08-13-2023, 12:57 AM
Here is my version of the Peg Solitaire game, which has a couple of twists to the original.
Coding is not economized, and could be probably halved by some members (?), but it works.
Coding is not economized, and could be probably halved by some members (?), but it works.
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1024, 820, 32)
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 24, "monospace") ' 31 rows, 73 columns text, allows chr$(95)
_Font f&
dw = _DesktopWidth: dh = _DesktopHeight
lhs = (dw - 1024) / 2: top = 100
_ScreenMove lhs, top ' centre display horiz on screen, down 100
Common Shared board$(), cell$, v, h, pick$, bad$, Mode, score
Dim board$(7, 7)
pick$ = "o2l32dg": ok$ = "l32o2cego3c": bad$ = "l32o2co1bagfedc"
Locate 4, 30: Print "Peg Solitaire": white
Locate 7, 1
Print " A board of 49 cells is displayed, with 48 of these occupied by pegs."
Print " Try to remove all pegs (except one) by jumping another peg over them."
Print " Jumps may be in any direction (but see ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " below), over a single"
Print " peg, and the landing cell must be vacant."
Print " Enter each jump as a ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print ", then a";
yellow: Print " TO";: white: Print " row and column e.g. A3, then C5."
Print " Each move must jump 2 cells, over an existing ";: yellow: Print "REMOVE";: white: Print " peg."
Print " The FROM and REMOVE cells must be occupied, and the ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " cell must be"
Print " empty, otherwise the move is rejected."
Print " If legal, the REMOVE cell is cleared, and the action can be repeated"
Print " until no more jumps are possible."
Print " There are 3 ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " of play, each with different directions for jumps:"
Print " 1: Jump in any direction 2: Hor and Vert only 3: Diagonal only."
Print Tab(12); "(Mode 1 is a simple version, mostly for children)."
yellow: Print: Print Tab(24); " Which Mode would you like?"
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo GetMode
If k$ <= "1" Or k$ > "3" Then Mode = 1 Else Mode = Val(k$)
Locate 2, 32: Print "Mode"; Mode
Locate 26, 32: Print "Score:"; score
WIPE "2829": Play pick$
white: Locate 28, 24: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"
Print Tab(30); "or Q to quit"
Locate 28, 50: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
If cell$ = "Q" Then Finish
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "G" Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) < 1 Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) > 7 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "FROM must be entered as VH (vert and horiz) e.g. A3"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
fromv = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: fromh = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
End If
If board$(fromv, fromh) = " " Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 27: red: Print "That cell is empty"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
End If
AcceptFROM: ' FROM meets specs
red: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print Chr$(249): yellow
WIPE "24"
white: Locate 24, 33: Print cell$; " -"
WIPE "28": Play pick$
Locate 28, 25: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"; Tab(21); "(or <Space> to restart this move)"
Locate 28, 49: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
Locate 24, 38: Print cell$
Restart: ' player pressed <Space> to restart their move
If cell$ = " " Then
yellow: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
board$(fromv, fromh) = "*"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "2428": GoTo GetFrom
End If
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
tov = v: toh = h ' we have fromh, fromv, toh and tov to identify middle cell
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "H" Or Right$(cell$, 1) < "1" Or Right$(cell$, 1) > "8" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "TO must be entered as vh (vert and horiz) e.g. C5"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Select Case Mode
Case 1 ' children
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And (Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0) Then fail = 1
If fromv - tov = 0 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 22: red: Print "Jump must be exactly 2 cells"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 2 ' horiz and vert
fail = 0
If ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Or ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 14: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, vertically or horizontally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 3 ' diag
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) <> 2 Or Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 20: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, diagonally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
End Select
If fromv < tov Then midlv = fromv + 1
If fromv = tov Then midlv = fromv
If fromv > tov Then midlv = fromv - 1
If fromh < toh Then midlh = fromh + 1
If fromh = toh Then midlh = fromh
If fromh > toh Then midlh = fromh - 1
If board$(midlv, midlh) <> "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "The jumped cell is not occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
If oard$(tov, toh) = "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "That cell is occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
Locate 8 + (tov - 1) * 2, 27 + (toh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
Locate 8 + (midlv - 1) * 2, 27 + (midlh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
board$(fromv, fromh) = " ": board$(tov, toh) = "*": board$(midlv, midlh) = " "
score = score + 1
WIPE "24"
GoTo GetFrom
End If
Sub drawgrid
Locate 6, 27: Print "1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
For a = 1 To 7
Locate 6 + a * 2, 24
Print Chr$(64 + a)
' all pegs
For a = 1 To 7
For b = 1 To 7
board$(a, b) = "*"
Locate a * 2 + 6, b * 3 + 24
Print "*"
'centre hole
red: Locate 14, 36: Print Chr$(249)
board$(4, 4) = " "
'draw frame
top = 160
For a = 0 To 6
PSet (355, top + a * 48)
For b = 1 To 7 ' row of 7 boxes
Draw "r30d33l30u33bm+42,0"
End Sub
Sub Finish
Locate 15, 18: Print "You scored"; score; "points, from a possible 47."
End Sub
Sub red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub
Sub white
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub WIPE (ln$) ' call with string of 2-digit line numbers only eg "0122" for lines 1 and 23
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
Locate Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
Print Space$(73)
End Sub
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.)
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