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  Phoenix rising...
Posted by: Dav - 07-09-2023, 10:26 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (13)

Just a little fun program.  See if the Phoenix rises for you.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
'Are you using QB64 Phoenix, or the Bee?
'Run this code to see...
'Coded by Dav, JUL/2023


SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(dh, dh, 32)

'safety test...
IF _WIDTH(-11) <> 32 OR _HEIGHT(-11) <> 32 THEN END

bird& = _NEWIMAGE(dh, dh, 32): _DEST bird&
_PUTIMAGE (0, 0)-(dh, dh), -11: _DEST 0

row = 15: col = 15
xsize = _WIDTH / row
ysize = _HEIGHT / col
rise = _HEIGHT

DIM SHARED piece&(row * col), piecex(row * col), piecey(row * col)
DIM risespeed(row * col)

bc = 1
FOR c = 1 TO col
    FOR r = 1 TO row
        x1 = (r * xsize) - xsize: x2 = x1 + xsize
        y1 = (c * ysize) - ysize: y2 = y1 + ysize
        piecex(bc) = x1: piecey(bc) = y1
        piece&(bc) = _NEWIMAGE(ABS(x2 - x1) + 1, ABS(y2 - y1) + 1, 32)
        _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), bird&, piece&(bc), (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
        risespeed(bc) = RND * 2 + 1
        bc = bc + 1


    LINE (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 55), BF

    FOR t = 1 TO row * col
        tx = piecex(t): tx2 = piecex(t) + xsize
        ty = piecey(t): ty2 = piecey(t) + ysize
        RotoZoom3 piecex(t) + (xsize / 2), piecey(t) + (ysize / 2) + (rise * risespeed(t)), piece&(t), 1, 1, 0
        rise = rise - .025
        _LIMIT 3000

LOOP WHILE rise > 0

FOR t = 1 TO row * col
    RotoZoom3 piecex(t) + (xsize / 2), piecey(t) + (ysize / 2), piece&(t), 1, 1, 0


SUB RotoZoom3 (X AS LONG, Y AS LONG, Image AS LONG, xScale AS SINGLE, yScale AS SINGLE, radianRotation AS SINGLE)
    DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE ' simple arrays for x, y to hold the 4 corners of image
    DIM W&, H&, sinr!, cosr!, i&, x2&, y2& '  variables for image manipulation
    W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
    px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2 'left top corner
    px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2 ' left bottom corner
    px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2 '  right bottom
    px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2 ' right top
    sinr! = SIN(-radianRotation): cosr! = COS(-radianRotation) ' rotation helpers
    FOR i& = 0 TO 3 ' calc new point locations with rotation and zoom
        x2& = xScale * (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + X: y2& = yScale * (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + Y
        px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))

Print this item

Posted by: TerryRitchie - 07-09-2023, 07:57 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

A while back I accidentally discovered that CONST can be used in SUBs and FUNCTIONs to create local constants. You can even use the same CONST variable name from the main code to create another unique local constant.

I was wondering if this worked with TYPEs. It appears it does not. While you can create a user defined TYPE within a SUB or FUNCTION it will always be seen globally. Is this correct behavior or should the user defined TYPE be local to the SUB and/or FUNCTION?

If the user defined TYPE is always to be seen globally then is it an oversight in the IDE to allow TYPEs to be created within a SUB or FUNCTION?

Code: (Select All)

CONST SUB1_CONSTANT = 300 '      global everywhere unless also created within a subroutine

'TYPE Type_SUB1 '                if these lines are enabled an error occurs in SUB1()

DIM Sub1_Variable AS Type_SUB1 ' Type_SUB1 is seen globally even though created in SUB1()
DIM Sub2_Variable AS Type_SUB2 ' Type_SUB2 is seen globally as well even though created in SUB2()

PRINT "-----------------"
PRINT "-----------------"



    CONST SUB1_CONSTANT = 100 '      constant is only local to this subroutine now

    TYPE Type_SUB1
        a AS INTEGER
        b AS INTEGER

    DIM Sub1_Variable AS Type_SUB1 ' completely unique variable from one created at main code level

    PRINT "-----------------"
    PRINT "---- IN SUB1 ----"
    PRINT "-----------------"




    CONST SUB2_CONSTANT = 200 '      constant is only local to this subroutine now

    TYPE Type_SUB2
        a AS INTEGER
        b AS INTEGER

    DIM Sub2_Variable AS Type_SUB2 ' completely unique variable from one created at main code level

    PRINT "-----------------"
    PRINT "---- IN SUB2 ----"
    PRINT "-----------------"


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Bug D notation bug
Posted by: bplus - 07-09-2023, 05:00 PM - Forum: Repo Discussion - Replies (13)

As reported at the other forum:

Code: (Select All)
Print (1D+17) * (1D+17) ' <<< the buggy one!
Print (1E+17) * (1E+17) ' E gets it right

The D notation is off by 1 power of 10.

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  Downloading QB64PE
Posted by: david_uwi - 07-09-2023, 02:02 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (10)

I thought it would be a good idea to download the latest version of QB64PE.
Maybe I'm being daft, but I can't find the download link.
Perhaps it could be made a little more transparent for my benefit and any newcomers that could be easily put off.

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Information Forum Upgraded - MyBB v1.8.34 Installed
Posted by: grymmjack - 07-09-2023, 08:53 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (10)

Hello firebeards.

We've upgraded the forum from v1.8.33 to v1.8.34

All the existing modifications should remain, and in our testing it's all the same as before. e.g. qb code, qbjs embed, etc. should all continue to work the same way.

There are loads of fixes that we benefit from for v1.8.34:

Here are all the GitHub Issues resolved in this version:

Of special note are:

Why are these special notes?
Because I modified the core forum source to apply these fixes myself, or had modified files, etc. Also the mark forum read fixes, I didn't fix at all, but had tried.

Anyway these official fixes are way better than the stuff I did.

Also, I have created a backup of the 1.8.33 including database.

Hopefully everything works out, but as usual if you discover any issues please let us know.

Happy QB64PEing!

~ grymmjack

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  Calculations Needing Big Integers....
Posted by: Space_Ghost - 07-09-2023, 03:58 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (12)

Does QB64pe have the capability for Big Integers?

Below I pasted python (P3) code that calculates the first 5,000 Fibonacci numbers as shown.  Takes about 1 second.  It automatically uses Big Integers with no adjustment.

Can we do something similar with QB64pe?  I would guess there is at least one or more ways to run a similar calculation.  Thanks in advance !!!

Python Code for Fibonacci Sequence
def fibIter(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
    fibPrev = 1
    fib = 1
    for _ in range(2, n):
        fibPrev, fib = fib, fib + fibPrev
    return fib

for i in range(0, 5000):

This is the 5000th Fibonacci Number (it has 1,045 digits)  I skipped 1 to 4,999.

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  BAM: Howdy Doody PCOPY test
Posted by: CharlieJV - 07-09-2023, 02:34 AM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (1)


Try it out in test version of BASIC Anywhere Machine.

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  Updated old Googly Eyes screen saver
Posted by: Dav - 07-08-2023, 09:19 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (10)

Finally getting my feet wet coding again after a long break.  Updated the old GooglyEyes screensaver.  Some of you may remember that one.  Clicking the eyes now make them go goofy and run off screen.  Added a rotating background using rotozoom. 

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'Blinking Eyes drift around, looking in direction they go.
'Shows how to create images off screen to use with _PUTIMAGE.
'Demo also shows how to move the images in interesting ways.
'Has a scrolling background image.

'Coded by Dav, JULY/2023

'V4 - Clicking eyes make them go googly and run off screen.
'    Added a sound effect when clicking on them.
'    Added a rotating background image.
'    Added press ESC to quit

'=== First, create 4 eye images to use....

'=== Create image of eyes looking left
eyeleft& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeleft& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255 'left eye
ball 30, 50, 20, 0, 0, 128 'left pupil
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255 'right eye
ball 130, 50, 20, 0, 0, 128 'right pupil
CIRCLE (50, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (30, 50), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (130, 50), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)

'=== Create image of eyes looking right
eyeright& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeright& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 70, 50, 20, 0, 0, 128
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 170, 50, 20, 0, 0, 128
CIRCLE (50, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (70, 50), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (170, 50), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)

'=== Create an image of eyes looking up
eyeup& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyeup& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 50, 30, 20, 0, 0, 128
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 150, 30, 20, 0, 0, 128
CIRCLE (50, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (50, 30), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 30), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)

'=== Create an image of eyes looking down
eyedown& = _NEWIMAGE(230, 200, 32)
_DEST eyedown& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 50, 70, 20, 0, 0, 128
ball 150, 50, 50, 255, 255, 255
ball 150, 70, 20, 0, 0, 128
CIRCLE (50, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 50), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (50, 70), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 70), 20, _RGB(0, 0, 0)

'=== Create an image of eyes blinking
eyeblink& = _NEWIMAGE(200, 800, 32)
_DEST eyeblink& 'point to above image so we can draw to it
ball 50, 150, 50, 196, 196, 196
ball 150, 150, 50, 196, 196, 196
ball 50, 150, 20, 64, 64, 128
ball 150, 150, 29, 64, 64, 128
CIRCLE (50, 150), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)
CIRCLE (150, 150), 50, _RGB(0, 0, 0)

'=== Create a background image to use
back& = _NEWIMAGE(200, 150, 32)
_DEST back&
FOR x = -1 TO 200
    FOR y = -1 TO 150
        LINE (x, y)-(x + RND * 10, y + RND * 10), _RGBA(RND * 32, RND * 32, 25 + RND * 200, 25 + RND * 200), BF

'=== smooth out the background image...

_SOURCE back&
FOR u = 1 TO 3 'do it 3 times for extra smooth
    FOR x = 1 TO 199
        FOR y = 1 TO 149
            p1~& = POINT(x, y)
            p2~& = POINT(x + 1, y)
            p3~& = POINT(x, y + 1)
            p4~& = POINT(x + 1, y + 1)
            p5~& = POINT(x - 1, y)
            p6~& = POINT(x, y - 1)
            p7~& = POINT(x - 1, y - 1)
            p8~& = POINT(x - 1, y + 1)
            p9~& = POINT(x + 1, y - 1)
            IF x + 1 > 200 THEN p2~& = p1~&: p4~& = p1~&: p9~& = p1~&
            IF x - 1 < 0 THEN p5~& = p1~&: p7~& = p1~&: p8~& = p1~&
            IF y + 1 > 150 THEN p3~& = p1~&: p4~& = p1~&: p8~& = p1~&
            IF y - 1 < 0 THEN p6~& = p1~&: p7~& = p1~&: p9~& = p1~&
            r = _RED32(p1~&) + _RED32(p2~&) + _RED32(p3~&) + _RED32(p4~&) + _RED32(p5~&) + _RED32(p6~&) + _RED32(p7~&) + _RED32(p8~&) + _RED32(p9~&)
            g = _GREEN32(p1~&) + _GREEN32(p2~&) + _GREEN32(p3~&) + _GREEN32(p4~&) + _GREEN32(p5~&) + _GREEN32(p6~&) + _GREEN32(p7~&) + _GREEN32(p8~&) + _GREEN32(p9~&)
            b = _BLUE32(p1~&) + _BLUE32(p2~&) + _BLUE32(p3~&) + _BLUE32(p4~&) + _BLUE32(p5~&) + _BLUE32(p6~&) + _BLUE32(p7~&) + _BLUE32(p8~&) + _BLUE32(p9~&)
            PSET (x, y), _RGB(r / 9, g / 9, b / 9)

'=== Now we point to main screen

_DEST 0 'set destination to draw to main screen
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1000, 800, 32) 'main screen size

RANDOMIZE TIMER 'do this so the RND call is different everytime

Eyes = 50 'the number of eyes on screen
EyeSizeMax = 250 'largest size eyes can be

DIM EyeX(Eyes), EyeY(Eyes) 'x/y position of the eye
DIM EyeSize(Eyes) ' size of eye
DIM EyeGrowth(Eyes) 'eye growing or shrinking on screen
DIM EyeDrift(Eyes) 'direction eye drifts across screen
DIM EyeDriftSpeed(Eyes) 'speed for the drift
DIM EyeBlinkFlag(Eyes) 'eyes blinking flag
DIM EyeBlinkCount(Eyes)
DIM EyeGoogly(Eyes)

'generate eye values
FOR d = 1 TO Eyes
    EyeX(d) = RND * _WIDTH 'make random x position
    EyeY(d) = RND * _HEIGHT 'make random y position
    EyeSize(d) = (RND * EyeSizeMax) 'random eye size, up to EyeSizeMax
    EyeGrowth(d) = INT(RND * 2) 'make way eye size is changing, 0=shrinking, 1=growing
    EyeDrift(d) = INT(RND * 4) 'make random direction a eye can drift (4 different ways)
    EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2 'speed eyes will be drifting
    EyeBlinkFlag(d) = 0 'if eye is blinking or not
    EyeBlinkCount(d) = 0
    EyeGoogly(d) = 0



    'Bubble sort through eyesize, putting smallest size first so..
    '..they will be _PUTIMAGE'd first, putting them in the background.
    FOR b = 1 TO Eyes
        FOR b2 = 1 TO Eyes
            IF EyeSize(b2) > EyeSize(b) THEN
                SWAP EyeX(b), EyeX(b2)
                SWAP EyeY(b), EyeY(b2)
                SWAP EyeSize(b), EyeSize(b2)
                SWAP EyeGrowth(b), EyeGrowth(b2)
                SWAP EyeDrift(b), EyeDrift(b2)
                SWAP EyeDriftSpeed(b), EyeDriftSpeed(b2)
                SWAP EyeBlinkFlag(b), EyeBlinkFlag(b2)
                SWAP EyeBlinkCount(b), EyeBlinkCount(b2)
            END IF

    'CLS 'I don't think CLS is needed now, the back& image clears screen

    '=== rotozoom background image

    RotoZoom3 _WIDTH / 2, _HEIGHT / 2, back&, 30, 8, a
    a = a + .01: IF a >= 360 THEN a = a - 360

    '=== step through each eye
    FOR d = 1 TO Eyes

        'if eye is shrinking, subtract eyesize, else add to it
        IF EyeGrowth(d) = 0 THEN
            EyeSize(d) = EyeSize(d) - 1
            EyeSize(d) = EyeSize(d) + 1
        END IF

        'if eyesize reaches max size, switch growth to 0 start shrinking instead
        IF EyeSize(d) >= EyeSizeMax THEN EyeGrowth(d) = 0

        'if if reaches smallest eyesize, switch growth to 1 to start growing now
        IF EyeSize(d) <= 20 THEN EyeGrowth(d) = 1

        'drift eye in  1 of 4 directions we generated, and do +x,-x,+y,-y to it.
        IF EyeDrift(d) = 0 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) + EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift right
        IF EyeDrift(d) = 1 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) - EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift left
        IF EyeDrift(d) = 2 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) + EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift down
        IF EyeDrift(d) = 3 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) - EyeDriftSpeed(d) 'drift up

        'this creates the shakiness. randomly adjust x/y positions by +/-2 each step
        IF INT(RND * 2) = 0 THEN EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) + 2 ELSE EyeX(d) = EyeX(d) - 2
        IF INT(RND * 2) = 0 THEN EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) + 2 ELSE EyeY(d) = EyeY(d) - 2

        'below handles if eye goes off screen, let it dissapear completely.
        'If it had been clicked and Gone Googly, then reset speed afterwards
        IF EyeX(d) > _WIDTH + EyeSize(d) THEN EyeX(d) = -EyeSize(d): EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
        IF EyeX(d) < -EyeSize(d) THEN EyeX(d) = _WIDTH + EyeSize(d): EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
        IF EyeY(d) > _HEIGHT + EyeSize(d) THEN EyeY(d) = -EyeSize(d): EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
        IF EyeY(d) < -EyeSize(d) THEN EyeY(d) = _HEIGHT + EyeSize(d): EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2

        'drift eye in  1 of 4 directions we generated, and +x,-x,+y,-y to it.

        'If blinking flag on...
        IF EyeBlinkFlag(d) = 1 THEN

            SELECT CASE EyeBlinkCount(d)
                CASE 0 TO 3
                    _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeblink&
                CASE 4 TO 8
                    LINE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d) + (EyeSize(d) / 6))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + (EyeSize(d) / 6) + 3), _RGB(64, 64, 64), BF
                CASE 9 TO 12
                    _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeblink&
            END SELECT

            EyeBlinkCount(d) = EyeBlinkCount(d) + 1
            IF EyeBlinkCount(d) > 12 THEN
                EyeBlinkCount(d) = 0
                EyeBlinkFlag(d) = 0
            END IF

            'showing normal eyes
            IF EyeDrift(d) = 0 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeright& 'drift right
            IF EyeDrift(d) = 1 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeleft& 'drift left
            IF EyeDrift(d) = 2 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyedown& 'drift down
            IF EyeDrift(d) = 3 THEN _PUTIMAGE (EyeX(d), EyeY(d))-(EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d), EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d)), eyeup& 'drift up
        END IF

        'Add code here to add nose and mouth to the here (next version...)

        'get random direction change,growth and blinking once in a while
        SELECT CASE INT(RND * 300)
            CASE 1: EyeDrift(d) = 0: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
            CASE 2: EyeDrift(d) = 1: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
            CASE 3: EyeDrift(d) = 2: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
            CASE 4: EyeDrift(d) = 3: EyeDriftSpeed(d) = INT(RND * 3) + 2
            CASE 5: EyeGrowth(d) = 0
            CASE 6: EyeGrowth(d) = 1
            CASE 7: IF EyeBlinkFlag(d) = 0 THEN EyeBlinkFlag(d) = 1
        END SELECT

            mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
            IF mx > EyeX(d) AND mx < EyeX(d) + EyeSize(d) AND my > EyeY(d) AND my < EyeY(d) + EyeSize(d) THEN
                EyeGrowth(d) = INT(RND * 2)
                EyeDrift(d) = INT(RND * 4)
                EyeDriftSpeed(d) = EyeDriftSpeed(d) + 4
                SOUND 7000 + (RND * 3000), .1
            END IF
        END IF


    _LIMIT 30


SUB ball (x, y, size, r&, g&, b&)
    'small sub that draws a filled ball with given color.
    FOR s = 1 TO size STEP .4
        CIRCLE (x, y), s, _RGB(r&, g&, b&)
        r& = r& - 1: g& = g& - 1: b& = b& - 1

SUB RotoZoom3 (X AS LONG, Y AS LONG, Image AS LONG, xScale AS SINGLE, yScale AS SINGLE, radianRotation AS SINGLE)
    DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE ' simple arrays for x, y to hold the 4 corners of image
    DIM W&, H&, sinr!, cosr!, i&, x2&, y2& '  variables for image manipulation
    W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
    px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2 'left top corner
    px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2 ' left bottom corner
    px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2 '  right bottom
    px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2 ' right top
    sinr! = SIN(-radianRotation): cosr! = COS(-radianRotation) ' rotation helpers
    FOR i& = 0 TO 3 ' calc new point locations with rotation and zoom
        x2& = xScale * (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + X: y2& = yScale * (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + Y
        px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))

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  BAM: How to (quickly) temporarily comment out large blocks of code
Posted by: CharlieJV - 07-07-2023, 10:43 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - No Replies


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  Taylor Series
Posted by: Jack - 07-07-2023, 06:51 PM - Forum: Programs - No Replies

Code: (Select All)

_Title "Taylor"
'program deriv by Oliver Aberth

'the original program computed the derivatives of the expression
'I changed it to compute the taylor series instead
'it was included as an example in the Basic interpreter called
'precision Basic which ran on CP/M and IMB compatible PC's

'there are shortcomings to the program, for example it fails to compute
'the series for sin(x)/x at x=0 due to division by 0.

'if the number of terms is 0 then it simply evaluates the expression
'involving the variable x using the value of the expansion point.

10 Dim A$(26), C#(200), E%(200), K%(200)
20 PI# = 3.141592653589793#
30 M% = 60
40 J% = 0
50 A$(2) = "x": A$(3) = "(": A$(4) = "Acos(": A$(5) = "Asin("
60 A$(6) = "Atan(": A$(7) = "Cos(": A$(8) = "Cosh(": A$(9) = "Exp("
70 A$(10) = "Log(": A$(11) = "Sin(": A$(12) = "Sinh(": A$(13) = "Sqr("
80 A$(14) = "Tan(": A$(15) = "Tanh(": A$(16) = "-": A$(17) = "+"
90 A$(21) = "+": A$(22) = "-": A$(23) = "*": A$(24) = "/": A$(25) = "^": A$(26) = ")"
100 Cls
110 Print
120 Print Tab(10); "Program to expand f(x) into a Taylor series"
130 Print
140 Input "Enter by number the highest term to be calculated ", N%
150 If Int(N%) <> N% Or N% < 0 Then 140
160 Print
170 Print "specify f(x) by entering successive elements of f(x) by code below"
180 Print "(entering a zero will delete the last f(x) element)"
190 Print
200 Print "C denotes any constant"
210 J% = 1: K% = 1: E9% = 0: E3% = 17
220 Print
230 GoTo 260
240 Print
250 Cls
260 Print "f(x)=";
270 If J% = 1 Then 360
280 For I% = 1 To J% - 1
    290 E% = E%(I%)
    300 If E% <> 1 Then 340
    310 K1% = K%(I%)
    320 Print C#(K1%);
    330 GoTo 350
    340 Print A$(E%);
350 Next I%
360 Print: Print
370 If E3% = 6 Then 450
380 Print "C X ( acos asin atan cos cosh exp  log sin sinh sqr  tan tanh";
390 If E3% = 17 Then Print "  -  +": GoTo 410
400 Print
410 Print "1 2 3  4    5    6  7    8  9    10  11  12  13  14  15";
420 If E3% = 17 Then Print "  16  17": GoTo 510
430 Print
440 GoTo 510
450 Print "+  -  *  /  ^  ";
460 If E9% > 0 Then Print ")": GoTo 480
470 Print "end of f(x)"
480 Print "1  2  3  4  5";
490 If E9% > 0 Then Print "  6": GoTo 510
500 Print "          6"
510 Input "Enter code integer ", E%
520 If Int(E%) <> E% Or E% < 0 Or E% > E3% Then 240
530 If E% > 0 Then 690
540 If J% = 1 Then 240
550 J% = J% - 1
560 E% = E%(J%)
570 If E% < 21 Then 610
580 E3% = 6
590 If E% = 26 Then E9% = E9% + 1
600 GoTo 240
610 If E% < 16 Then 640
620 E3% = 17
630 GoTo 240
640 E3% = 17
650 If E%(J% - 1) = 16 Or E%(J% - 1) = 17 Then E3% = 15
660 If E% = 1 Then K% = K% - 1
670 If E% >= 3 Then E9% = E9% - 1
680 GoTo 240
690 If E3% = 6 Then 860
700 If E3% = 15 Then 740
710 If E% <= 15 Then 740
720 E3% = 15
730 GoTo 920
740 If E% <> 1 Then 800
750 Input "Enter constant ", A$
760 C#(K%) = Val(A$ + "#")
770 K%(J%) = K%: K% = K% + 1
780 E3% = 6
790 GoTo 920
800 If E% <> 2 Then 830
810 E3% = 6
820 GoTo 920
830 E9% = E9% + 1
840 E3% = 17
850 GoTo 920
860 E% = E% + 20
870 If E% <> 26 Then 910
880 If E9% = 0 Then 950
890 E9% = E9% - 1
900 GoTo 920
910 E3% = 17
920 E%(J%) = E%
930 J% = J% + 1
940 GoTo 240
950 E%(J%) = 27
960 N1% = N% + 1
970 Dim O%(M%), V%(M%), S#(M%, N1%)
980 S#(0, 1) = 1#
990 If N% < 2 Then 1030
1000 For L% = 2 To N%
    1010 S#(0, L%) = 0#
1020 Next L%
1030 For L% = 1 To M%
    1040 S#(L%, N1%) = 0#
1050 Next L%
1060 Print
1070 For L% = 1 To M%
    1080 If S#(L%, N1%) <> 0# Then Stop
1090 Next L%
1100 Print "    press return to end or enter expantion point"
1101 Input "Enter x value at which series is to be expanded ", A$
1110 If A$ = "" Then End
1120 Z# = Val(A$ + "#")
1130 C#(0) = Z#
1140 Cls
1150 S#(0, 0) = C#(0): O% = 0: V% = 0: S# = 0#: J% = 0: O%(0) = 0: E3% = 17
1160 J% = J% + 1: E% = E%(J%)
1170 If E3% = 6 Then 1540
1180 If E3% = 15 Then 1250
1190 If E% < 16 Then 1250
1200 E3% = 15
1210 If E% = 17 Then 1160
1220 O% = O% + 1
1230 O%(O%) = 30
1240 GoTo 1160
1250 If E% = 1 Then 1380
1260 If E% = 2 Then 1340
1270 If E% = 3 Then 1300
1280 O% = O% + 1
1290 O%(O%) = E% + 30
1300 O% = O% + 1
1310 O%(O%) = 10
1320 E3% = 17
1330 GoTo 1160
1340 V%(V%) = 0
1350 V% = V% + 1
1360 E3% = 6
1370 GoTo 1160
1380 For I% = 1 To M%
    1390 If S#(I%, N1%) = 0# Then 1430
1400 Next I%
1410 Print "Stack filled"
1420 Stop
1430 V%(V%) = I%
1440 V% = V% + 1
1450 K% = K%(J%)
1460 S#(I%, 0) = C#(K%)
1470 If N% < 1 Then 1510
1480 For K% = 1 To N%
    1490 S#(I%, K%) = 0#
1500 Next K%
1510 S#(I%, N1%) = 1#
1520 E3% = 6
1530 GoTo 1160
1540 If E% > 24 Then 1580
1550 O2% = 20
1560 If E% > 22 Then O2% = 22
1570 GoTo 1600
1580 O2% = 30
1590 If E% > 25 Then O2% = 20
1600 If O%(O%) <= O2% Then 1630
1610 GoSub 1880
1620 GoTo 1600
1630 If E% = 27 Then 1720
1640 If E% = 26 Then 1690
1650 O% = O% + 1
1660 O%(O%) = E%
1670 E3% = 17
1680 GoTo 1160
1690 If O%(O%) <> 10 Then Stop
1700 O% = O% - 1
1710 GoTo 1160
1720 If O%(O%) <> 0 Or V% <> 1 Then Stop
1730 I% = V%(0)
1740 S#(I%, N1%) = 0#
1750 Print
1751 Print "if there are more than 20 terms to be printed then the program"
1752 Print "will pause after printing 20 terms and wait for a keypress"
1753 Print "to print another 20 terms and so on until all terms are printed"
1754 Input "press return to continue", A$
1756 Print
1760 Print "function    = ";
1770 If S#(I%, 0) >= 0# Then Print " ";
1780 Print S#(I%, 0)
1790 If N% < 1 Then 1870
1800 For K% = 1 To N%
    1810 Print "A"; K%;
    1820 Print Tab(14); "= ";
    1830 If S#(I%, K%) >= 0 Then Print " ";
    1840 Print S#(I%, K%)
    1850 If (K% Mod 20) = 0 Then Input "", A$
1860 Next K%
1865 Input "", A$
1870 GoTo 1060
1880 O1% = O%(O%): O% = O% - 1
1890 For K% = 1 To M%
    1900 If S#(K%, N1%) = 0# Then 1930
1910 Next K%
1920 Stop
1930 S#(K%, N1%) = 1#
1940 Z# = V% - 1#
1950 K2% = V%(Z#)
1960 S#(K2%, N1%) = 0#
1970 If O1% >= 30 Then 2890
1980 V% = Z#
1990 Z# = Z# - 1#
2000 K1% = V%(Z#)
2010 V%(Z#) = K%
2020 S#(K1%, N1%) = 0#
2030 If O1% = 21 Then 2080
2040 If O1% = 22 Then 2120
2050 If O1% = 23 Then 2160
2060 If O1% = 24 Then 2240
2070 GoTo 2340
2080 For L% = 0 To N%
    2090 S#(K%, L%) = S#(K1%, L%) + S#(K2%, L%)
2100 Next L%
2110 Return
2120 For L% = 0 To N%
    2130 S#(K%, L%) = S#(K1%, L%) - S#(K2%, L%)
2140 Next L%
2150 Return
2160 For L% = 0 To N%
    2170 Z# = 0#
    2180 For M1% = 0 To L%
        2190 Z# = Z# + S#(K1%, M1%) * S#(K2%, L% - M1%)
    2200 Next M1%
    2210 S#(K%, L%) = Z#
2220 Next L%
2230 Return
2240 Z1# = S#(K2%, 0)
2250 For L% = 0 To N%
    2260 Z# = S#(K1%, L%)
    2270 If L% = 0 Then 2310
    2280 For M1% = 1 To L%
        2290 Z# = Z# - S#(K2%, M1%) * S#(K%, L% - M1%)
    2300 Next M1%
    2310 S#(K%, L%) = Z# / Z1#
2320 Next L%
2330 Return
2340 If N% < 1 Then 2390
2350 For L% = 1 To N%
    2360 Z# = S#(K2%, L%)
    2370 If Z# <> 0# Then 2800
2380 Next L%
2390 Z1# = S#(K1%, 0)
2400 Z# = S#(K2%, 0)
2410 Z2# = Z# + 1#
2420 If Z1# = 0# Then If Int(Z#) = Z# And Z# > 0# Then 2550
2430 S#(K%, 0) = Z1# ^ Z#
2440 If N% < 1 Then 2540
2450 For L% = 1 To N%
    2460 Z# = 0#: Z3# = 0#
    2470 For M1% = 1 To L%
        2480 Z4# = S#(K%, L% - M1%) * S#(K1%, M1%)
        2490 Z3# = Z3# + Z4#
        2500 Z# = Z# + M1% * Z4#
    2510 Next M1%
    2520 S#(K%, L%) = (Z# * Z2# / L% - Z3#) / Z1#
2530 Next L%
2540 Return
2550 For K3% = 1 To M%
    2560 If S#(K3%, N1%) = 0 Then If K3% <> K2% Then 2590
2570 Next K3%
2580 Stop
2590 S#(K%, N1%) = 0#
2600 Z2# = Z#
2610 For L% = 0 To N%
    2620 S#(K%, L%) = 0#
    2630 S#(K3%, L%) = S#(K1%, L%)
2640 Next L%
2650 S#(K%, 0) = 1#
2660 K4% = K%
2670 Z# = Int(Z2# / 2)
2680 Z1# = Z2# - Z# - Z#
2690 Z2# = Z#
2700 If Z1# = 0 Then 2770
2710 K1% = K3%: Z# = K2%: K2% = K4%: K% = Z#: K4% = Z#
2720 GoSub 2160
2730 If Z2# > 0 Then 2770
2740 S#(K%, N1%) = 1#
2750 V%(V% - 1) = K%
2760 Return
2770 K1% = K3%: Z# = K2%: K2% = K3%: K% = Z#: K3% = Z#
2780 GoSub 2160
2790 GoTo 2670
2800 V%(V%) = K2%
2810 S#(K2%, N1%) = 1#
2820 V% = V% + 1: K2% = K1%
2830 GoSub 3070
2840 O1% = 23
2850 GoSub 1890
2860 O1% = 39
2870 GoSub 1890
2880 Return
2890 V%(Z#) = K%
2900 If O1% <> 30 Then 2950
2910 For L% = 0 To N%
    2920 S#(K%, L%) = -S#(K2%, L%)
2930 Next L%
2940 Return
2950 If O1% <> 39 Then 3060
2960 S#(K%, 0) = Exp(S#(K2%, 0))
2970 If N% < 1 Then 3050
2980 For L% = 1 To N%
    2990 Z# = 0#
    3000 For M1% = 1 To L%
        3010 Z# = Z# + M1% * S#(K%, L% - M1%) * S#(K2%, M1%)
    3020 Next M1%
    3030 S#(K%, L%) = Z# / L%
3040 Next L%
3050 Return
3060 If O1% <> 40 Then 3190
3070 Z2# = S#(K2%, 0)
3080 S#(K%, 0) = Log(Z2#)
3090 If N% < 1 Then 3180
3100 For L% = 1 To N%
    3110 Z# = 0#
    3120 If L% = 1 Then 3160
    3130 For M1% = 1 To L% - 1
        3140 Z# = Z# + M1% * S#(K2%, L% - M1%) * S#(K%, M1%)
    3150 Next M1%
    3160 S#(K%, L%) = (S#(K2%, L%) - Z# / L%) / Z2#
3170 Next L%
3180 Return
3190 If O1% = 37 Or O1% = 38 Or O1% = 41 Or O1% = 42 Or O1% = 44 Or O1% = 45 Then 3210
3200 GoTo 3550
3210 For K3% = 1 To M%
    3220 If S#(K3%, N1%) = 0 Then If K3% <> K2% Then 3250
3230 Next K3%
3240 Stop
3250 If Not (O1% = 37 Or O1% = 38) Then 3270
3260 Z# = K%: K% = K3%: K3% = Z#
3270 Z# = S#(K2%, 0)
3280 If O1% = 38 Or O1% = 42 Or O1% = 45 Then 3330
3290 S#(K%, 0) = Sin(Z#)
3300 S#(K3%, 0) = Cos(Z#)
3310 Z1# = -1#
3320 GoTo 3380
3330 S#(K%, 0) = Exp(Z#)
3340 S#(K%, 0) = .5# * (S#(K%, 0) - 1# / S#(K%, 0))
3350 S#(K3%, 0) = Exp(Z#)
3360 S#(K3%, 0) = .5# * (S#(K3%, 0) + 1# / S#(K3%, 0))
3370 Z1# = 1#
3380 If N% < 1 Then 3490
3390 For L% = 1 To N%
    3400 Z# = 0#: Z2# = 0#
    3410 For M1% = 1 To L%
        3420 Z3# = M1% * S#(K2%, M1%)
        3430 Z# = Z# + S#(K3%, L% - M1%) * Z3#
        3440 Z2# = Z2# + S#(K%, L% - M1%) * Z3#
    3450 Next M1%
    3460 S#(K%, L%) = Z# / L%
    3470 S#(K3%, L%) = Z2# * Z1# / L%
3480 Next L%
3490 If Not (O1% = 44 Or O1% = 45) Then Return
3500 S#(K3%, N1%) = 1#
3510 V%(V%) = K3%
3520 V% = V% + 1
3530 O1% = 24
3540 GoTo 1890
3550 If O1% <> 43 Then 3610
3560 Z1# = S#(K2%, 0)
3570 Z2# = 1.5#
3580 S#(K%, 0) = Sqr(Z1#)
3590 K1% = K2%
3600 GoTo 2440
3610 For K3% = 1 To M%
    3620 If S#(K3%, N1%) = 0 Then If K3% <> K2% Then 3650
3630 Next K3%
3640 Stop
3650 Z1# = -1#
3660 If O1% = 36 Then Z1# = 1#
3670 S#(K3%, 0) = 1# + Z1# * S#(K2%, 0) * S#(K2%, 0)
3680 If N% < 1 Then 3760
3690 For L% = 1 To N%
    3700 Z# = 0#
    3710 For M1% = 0 To L%
        3720 Z# = Z# + S#(K2%, M1%) * S#(K2%, L% - M1%)
    3730 Next M1%
    3740 S#(K3%, L%) = Z# * Z1#
3750 Next L%
3760 If O1% <> 36 Then 3890
3770 S#(K%, 0) = Atn(S#(K2%, 0))
3780 Z1# = S#(K3%, 0)
3790 If N% < 1 Then 3880
3800 For L% = 1 To N%
    3810 Z# = 0#
    3820 If L% = 1 Then 3860
    3830 For M1% = 1 To L% - 1
        3840 Z# = Z# + M1% * S#(K3%, L% - M1%) * S#(K%, M1%)
    3850 Next M1%
    3860 S#(K%, L%) = (S#(K2%, L%) - Z# / L%) / Z1#
3870 Next L%
3880 Return
3890 S#(K3%, N1%) = 1#
3900 S#(K%, N1%) = 0#
3910 V%(V% - 1) = K3%
3920 Z1# = S#(K3%, 0)
3930 S#(K%, 0) = Sqr(Z1#)
3940 Z2# = 1.5#
3950 If N% < 1 Then 4060
3960 For L% = 1 To N%
    3970 Z# = 0#
    3980 Z3# = 0#
    3990 For M1% = 1 To L%
        4000 Z4# = S#(K%, L% - M1%) * S#(K3%, M1%)
        4010 Z3# = Z3# + Z4#
        4020 Z# = Z# + Z4# * M1%
    4030 Next M1%
    4040 S#(K%, L%) = (Z# * Z2# / L% - Z3#) / Z1#
4050 Next L%
4060 Z1# = S#(K%, 0)
4070 X# = S#(K2%, 0)
4080 If Abs(X#) = 1 Then Y# = Sgn(X#) * .5 * PI# Else Y# = Atn(X# / Sqr(1# - X# * X#))
4090 S#(K3%, 0) = Y#
4100 If N% < 1 Then 4190
4110 For L% = 1 To N%
    4120 Z# = 0#
    4130 If L% = 1 Then 4170
    4140 For M1% = 1 To L% - 1
        4150 Z# = Z# + M1% * S#(K%, L% - M1%) * S#(K3%, M1%)
    4160 Next M1%
    4170 S#(K3%, L%) = (S#(K2%, L%) - Z# / L%) / Z1#
4180 Next L%
4190 If O1% = 35 Then Return
4200 S#(K3%, 0) = S#(K3%, 0) - .5# * PI#
4210 O1% = 30
4220 GoTo 1890

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