like it can.  The real drum sound samples were all found in public domain. 

The attached version is new - I fixed a problem with the one that was posted on the old forum - the mouse click no longer delays the playback, so it doesn't stutter anymore.

I'm currently working on version 2 which has more capabilities.

- Dav

.zip   drummachine-01d-src.zip (Size: 267.12 KB / Downloads: 83)


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  TriPegs - Classic triangle peg jumping game
Posted by: Dav - 05-16-2022, 01:15 PM - Forum: Dav - Replies (6)

TriPegs is a clone of the wooden triangle peg jumping puzzle you often see on the tables at the crackle barrel restaurants here the US.  It's a very simple puzzle to play, you just jump over the pegs, removing the peg you jump over.  The goal is to leave only one peg on the board, which gives you the genius rating.  Have fun.

- Dav

.zip   tripegs-src.zip (Size: 146.46 KB / Downloads: 77)


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  artificial net attractors
Posted by: BSpinoza - 05-16-2022, 10:12 AM - Forum: Programs - Replies (2)

This program generates an endless succession of artificial net attractors,
by a program of J.C.Sprott from 1989.

A description you will find in the following paper:


I made small changes to adapt it into QB64.

Code: (Select All)
' program: neutal_net_attractors.bas
'          by J. C. Sprott
' adapted to QB64 by BSpinoza
' This program produces neural net attractors,
' it generates endless succession of artificial neural net attractors
' Copyright (c) 1997 by J. C. Sprott

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(880, 650, 256)
WINDOW (-5, -5)-(680, 410)
N% = 4 'Number of neurons
D% = 16 'Number of inputs (dimension)
s = .5 'Scaling factor (network gain)
tmax& = 80000 'Number of iterations
sw% = 638 '319 'Screen width - 1
sh% = 399 '199 'Screen height - 1
nc% = 254 'Number of colors - 2
DIM w(N%, D%), B(N%, D%), x(N%), y(D%), PAL&(nc% + 1)
PAL&(0) = 65536 * 63 + 256 * 63 + 63 'PAL&(0) IS WHITE
PAL&(1) = 65536 * 55 + 256 * 55 + 55 'PAL&(1) IS GRAY
FOR i% = 2 TO nc% + 1
    B% = INT(32 + 32 * COS(.02464 * i%))
    G% = INT(32 + 32 * COS(.02464 * i% + 4.1888))
    R% = INT(32 + 32 * COS(.02464 * i% + 2.0944))
    PAL&(i%) = 65536 * B% + 256 * G% + R%
    _DELAY 0.2
    p& = 0
    FOR i% = 1 TO N%
        FOR j% = 1 TO D%
            w(i%, j%) = 1 - 2 * RND
        NEXT j%
        B(i%, 1) = s * RND
        x(i%) = .5
    NEXT i%
    FOR t& = 1 TO tmax&
        y(0) = 0
        FOR i% = 1 TO N%
            y(0) = y(0) + B(i%, 1) * x(i%)
        NEXT i%
        FOR j% = D% TO 1 STEP -1
            y(j%) = y(j% - 1)
        NEXT j%
        FOR i% = 1 TO N%
            u = 0
            FOR j% = 1 TO D%
                u = u + w(i%, j%) * y(j%)
            NEXT j%
            x(i%) = 1 - 2 / (EXP(2 * u) + 1)
        NEXT i%
        IF t& > tmax& / 50 THEN
            IF 10 * p& + 50 < t& - tmax& / 50 THEN t& = tmax&
            x% = .5 * (sw% + sw% * x(1))
            y% = .5 * (sh% - sh% * x(2))
            z% = .025 * (sw% + sw% * x(3))
            c% = 2 + INT(nc% * (.5 * x(4) + .5))
            IF POINT(x%, y%) < 2 THEN p& = p& + 1
            IF c% > POINT(x%, y%) THEN PSET (x%, y%), c%
            x% = x% + z%: y% = y% + z%
            IF POINT(x%, y%) = 0 THEN PSET (x%, y%), 1
        END IF
    NEXT t&

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  Large 2D Graphics Library
Posted by: TarotRedhand - 05-16-2022, 09:10 AM - Forum: One Hit Wonders - Replies (4)

This is a 2D graphics library. The routines in this library are mainly (but not entirely) based on algorithms found in the book Computer Graphics (Teach Yourself) by John Landsdown (Amazingly a newer version (1997) than mine (1987) is available at Amazon UK).

There are 2 common types of graphics used with computers - tile graphics and coordinate graphics. This library deals entirely with the latter. The library is accompanied by a demo. The library consists of a BI file, a BM file and a DAT data file. The demo consists of a BAS file and it's own dedicated DAT data file.

This library uses the following conventions. The coordinate pairs are stored in a 2 dimensional array of the form CoordinateArray#(0 TO N, QX% TO QY%). CoordinateArray#(0,QX%) and CoordinateArray#(0, QY%) are used to hold the coordinates of the centre of the graphics object. The following three types are used extensively throughout this library. The type Box2D is used both for storing the coordinates of an imaginary box surrounding each graphics object and also for the storage of the coordinates for graphics windows. AView2D is used to store the device coordinates for viewports. Type Vision combines both a graphics window and a viewport as well as additional information needed for the mapping of the world coordinates (stored in the arrays) to device coordinates (so you can display them).

If the above is all Ancient Greek to you don't panic, Just compile and run the demo to get a flavour of what's here.

Before I post the library in the next post, here is the original BI file (DO NOT USE- Just read) as documentation of the public routines in the library -

Code: (Select All)
REM ******************************************************
REM * Filespec  :  g2.bm g2.bi g2.dat                    *
REM *          :  g2demo.bas g2demo.dat                  *
REM * Date      :  September 15 1998                     *
REM * Time      :  12:25                                 *
REM * Revision  :  1.00B                                 *
REM * Update    :                                        *
REM ******************************************************
REM * Released to the Public Domain                      *
REM ******************************************************


    Left  AS DOUBLE
    Right  AS DOUBLE
    Top    AS DOUBLE
    Bottom AS DOUBLE

    Left  AS INTEGER
    Right  AS INTEGER
    Top    AS INTEGER
    Bottom AS INTEGER

TYPE Vision
    MyWindow AS Box2D
    MyView  AS AView2D
    XMove    AS DOUBLE
    YMove    AS DOUBLE
    XBound  AS DOUBLE
    YBound  AS DOUBLE
    XFactor  AS DOUBLE
    YFactor  AS DOUBLE

CONST QX% = 1, QY% = 2
CONST PI# = 3.141592653589793#
CONST PIDividedBy2# = 1.57079632679489661923    'PI / 2
CONST PITimes2# = 6.28318530717959              'PI * 2
CONST PITimes3# = 9.42477796076938              'PI * 3
CONST XScale% = 1, YScale% = 2, Scale% = 3
CONST OneSeventeenth# = .05882352941176471#

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The following routines are for the general management of the   *
REM * arrays used to hold the coordinates that we are working with.  *
REM * All of the following routines return TRUE% if they are         *
REM * successful and FALSE% if an error condition was detected.  The *
REM * output arrays are automatically resized to exactly the size    *
REM * necessary to hold the output data.                             *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION CopyShape2D%(InShape#(), OutShape#())
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Copies InShape#() to OutShape#().                              *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION AppendShape2D%(This#(), OntoThis#())
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Appends the contents of This#() onto the end of OntoThis#().  *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION MakePolygon%(This#(), OntoThis#())
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Identical to the preceding routine with additional action of   *
REM * copying the first coordinate pair of OntoThis#() to its end    *
REM * after appending This#().                                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION InsertShape2D%(This#(), IntoThis#(), AfterThisPoint%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Inserts the contents of This#() into IntoThis#() after the     *
REM * coordinate pair specified by AfterThis%.                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DeletePoint2D%(This#(), PointNumber%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Deletes the coordinate pair specified by PointNumber%, From    *
REM * This#().                                                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION OuterLimits2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * This routine determines the values for an imaginary box        *
REM * surrounding the graphics object held in This#().  These values *
REM * are placed in MyBounds.  The exact centre of the object is     *
REM * also determined by this routine and the coordinate pair of     *
REM * this centre are placed in This#(0, QX%) and This#(0, QY%).     *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The following routines manipulate the coordinate pairs held in *
REM * the arrays in the manner specified in the individual           *
REM * descriptions.  Once all calculations are complete the new      *
REM * exact centre and boundary values are determined by an          *
REM * automatic call to OuterLimits2D%.  All of the following        *
REM * routines return TRUE% to indicate successful completion or     *
REM * FALSE% if an error condition was detected.                     *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Translate2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ByX#, ByY#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Relative movement.  Moves the whole object by the amounts      *
REM * specified in ByX# and ByY#.                                    *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION MoveTo2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ToX#, ToY#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Absolute movement.  Moves the whole object so that the centre  *
REM * of the object is positioned at ToX#, ToY#.                     *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION InflateX2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object wider by the amount specified in By#, without  *
REM * disturbing the position of it's centre.                        *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION InflateY2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object taller by the amount specified in By#, without *
REM * disturbing the position of it's centre.                        *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Inflate2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object larger in both dimensions by the amount        *
REM * specified in By#, without disturbing the position of it's      *
REM * centre.                                                        *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ScaleX2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object wider by the amount specified in By#.          *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ScaleY2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object taller by the amount specified in By#.         *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ScaleXY2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ByX#, ByY#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object taller (ByY#) and wider (ByX~) by the amount   *
REM * specified.                                                     *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Scale2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Make the object larger by the amount specified in By#.         *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ShearX2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Shearing in the X plane distorts the figure in a manner that   *
REM * relates the amount specified in By# and Y coordinate for each  *
REM * point.                                                         *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ShearY2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, By#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Shearing in the Y plane distorts the figure in a manner that   *
REM * relates the amount specified in By# and X coordinate for each  *
REM * point.                                                         *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Shear2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ByX#, ByY#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * This merely combines shearing in both planes into a single     *
REM * procedure.                                                     *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Rotation2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Angle#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Rotates the figure about the origin (that is the point at 0,0) *
REM * by Angle#.  The direction of the rotation is controlled by the *
REM * sign of Angle#.  A positive Angle# gives rotation in an        *
REM * anti-clockwise direction and a negative one gives a clockwise  *
REM * rotation.                                                      *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Spin2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Angle#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Identical to Rotation2D except that the rotation is about the  *
REM * centre of the figure being rotated.                            *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION Orbit2D%(This#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, OrbitX#, OrbitY#, Angle#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Identical to Rotation2D except that the rotation is about      *
REM * OrbitX#, OrbitY#.                                              *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The next 3 routines are for the management of the data types   *
REM * used to control which part(s) of the graphical objects we are  *
REM * dealing with are visible and where they will be displayed.     *
REM * While it is true that QB already has such mechanisms built-in, *
REM * you can only have one graphical window and one view-port at a  *
REM * time with these.  The graphical system presented here allows   *
REM * for multiple such windows and viewports at once.               *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION SetNewWindow2D%(ThisWindow AS Box2D, Left#, Right#, Top#, Bottom#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Stores the values held in Left#, Right#, Top# and Bottom# in   *
REM * ThisWindow.                                                    *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION SetNewViewPort%(ViewPort AS AView2D, Left%, Right%, Top%, Bottom%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Stores the values held in Left%, Right%, Top% and Bottom% in   *
REM * ViewPort.                                                      *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB SetNewVision(Vew AS Vision, ThisWindow AS Box2D, ViewPort AS AView2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Copies the contents of ThisWindow and ViewPort to Vew and then *
REM * makes certain calculations, storing the results in Vew.  This  *
REM * way all of the information necessary for mapping the world     *
REM * coordinates (i.e. those stored in the coordinate arrays) to    *
REM * the device coordinates (i.e. those of the monitor's screen).   *
REM *                                                                *
REM * NOTE - if you do not want your graphics to have uncontrolled   *
REM * distortion it is essential that the aspect ratio               *
REM * (i.e. (Right - Left) / (Top - Bottom)) of ThisWindow and       *
REM * ViewPort are identical.                                        *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB ClipLine2D(X1Old#, Y1Old#, X2Old#, Y2Old#, X1New#, Y1New#, X2New#, Y2New#, Vew AS Vision, Visible%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * If a line is within the Box2D held in Vew, it will be trimmed  *
REM * to fit if necessary.  Visible% flags the obvious.              *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ClipDots2D%(Shape2D#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Vew AS Vision, Dots#())
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Those dots in Shape2D# that are within the Box2D held in Vew   *
REM * are returned in dots.                                          *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * In the context of the following routines a polygon is simply a *
REM * list of coordinates that will be drawn as lines.  The way that *
REM * these lines are drawn is as follows.  The first line to be     *
REM * drawn uses the first pair of coordinates to produce the line.  *
REM * The next and subsequent lines use the last coordinates from    *
REM * the previous line as their first coordinate and the next       *
REM * coordinate as their last coordinate. If a closed figure is     *
REM * desired, it is necessary for the last pair of coordinates to   *
REM * be identical to the first pair.                                *
REM *                                                                *
REM * A shape, on the other hand is more complex and therefore uses  *
REM * an INTEGER array to hold a list of points to be connected in   *
REM * the order in which they are to be connected.  The format of    *
REM * the data held in this array is as follows:-                    *
REM *                                                                *
REM * The first 2 coordinate pairs (i.e. A#(1, QX%), A#(1,QY%) and   *
REM * A#(2,QX%), A#(2,QY%)) ALWAYS specify the start and end points  *
REM * of the first line of the figure.  After that, the last point   *
REM * of the preceding pair of points is the start point for the     *
REM * next line and the next item specifies the end point of that    *
REM * line unless the next A#(N, QX%) is -1.  If it is -1 it means   *
REM * drop the data already read and treat the next 2 coordinate     *
REM * pairs as the start and end points of the next line.  As an     *
REM * example of this, the snippet of code below is the actual       *
REM * connection list for the StarOfDavid which is defined later.    *
REM *                                                                *
REM *        Connections%(0) = 1                                     *
REM *        Connections%(1) = 3                                     *
REM *        Connections%(2) = 5                                     *
REM *        Connections%(3) = 7                                     *
REM *        Connections%(4) = -1                                    *
REM *        Connections%(5) = 2                                     *
REM *        Connections%(6) = 4                                     *
REM *        Connections%(7) = 6                                     *
REM *        Connections%(8) = 2                                     *
REM *                                                                *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayDotsDirect%(Dots#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ScreenMode%, Colour%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Tries to display the points held in Dots on the current        *
REM * graphics screen without any clipping or mapping.               *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayPolygonDirect%(Polygon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ScreenMode%, Colour%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Tries to display the lines described in Polygon on the current *
REM * graphics screen without any clipping or mapping.               *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayShapeDirect%(Shape2D#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, ConnectionList%(), ScreenMode%, Colour%)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Tries to display the lines described in Shape2D and List, on   *
REM * the current graphics screen without any clipping or mapping.   *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayDots%(Dots#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Colour%, Vew AS Vision)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Those points held in Dots that are within the Box2D that is    *
REM * part of Vew will be clipped, mapped and displayed by this      *
REM * routine.                                                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB DisplayLine(X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, Colour%, Vew AS Vision)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Any portion of the line described by point (X1,Y1) to point    *
REM * (X2,Y2), that is within the Box2D that is part of Vew it will  *
REM * be clipped, mapped and displayed by this routine.              *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayPolygon%(Polygon#(), Colour%, Vew AS Vision)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Those lines described in Polygon that are within the Box2D     *
REM * that is part of Vew will be clipped, mapped and displayed by   *
REM * this routine.                                                  *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DisplayShape2D%(Shape2D#(), Colour%, ConnectionList%(), Vew AS Vision)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Those lines described in Shape2D and List that are within the  *
REM * Box2D that is part of Vew will be clipped, mapped and          *
REM * displayed by this routine.                                     *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The graphical objects dealt with in this part of the library   *
REM * are of 2 kinds, pre-calculated straight line objects (mostly   *
REM * polygons) and curved objects that mostly have to be calculated *
REM * "on the fly" (the exception being circles which are            *
REM * pre-calculated).  In the context of this library, all curved   *
REM * objects are simulated by a number of (comparatively) short     *
REM * straight lines.  This is done to enable the use of the simple  *
REM * transformation routines already described.                     *
REM *                                                                *
REM * For those who don't know the names of regular polygons and the *
REM * number of sides each posses, I enclose the following list.     *
REM *                                                                *
REM * Sides    Name                                                  *
REM *                                                                *
REM *  3    Triangle                                                 *
REM *  4    Square                                                   *
REM *  5    Pentagon                                                 *
REM *  6    Hexagon                                                  *
REM *  7    Heptagon                                                 *
REM *  8    Octagon                                                  *
REM *  9    Nonagon                                                  *
REM *  10    Decagon                                                 *
REM *  11    Undecagon                                               *
REM *  12    Dodecagon                                               *
REM *                                                                *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The following routines all resize and load the array with the  *
REM * coordinates for the appropriate shape.  All the shapes that    *
REM * have the prefix Unit have dimensions that are in the range     *
REM * from -1 to +1 and are centred at 0,0.  The data for these      *
REM * shapes is held in the file SHAPES2D.DAT.                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB UnitTriangle(ATriangle#())
DECLARE SUB UnitSquare(ASquare#())
DECLARE SUB UnitPentagon(APentagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitHexagon(AHexagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitHeptagon(AHeptagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitOctagon(AnOctagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitNonagon(ANonagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitDecagon(ADecagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitUndecagon(AnUndecagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitDodecagon(ADodecagon#())
DECLARE SUB UnitCircle(ThisCircle#())
DECLARE SUB UnitArrow(AnArrow#())
DECLARE SUB UnitParralellogram(AParralellogram#())
DECLARE SUB UnitDiamond(ADiamond#())

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The next set of routines also load the output variable with    *
REM * the coordinates of the given shape.  The way they work is to   *
REM * first get a copy of the appropriate Unit shape, expand them in *
REM * such a way as to produce a figure with sides that are SideSize *
REM * long and then to move the whole figure so that it is centred   *
REM * at CenterX, CenterY.                                           *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB Triangle(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ATriangle#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Square(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ASquare#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Pentagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, APentagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Hexagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AHexagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Heptagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AHeptagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Octagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AnOctagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Nonagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ANonagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Decagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ADecagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Undecagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AnUndecagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Dodecagon(SideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ADodecagon#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Arrow(LongSideSize#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AnArrow#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
DECLARE SUB Diamond(Height#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ADiamond#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The next 2 shapes are slightly more complicated than those     *
REM * that have preceded them.  They are based around points that    *
REM * have already been calculated, but these points are connected   *
REM * in a different order to the simple polygons that proceeded     *
REM * them and therefore use an INTEGER array to hold a list of      *
REM * points to be connected in the order in which they are to be    *
REM * connected.  In other words these are shapes as described       *
REM * earlier.                                                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB Pentagram(Span#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ThisPentagram#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Connections%())
DECLARE SUB StarOfDavid(Span#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ThisStar#(), MyBounds AS Box2D, Connections%())

REM ******************************************************************
REM * This final set of routines is concerned with the generation of *
REM * curved shapes.  Most of the routines in this section actually  *
REM * involve calculation as distinct from the preceding routines    *
REM * which did not.  NOTE - all angles used in this section are     *
REM * in degrees.                                                    *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION CircleInformation%(X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, X3#, Y3#, CenterX#, CenterY#, Radius#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Given the three points described by the coordinate pairs       *
REM * (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2) and (X3,Y3) this routine calculates the       *
REM * centre (CenterX,CenterY) and Radius of a circle.  The rules    *
REM * for the usage of this routine are that the three points lie on *
REM * the circumference of the circle and are encountered, in order, *
REM * by travelling along the upper hemisphere of the circle in a    *
REM * clockwise direction.  Further it is an error if all three      *
REM * points lie upon a straight line (known as collinearity) and    *
REM * FALSE will be returned if this occurs.                         *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB TwinCircleTangent(CenterX1#, CenterY1#, Radius1#, CenterX2#, CenterY2#, Radius2#, Point1X#, Point1Y#, Point2X#, Point2Y#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * This routine follows a specialised need namely to connect 2    *
REM * arcs with a straight line that flows smoothly into the arcs.   *
REM * The way this is done is to take the centres and radii of two   *
REM * circles and to calculate the points where an appropriate line  *
REM * would be tangential to both.  The coordinates of Point1        *
REM * correspond with the details of circle 1 and Point2 with circle *
REM * 2.  As for any given pair of circles there are 4 possible      *
REM * tangential lines that could connect them a mechanism is needed *
REM * to enable distinction of which line should be calculated.  The *
REM * mechanism used is directionality of rotation of the circles    *
REM * expressed as the sign of the individual radius's. By this I    *
REM * mean that if a radius is negative the corresponding circle is  *
REM * assumed to be drawn in a clockwise direction and a positive    *
REM * radius, anti-clockwise.  Now if you consider the line to be    *
REM * drawn as a continuation of the 2 circles it becomes a simple   *
REM * matter to determine the signs of the radii to be passed to     *
REM * this routine.                                                  *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB ACircle(Radius#, CenterX#, CenterY#, ThisCircle#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Loads ThisCircle#() with the coordinates of a 72 sided figure  *
REM * which simulates a circle of Radius at CenterX, CenterY.        *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB Ellipse(XRadius#, YRadius#, CenterX#, CenterY#, AnEllipse#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Loads Ellipse#() with the coordinates of a 72 sided figure     *
REM * which simulates an ellipse of XRadius, YRadius at CenterX,     *
REM * CenterY.  The way this works is that a UnitCircle is expanded  *
REM * by differing X and Y amounts.                                  *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB CalculateAngle(CenterX#, CenterY#, PointX#, PointY#, Angle#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Calculates the angle that a line (running from CenterX,        *
REM * CenterY to PointX,PointY) makes in relation to the horizontal  *
REM * axis.  Positive angles indicate that the line is above the     *
REM * horizontal axis and negative below.                            *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION GetAngle#(StartAngle#, EndAngle#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Calculates the length of an arc, in degrees, of an arc running *
REM * in an anti-clockwise direction from StartAngle to EndAngle.    *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ArcInformation%(X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, X3#, Y3#, CenterX#, CenterY#, Radius#, StartAngle#, Degrees#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Given 3 points on the circumference of an arc, this routine    *
REM * calculates all the information needed to create an arc.  Point *
REM * (X1,Y1) is the starting point for the arc, point (X2,Y2) the   *
REM * mid-point and point (X3,Y3) the end point of the arc.  The     *
REM * rules for the usage of this routine are the same as for        *
REM * CircleInformation.                                             *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB CreateArc(CenterX#, CenterY#, Radius#, StartAngle#, Degrees#, Arc#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Loads Arc#() with the coordinates of an arc described by the   *
REM * arguments CenterX#, CenterY#, Radius#, StartAngle# and         *
REM * Degrees#.  The argument Degrees holds the length of the arc in *
REM * degrees.                                                       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE SUB CreateParametricCubicCurve(X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, X3#, Y3#, X4#, Y4#, CubicCurve#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * As not all curved shapes are based on conic sections this      *
REM * routine and the next offer 2 ways of describing those other    *
REM * shapes, based on control points which are external to the      *
REM * desired curved shape.  In this routine point (X1,Y1) is the    *
REM * start point, point (X4,Y4) is the end point.  Points (X2,Y2)   *
REM * and (X3,Y3) in conjunction with the points already mentioned   *
REM * are used to determine the final shape of the curve.  This      *
REM * routine is based on the algorithm devised by Harry Timmer of   *
REM * the Douglas Aircraft Company.  This routine (in common with    *
REM * many others) uses four blending functions to describe the      *
REM * curve parametrically.  The characteristic that sets this       *
REM * algorithm apart from the others is that if an imaginary line   *
REM * is drawn from X2#,Y2# to X3#,Y3# and the curve is then         *
REM * calculated and drawn it will be noted that the apex of the     *
REM * curve either touches or crosses this line at its centre.       *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION CreateComplexCurve%(ControlPoints#(), Curve#(), MyBounds AS Box2D)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * This is an extension to the preceding routine.  The array      *
REM * ControlPoints#() contains a series of control points, the      *
REM * number of which must be divisible by 2 and greater than or     *
REM * equal to 4 (ideally greater than 4 e.g. at least 6).           *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * The final three routines are here to enable programs to        *
REM * interact with the routines presented here.                     *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION DeviceToWorldCoordinates%(InX%, InY%, Vew AS Vision, OutX#, OutY#)
REM ******************************************************************
REM * If a point on the screen (InX%,InY%) is within the viewport in *
REM * Vew the coordinates will be converted to the corresponding     *
REM * point in world coordinates and TRUE% returned.  Otherwise      *
REM * FALSE% is returned.                                            *
REM ******************************************************************

REM ******************************************************************
REM * If the point TX#,TY# is within Bounds TRUE% is returned,       *
REM * otherwise FALSE%.                                              *
REM ******************************************************************

DECLARE FUNCTION ClosestPoint%(TX#, TY#, Shape#())
REM ******************************************************************
REM * Returns the number of the coordinate pair in shape#() which is *
REM * closest to TX#, TY#.                                           *
REM ******************************************************************

Library in next post.


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  Small Collection of Angle Conversion Functions
Posted by: TarotRedhand - 05-16-2022, 08:26 AM - Forum: Utilities - Replies (4)

Back in the day I wrote a whole trigonometry library. Looking on the wiki I see that most of what is in that library are incorporated into QB64. Most...

So what we have here are 2 constants, 3 ordinary functions and 4 conversion functions. The conversation functions deal with converting to and from another standard angle measurement type - Gradians (aka Grade). Conversions between radians and degrees are already covered in QB64. The other 3 functions just make sure that angles lie within specified bounds.

Code: (Select All)
CONST PI = 3.141592653589793#
CONST PITimes2 = 6.283185307179586#

FUNCTION NormaliseRadians#(Radians AS DOUBLE)
    DO WHILE Radians > PI
        Radians = Radians - PITimes2
    DO WHILE Radians < -PI
        Radians = Radians + PITimes2
    NormaliseRadians# = Radians

FUNCTION NormaliseDegrees#(Degrees AS DOUBLE)
    DO WHILE Degrees > 180
        Degrees = Degrees - 360
    DO WHILE Degrees < -180
        Degrees = Degrees + 360
    NormaliseDegrees# = Degrees

FUNCTION NormaliseGrade#(Grade AS DOUBLE)
    DO WHILE Grade > 200
        Grade = Grade - 400
    DO WHILE Grade < -200
        Grade = Grade + 400
    NormaliseGrade# = Grade

FUNCTION RadiansToGrade#(Radians AS DOUBLE)
    RadiansToGrade# = (NormaliseRadians#(Radians) * (200 / PI))

FUNCTION DegreesToGrade#(Degrees AS DOUBLE)
    DegreesToGrade# = (NormaliseDegrees#(Degrees) * 1.111111111111111)

FUNCTION GradeToRadians#(Grade AS DOUBLE)
    GradeToRadians# = (NormaliseGrade#(Grade) * (PI / 200))

FUNCTION GradeToDegrees#(Grade AS DOUBLE)
    GradeToDegrees# = (NormaliseGrade#(Grade) * .9)


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  Testing discord webhook
Posted by: SMcNeill - 05-15-2022, 10:28 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

Just testing.  Nothing to see here.  Tongue

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  Phoenix Edition Discord
Posted by: admin - 05-15-2022, 09:30 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (15)

For the last month, we've been directing folks over to the old QB64 Discord channels, but here lately they've became amazingly hard to work out of.  QB64 fractured and split into half a dozen forks, and now every fork appears as if they want to argue over who's the "Official" inheritor of QB64.  It's full of drama, and emotions, and people insulting people, and as much as I hate to say it, it's just not a good place to go to actually talk about code, or the Phoenix Edition, or make suggestions or get quick feedback on a topic related to the stuff we're doing right now.

So, I've made us our own little Discord channel which is dedicated to the Phoenix Edition -- and the Phoenix Edition only -- in an attempt to put a filter between us and all the drama those other guys are generating.  All I want is a nice quiet and peaceful place where I can work and do my own stuff, and I think the vast majority of folks feel the same way, and hopefully that's what we're going to try and become at our own home on Discord.

Everyone is invited to join us there:  https://discord.gg/D2M7hepTSx

All we ask is that you stick the off-topic stuff in the dedicated off-topic channels, and leave all the fighting over which version of QB64 is going to end up being called the official version of QB64.  We're not interested in any of that drama.  All we want to do is be us, continue on as we've been continuing on, and we're more than happy to let all those other guys be those other guys.  We peacefully exist with FreeBASIC, PureBasic, and all the other BASICs out there on the whole wide web.  Why can't we peacefully tolerate the other branches of QB64, rather than fight over who gets to hold the title as being the "official" version of things.

I'll clear it up for everyone who likes to argue once and for all -- we're NOT "QB64 Official".  Never claimed to be.  We're just the Phoenix Edition, and that's what we're going to remain.  Hopefully the folks who end up visiting our private Discord will remember that.  At least, I hope they will.  Big Grin


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