05-14-2023, 05:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 05:20 PM by Steffan-68.)
How to attach data (sound, image, etc.) to EXE files has been shown here several times.
My only question is, can the actual program also write itself, or is that only possible with a separate program?
If a program is running, you can still open it for reading, but writing is denied.
So the system, with me Windows denied the write access when a program is running.
Here's the question, is there a way to bypass the system lock?
Example program, even started as an administrator does not work. ( Regtest.bas )
My only question is, can the actual program also write itself, or is that only possible with a separate program?
If a program is running, you can still open it for reading, but writing is denied.
So the system, with me Windows denied the write access when a program is running.
Here's the question, is there a way to bypass the system lock?
Example program, even started as an administrator does not work. ( Regtest.bas )
Code: (Select All)
'====================Declarirung fr die Registrirung==========================================================================================
Declare Dynamic Library "kernel32"
FUNCTION GetVolumeInformationA& (lpRootPathName$, lpVolumeNameBuffer$, BYVAL nVolumeNameSize~&, _
lpVolumeSerialNumber~&, lpMaximumComponentLength~&, lpFileSystemFlags~&, lpFileSystemNameBuffer$, BYVAL nFileSystemNameSize&)
End Declare
Declare Library: Function GetDriveType& (d$): End Declare
Dim Shared DriveType As String, SERIALFOUND As String
Dim As _Float Regist
Dim As _Float FileSize
'========================Ende der Registrirung=================================================================================================
MyAppName$ = Mid$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\") + 1)
'If MyAppName$ <> "Register-3.exe" Then System
'Open ".\Register-3.exe" For Input As #1
'FileSize = LOF(1)
'Close #1
'If FileSize = 592187 Then Else System
'===========================Code fr die Registrirung==========================================================================================
Test% = 0
For q = 1 To 26: X = GetFileInfo(q): 'If SERIALFOUND <> "!!!-!!!" Then Print " "; Chr$(64 + q) + ": "; SERIALFOUND
If SERIALFOUND <> "!!!-!!!" And Test% = 0 Then
Test% = 1
End If
Next q
'Print Temp$
'file$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Datei Öffnen", "", "*.EXE", "Programdatei", 0)
file$ = ".\Regtest.exe"
Open file$ For Binary As #1
FileSize = LOF(1)
t$ = "NR"
check$ = " "
Color 3, 5
'Print FileSize
Get #1, FileSize - 1, check$
'check$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
'check$ = Left$(check$, 3)
'check$ = Right$(check$, 2)
'Print check1$
'Print check$
Regist = 0
Select Case UCase$(check$)
Case "VC" 'verified copy. All is good
Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)
'Print String1$
'Print Temp$
If UCase$(String1$) = UCase$(Temp$) Then
Print "You have a paid copy of this software. All is good."
Print " Illegaler Programm Aufruf !!!!!!!"
_Delay 5
Close #1
End If
Case "NR" 'already has a timestamp, is a limited time test version. Toss NAG Screen.
Print "This is a trial version of the program."
Registrierung$ = _InputBox$("Regtest Registrierung", "Geben sie bitte den Registrierungs Code ein:", "Demo")
If Registrierung$ = Chr$(36) + Chr$(82) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(103) + Chr$(105) + Chr$(115) + Chr$(116) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(114) + Chr$(64) Then '$Register@
Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
Color 3, 6
String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)
If UCase$(String1$) = UCase$(Temp$) Then
Print "Programm wurde manipuliert"
Print "Schreibe VC in Datei"
Sleep 5
Temp$ = Temp$ + "VC"
Put #1, FileSize - 1, Temp$
Print "Programm wurde Registriert "
_NotifyPopup "Regtest", "Ihre Registrierung war Erfolgreich", "info" ' "info" , "warning" oder "error"
Close #1
_Delay .5
'Open file$ For Binary As #1
'FileSize = LOF(1)
'Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
'String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
'Color 3, 6
'String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)
'Print "RegTest " + String1$
Close #1
End If
Print " Ihr Code ist Falsch "
_NotifyPopup "Regtest", "Ihre Registrierung ist Fehlgeschlagen", "warning"
End If
Case Else 'first run.
Print "Illegal copy of software! Terminating Now!"
Print " Schreibe NR in Datei"
Sleep 5
'Print check$
Put #1, FileSize + 1, t$
'Print t$
Close #1
End Select
Close #1
'=======================================Code ende Registrirung ====================================================================
'==================================Funtionen fr die Registrirung =================================================
Function GetFileInfo (D)
SERIALFOUND = "!!!-!!!":
If DRIVEEXISTS(D) <> 1 Then GetFileInfo = 0: Exit Function
Dname$ = Chr$(D + 64) + ":\": Sname$ = Space$(260)
R = GetVolumeInformationA(Dname$ + Chr$(0), Vname$, 260, serial~&, empty1~&, empty2~&, Sname$, 260)
If R = 0 Then Exit Function
Sname$ = Left$(Hex$(serial~&), 4) + "-" + Right$(Hex$(serial~&), 4)
SERIALFOUND = "" + Sname$ + ""
GetFileInfo = -1
End Function
DRIVEEXISTS = 0: varX$ = Chr$(V + 64) + ":\" + Chr$(0): VarX = GetDriveType(varX$): If VarX > 1 Then DRIVEEXISTS = 1
End Function
'===========================================Ende der Registrirung==========================