Trivial 2D Explosions
That was Stx's tiltle from which I made a fun mod. Trivial is wrong! Fun is not Trivial it is vital.
So here is better title for my mod anyway:
Fun Fake 3D Explosions!
Code: (Select All)
_Title "trivial 2D explosions B+ mod 2" 'STxAxTIC mod B+ 2019-02-03
' 2019-02-03 use a bg& for background instead of redraws each loop, that should cool down CPU
' rounder rocks, more fiddle with numbers
Const xmax = 1200
Const ymax = 700
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
'_ScreenMove 100, 20
Randomize Timer
np = 500 'number of particles
Dim x(np), y(np), xold(np), yold(np), v0x(np), v0y(np), col(np) As _Unsigned Long
nr = 3500 'number of rocks
Dim rx(nr), ry(nr), rw(nr), rh(nr), rc(nr) As _Unsigned Long
For i = 0 To nr \ 2
rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .25 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
r = 200 * Rnd
rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)
For i = nr \ 2 + 1 To nr
rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
r = 200 * Rnd
rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)
no = 80 'number of rock bounce reflectors
Dim ox(no), oy(no), ow(no), oh(no)
For i = 0 To no
ox(i) = Rnd * xmax
oy(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + ox(i) * .09
ow(i) = oy(i) * oy(i) * .00015
oh(i) = .3 * ow(i)
Dim wallcol As _Unsigned Long
wallcol = _RGB32(200, 100, 50)
g = 95
xdamp = .07
ydamp = .07
exploderadius = 10
'draw background
bgrd& = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Dest bgrd&
For y = 0 To ymax
Line (0, y)-(xmax, y), _RGB32(.1 * y, .1 * y, .15 * y), BF
For i = 0 To nr
EllipseFill rx(i), ry(i), rw(i), rh(i), rc(i)
'LINE (rx(i), ry(i))-STEP(rw(i), rh(i)), rc(i), BF
Next i
'Draw obstacles randomly
For i = o To no
EllipseFill ox(i), oy(i), ow(i), oh(i), wallcol
'LINE (ox(i), oy(i))-STEP(ow(i), oh(i)), wallcol, BF
Next i
_Dest 0
iterations = 0
'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = Rnd * xmax
yshift = Rnd * ymax * .6
For i = 1 To np
speed = Rnd * 150 + 1
ang1 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
ang2 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
x(i) = xshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Cos(ang1)
y(i) = yshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Sin(ang1)
v0x(i) = speed * Cos(ang2)
v0y(i) = speed * Sin(ang2)
col(i) = _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
If col(i) = bgcol Or col(i) = wallcol Then GoTo dotcol
If Point(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol Or x(i) < 0 Or x(i) > xmax Or y(i) < 0 Or y(i) > ymax Then i = i - 1
dv = Sqr((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
If dv > vmax Then vmax = dv
dt = .995 / vmax
_PutImage , bgrd&, 0
iterations = iterations + 1
smax = 0
For i = 1 To np
xold(i) = x(i)
yold(i) = y(i)
v0x(i) = v0x(i) + .1 * dt
v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt + .2 'more gravity
xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
If Point(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol Then v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
If Point(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol Then v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
EllipseFill x(i), y(i), 3, 3, col(i)
ds = Sqr((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
If ds > smax Then smax = ds
If smax > .95 Then dt = dt * (1 - .01)
If smax < .9 Then dt = dt * (1 + .01)
_Limit 200
If iterations > 1500 Then GoTo start
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""
' with Steve's EllipseFill, who needs CircleFill?
Sub EllipseFill (cx As Integer, cy As Integer, rx As Integer, ry As Integer, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim a As Long, b As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim xx As Long, yy As Long
Dim sx As Long, sy As Long
Dim e As Long
a = 2 * rx * rx
b = 2 * ry * ry
x = rx
xx = ry * ry * (1 - rx - rx)
yy = rx * rx
sx = b * rx
Do While sx >= sy
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
If y <> 0 Then Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF
y = y + 1
sy = sy + a
e = e + yy
yy = yy + a
If (e + e + xx) > 0 Then
x = x - 1
sx = sx - b
e = e + xx
xx = xx + b
End If
x = 0
y = ry
xx = rx * ry
yy = rx * rx * (1 - ry - ry)
e = 0
sx = 0
sy = a * ry
Do While sx <= sy
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF
x = x + 1
sx = sx + b
e = e + xx
xx = xx + b
Loop Until (e + e + yy) > 0
y = y - 1
sy = sy - a
e = e + yy
yy = yy + a
End Sub
STx's code is almost interesting too:
Code: (Select All)
'#lang "qb" ' freebasic edit 2011-06
delayconst = 900000 ' freebasic edit 2011-06
'CLEAR ' freebasic edit 2011-06
LOCATE 1, 2: INPUT "Enter number of particles (default is 80): ", num
IF num = 0 THEN num = 80
DIM x(num), y(num), xold(num), yold(num), v0x(num), v0y(num), col(num)
iterations = 0
'g = RND * 10 + 20
g = RND * 15 + 25
xdamp = RND * .15 + .55
ydamp = RND * .15 + .55
exploderadius = 200 '75
numobstacles = 0
iterationmax = 1200
bgcol = INT(RND * 14)
wallcol = 0 'INT(RND * 14)'change to zero for spider mode
IF bgcol = wallcol THEN GOTO choosecol
LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), bgcol, BF
LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), wallcol, B
'Draw obstacles randomly.
FOR i = 1 TO numobstacles
LINE (RND * 640, RND * 480)-(RND * 640, RND * 480), wallcol, B
'Make predetermined obstacles.
'LINE (50, 75)-(600, 125), wallcol, B
'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = RND * 640
yshift = RND * 480
'Toggle for fixed starting position
'xshift = 100
'yshift = 100
FOR i = 1 TO num
speed = RND * 90
ang1 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
ang2 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
x(i) = xshift + RND * exploderadius * COS(ang1)
y(i) = yshift + RND * exploderadius * SIN(ang1)
v0x(i) = 1.5 * speed * COS(ang2)
v0y(i) = speed * SIN(ang2)
col(i) = INT(RND * 13 + 1)
IF col(i) = bgcol OR col(i) = wallcol THEN GOTO dotcol
IF POINT(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol OR x(i) < 1 OR x(i) > 639 OR y(i) < 1 OR y(i) > 479 THEN i = i - 1
dv = SQR((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
IF dv > vmax THEN vmax = dv
PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)
dt = .995 / vmax
idel = 0: DO: idel = idel + 1: LOOP UNTIL idel > delayconst ' freebasic edit 2011-06
iterations = iterations + 1
smax = 0
FOR i = 1 TO num
xold(i) = x(i)
yold(i) = y(i)
v0x(i) = v0x(i) + 0 * dt
v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt
xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
IF POINT(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol THEN v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
IF POINT(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol THEN v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
'Recolor stagnant particles.
xx = x(i) - xold(i)
yy = y(i) - yold(i)
IF SQR(xx ^ 2 + yy ^ 2) < .05 THEN col(i) = bgcol
PSET (xold(i), yold(i)), 0 'bgcol
PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)
ds = SQR((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
IF ds > smax THEN smax = ds
IF smax > .95 THEN dt = dt * (1 - .01)
IF smax < .9 THEN dt = dt * (1 + .01)
IF iterations > iterationmax THEN
GOTO start
LINE (19, 459)-(151, 471), wallcol, B
LINE (20, 460)-(20 + 130 * (iterations / iterationmax), 470), 15, BF
How the heck did I get from his post to mine? They look so different!
b = b + ...